Katie Evans Ph.D., NCACII, CADCIII

Dr. Katie Evans has both her Masters Degree and Doctorate Degree in Clinical Psychology from Capella University. Her undergraduate schooling in Sociology is from the University of Oregon. She is also both an Oregon Board Certified and Nationally Certified drug and alcohol counselor. She is adjunct Faculty at Portland State University.
Dr. Evans is both a national and international workshop presenter. Dr. Evans participated, as a keynote speaker in the first Northern European Conference on Dual Diagnosis held is Sweden.
Dr. Evans has numerous publications in professional journals as well has co-authored 3 books with Dr. Michael Sullivan. Dual Diagnosis: Counseling the Mentally Ill Substance Abuser is now revised as a second edition as of 2001by Guilford Press. Dr. Evans also co-authored with Dr. Sullivan Treating Addicted Survivors of Trauma another Guilford Publication. Dr. Evans has authored and co-authored a number of dual diagnosis workbooks and videos through Hazelden Foundation. Her Home Study Courses in Dual Diagnosis and Treating Addicted Survivors are pre-approved by both National Association of Social Workers and National Association of Alcohol and Drug Counselors. She is a NAADAC approved trainer for all of her other workshops as well.
Dr. Evans has worked as a dual diagnosis counselor and clinician for 20 years working in a number of inpatient and out patient settings. She has treated, developed programs and acted as a consultant for clinical care for both dual disordered youth and adults.
Highly requested workshop topics presented by Dr. Evans are; the assessment and treatment of addiction co-morbid with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Borderline Personality as well as other Axis I and Axis II individuals. Dr. Evans has extensive experience as both a keynote speaker as well as workshop presenter. Her trainings are known for the practicality as well as Dr. Evans warmth and humor.
Author Home Page: http://www.drkatieevans.com
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