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Building Assets, Reducing Risks Curriculum Gr 6-12 Volume 2A School Improvement Model for Grades 6-12 The BARR Classroom Curriculum, Vol. 2, or "I-Time," helps teachers to extend I-Time across more grade levels or into another year of school. "I-Time" includes 35 interactive activities focused on building developmental assets through goal-setting, communication, grief, loss, bullying, and diversity. Item: 9997
Olweus Bullying Prevention Program Schoolwide Guide with DVD/CDThe Olweus Bullying Prevention Program or OBPP for short, is the most researched and probably best-known bullying prevention program available today. Item: 0542
Online Price: $98.95
Cyberbullying for Grades 3-5 Updated and ExpandedA Prevention Curriculum for Grades 3-5 This extremely popular and highly engaging curriculum for students in grades 3 through 5 has been updated to reflect current technological advances and includes the latest information and statistics surrounding the issue of cyber bullying and how to best address and prevent it. Item: 7406
Online Price: $119.00
Cyberbullying for Grades 6-12 Updated and ExpandedA Prevention Curriculum for Grades 6-12 This extremely popular and highly engaging curriculum has been updated to reflect current technological advances and includes the latest information and statistics surrounding the issue of cyberbullying. The eight-session curricula helps students understand what cyberbullying is, its consequences, and what students should do when cyberbullying occurs.... Item: 7407
Online Price: $119.00
Safe Dates Third EditionA Teen Relationship Abuse Prevention Curriculum This evidence-based program helps teens recognize the difference between caring, supportive relationships and controlling, manipulative, or abusive relationships. It is during the critical preteen and teen years that young people begin to learn the skills needed to create and foster positive relationships. Safe Dates equips young people with the tools... Item: 9170
Online Price: $395.00
A Young Man's Guide to Self Mastery WorkbookA Young Man's Guide to Self-Mastery is an invaluable resource for practitioners in mental health clinics, juvenile justice facilities, and residential and outpatient facilities who are working with adolescents who have a masculine experience of the world. Item: 1093
Online Price: $14.95
Class Meetings That Matter 6-8A Year's Worth of Resources for Grades 6-8 A core component of the award-winning Olweus Bully Prevention Program, Class Meetings That Matte provides attention-getting meeting topics regarding bullying. Item: 4738
Online Price: $86.95
Class Meetings That Matter K-5A Year's Worth of Resources for Grades K-5 A core component of the award-winning Olweus Bully Prevention Program, Class Meetings That Matter provides attention-getting meeting topics regarding bullying. Item: 4727
Online Price: $86.95
Olweus Bullying Prevention Program Teacher Guide with DVD/USBA key component for implementing the evidence-based Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, the Teacher's Guide, which includes a DVD and CD-ROM, highlights the important role teachers and staff will play in schoolwide efforts to prevent and address bullying. Item: 0541
Online Price: $62.95
Class Meetings That Matter 9-12A Year's Worth of Resources for Grades 9-12 Manual Developed by the authors of the Olweus Bully Prevention Program, this easy-to-use manual provides high school teachers and students with thought-provoking topics for meaningful class meetings. Item: 3981
Online Price: $86.95
More Class Meetings That Matter K-5Resources for Grades K-5 Easy-to-use manual provides engaging, age-appropriate, and grade-specific ideas and topics to conduct meaningful class meetings. Item: 3616
Online Price: $62.95
Complete Hazelden Lifelines TrilogyPrevention, Intervention and Postvention Programs Revised The Complete Lifelines Trilogy is a unique collection of programs for middle and high school students to address the important topic of teen suicide: from prevention to intervention to response. This newly revised version includes updated language and new topics to reflect today's youth culture. Included in this collection are three programs: Lifelines... Item: 3515
Online Price: $545.00
More Class Meetings That Matter 9-12Resources for Grades 9-12 Schools across the country use the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program (OBPP) to reduce and prevent bullying. Engaging students in the classroom is a core part of this award-winning program. This easy-to-use manual provides age-appropriate ideas and topics to conduct meaningful class meetings. Item: 3618
Online Price: $62.95
Class Meetings and Individual Intervention DVD SetA Video Training Program for School Staff This video training program gives elementary and middle school staff the knowledge, skills, and confidence to conduct class meetings about bullying and to intervene when bullying occurs. Includes facilitator's guide and 2 DVDs. Item: 4726
Online Price: $214.95
More Class Meetings That Matter 6-8Resources for Grades 6-8 Easy-to-use manual provides engaging, age-appropriate, and grade-specific ideas and topics to conduct meaningful class meetings. Item: 3617
Online Price: $62.95
Bullying K-5 DVDIntroductory Videos for Elementary School Students, Teachers, and Parents From the authors of the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, this engaging video for kids in grades K-5 introduces the topic of bullying and bullying prevention strategies using age-appropriate language and concepts. Item: 3031
Online Price: $119.00
Bullying 6-8 DVDIntroductory Videos for Middle School Students, Teachers, and Parents From the authors of the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, this engaging video for kids in grades 6-8 introduces the topic of bullying and bullying prevention strategies using age-appropriate language and concepts. Item: 3032
Online Price: $119.00
Class Meetings and Individual Interventions for High School DVD USBA Video Training Program for High School Staff An ideal training component for high schools implementing the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, this video resource for teachers and staff demonstrates how to hold successful class meetings, intervene when bullying occurs, and engage the whole school community in bullying prevention efforts. Item: 2638
Online Price: $195.00
Why Parents Need to Know More About BullyingAn ideal handout for parent's night, this pamphlet gives parents immediate insight into the origins of bullying, as well as information on how to recognize and address it. Item: 1784
Online Price: $3.95
Hazelden Lifelines PreventionBuilding Knowledge and Skills to Prevent Suicide Lifelines Prevention®: Building Knowledge and Skills to Prevent Suicide is a comprehensive, whole-school suicide prevention curriculum that educates school faculty, parents, and students on the facts about suicide and their respective roles as suicide "preventers". This newly revised edition uses updated language and new topics to reflect today's... Item: 3500
Online Price: $295.00
Relaciones De Pareja Seguaras Tercera Edicion (Safe Dates 3rd Edition Spanish)Un programa para la prevencion de la agresion en las relaciones de pareja entre adolescents This evidence-based program helps teens recognize the difference between caring, supportive relationships and controlling, manipulative, or abusive relationships. It is during the critical preteen and teen years that young people begin to learn the skills needed to create and foster positive relationships. Safe Dates equips young people with the tools... Item: 1072
Online Price: $395.00
Earn ItWhat to Do When Your Kid Needs an Entitlement Intervention Entitlement is often confused with the word affluenza, a term used to describe the spoiledness of the very rich. But entitlement occurs across all income groups. It's a state of mind, the concept that "I deserve, even without putting in an effort." This attitude begins at home, but often our society helps reinforce it. Think of the so-called... Item: 3379
Price: Online Price: $15.25 |
Hazelden Lifelines PostventionResponding to Suicide and Other Traumatic Death Lifelines® Postvention: Responding to Suicide and Other Traumatic Death is a best-practices manual that educates everyone in the community on how to successfully respond to suicide and other traumatic deaths that profoundly affect the school population. This newly revised edition includes updated language and new topics to reflect today's best practices... Item: 3510
Online Price: $155.00
The Peaceful School Bus ProgramA Program for Grades K-12 Developed by an elementary school principal and a certified trainer of the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, The Peaceful School Bus is a whole-school program designed to decrease inappropriate behavior on buses while creating a climate of respect and cooperation. Includes an implementation guide, DVD, and CD-ROM supplemental materials. Item: 2633
Online Price: $159.00
Hazelden Lifelines InterventionHelping Students At Risk for Suicide Lifelines® Intervention: Helping Students at Risk for Suicide provides middle and high school faculty and students information on how to respond to signs of suicide. This newly revised edition includes updated language and new topics to reflect today's best practices and youth culture. Item: 3505
Online Price: $195.00
Olweus Online SurveyOnline Survey The Olweus Bullying Questionnaire is an important planning tool before and after implementation of the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program. This online version of the survey is administered in the computer lab, saving schools the time and expense of shipping and processing printed questionnaires. Item: 2754
Lifelines Trilogy On Demand One Year SubscriptionThe Complete Lifelines Trilogy is a unique collection of programs for middle and high school students to address the important topic of teen suicide: from prevention to intervention to response. This newly revised version includes updated language and new topics to reflect today's youth culture. Item: SE4888
Olweus High School Resources On Demand (1 Year)Increase the fidelity of your electronic subscription to the Olweus Bullying Prevention Electronic Subscription Core Program with this supplemental resource package for high schools. Item: SE1951
Olweus Core 5-9 Schools On Demand (1 Year)Give all schools in your district easy access to the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program (OBBP) and other best-selling violence programs with this OnDemand subscription. This program helps schools effectively reduce bullying, create a positive learning environment, and see the progress. Item: SE1911
Olweus Middle School Resources On Demand (1 Year)Increase the fidelity of your electronic subscription to the Olweus Bullying Prevention Electronic Subscription Core Program with this supplemental resource package for middle schools. Item: SE1941
Olweus Core 10+ Schools On Demand (1 Year)Give all schools in your district easy access to the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program (OBBP) and other best-selling violence programs with this OnDemand subscription. This program helps schools effectively reduce bullying, create a positive learning environment, and see the progress. Item: SE1921
Safe Dates On Demand One Year SubscriptionA Teen Relationship Abuse Prevention Curriculum This evidence-based program helps teens recognize the difference between caring, supportive relationships and controlling, manipulative, or abusive relationships. It is during the critical preteen and teen years that young people begin to learn the skills needed to create and foster positive relationships. Item: SE9860
Olweus Core 1-4 Schools On Demand Annual (Year 1)Annual Pay Item (Year 1) Give all schools in your district easy access to the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program (OBBP) and other best-selling violence programs with this OnDemand subscription. This program helps schools effectively reduce bullying, create a positive learning environment, and see the progress. Item: SE1901
Olweus Elementary School Resources On Demand (1 Year)Increase the fidelity of your electronic subscription to the Olweus Bullying Prevention Electronic Subscription Core Program with this supplemental resource package for elementary schools. Item: SE1931