
  • Thursdays at 5:30 pm-6:30 pm Central Time


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Family Education Group (DE- CSO)


Family Program Virtual


Welcome to the Family Group! 

The transition and process of supporting someone engaged in treatment can be overwhelming. More than likely you are wondering how they are doing and is it making a difference? You might also have a lot of questions, like: What are they learning and what can you talk with them about? What questions can you ask? What will change? What can I expect? How do I support them?

To support you in the process parallel to your loved one's experience, this is a weekly educational group provides insights about various topics. These topics are intended to parallel the topics of what one might learn while engaged in treatment.

Each group provides introductory information to support you in learning more about addiction, mental health, the impact of long-term stress and the importance of a healing journey for your whole family. Each group will provide a handout with summary of the topic, resources where you can learn more about that topic and an opportunity apply what you are learning through conversations or self-reflection. 


Group Topic Details

The Disease of Substance UseThis group will provide you with information and insights to how the brain and your person has been impacted by the use of substances.  

Stages of ChangeDiscuss the dynamic of how people change, through stages and how this relates to all of us.  

Co-occurring Disorders Understanding the connection of Mental Health and substance use disorders.  

Stress Management:  Insights to how the experience of stress over prolonged periods of time can impact our ability to respond in ways that are helpful for ourselves and others.

Family Communication: Gain insights to the importance of understanding communication and effective guidelines. 

Transition and Planning: Learning the importance of engaging in treatment along the continuum of care. 


These groups benefit participants by gaining important information to support a parallel process as your loved ones are learning similar topics in the treatment setting.    


Group Details

The Educational Group will take place every Thursday, at 5:30 pm Central time. It will last for 60 min (1 hour). This is a 6-week topics series. There is no charge for these groups. All sessions are presented live, via Webex. To download the Webex app, click here. The link to join each workshop will be emailed to you prior to each session.  

To join the meeting at the start time, please click below: 



Meeting Number: 2633 451 2852

Meeting Password: family

Helpful Reminders 

  • In order to participate, you will need to make sure your device/computer has video and microphone capabilities. Thank you! 
  • You will receive a generic confirmation email once you have registered.  If you do not receive this, please check your Junk mailbox for a message from If not there, please try registering again and click on the final step: "submit registration". 
  • If you register you will receive a reminder email and all the handouts connected with each group prior to the session. 
  • Please click here to view the Terms and Conditions for Participating. When you are registering, you will be asked to agree to these Terms and Conditions. If you have further questions, please feel free to reach out.


Other Services: 

While these groups will provide helpful information, we have seen the benefit of families engaging in other services to support further skill building. We encourage you to seek more information on Family Coaching sessions or the Healthy Relationship workshops which can be instrumental in helping you apply what you are learning in your own healing journey. If you would like more information on adding 6, 30-minute coaching sessions, please click here to request more information.

For questions, please call or email us at: 1-800-344-6132 OR 

Program facilitators are all credentialed professionals with the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation.   


Harnessing science, love and the wisdom of lived experience, we are a force of healing and hope for individuals, families and communities affected by substance use and mental health conditions.

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