Melody Beattie

In addiction and recovery circles, Melody Beattie is a household name. She is the best-selling author of numerous books, including Codependent No More, Beyond Codependency, The Language of Letting Go, More Language of Letting Go, and 52 Weeks of Conscious Contact. Her first book, Codependent No More, was published by Hazelden in 1986.
Melody's compassionate and insightful look into codependency--the concept of losing oneself in the name of helping another--struck a universal chord among families struggling with a loved one's addiction. Twenty years later, the concepts continue to ring true for millions worldwide, as the book has sold more than four million copies and has been translated into more than a dozen languages.
Melody currently has 13 titles with Hazelden and several more with other publishers. One of Melody's more recent titles with Hazelden is, The Grief Club, which was published in 2006. This inspirational book gives the reader an inside look at the miraculous phenomenon that occurs after loss--the being welcomed into a new "club" of sorts, a circle of people who have lived through similar grief and pain, whether it be the loss of a child, a spouse, a career, or even one's youth. She writes, "There's a secret to getting through loss, pain, and grief. If we're alone we can't see who we are. When we join the club, other people become the mirror. Through them, we see ourselves and gain an understanding of what we're going through. Then slowly, real slowly, we learn to accept who we see in the mirror."
In 2007, Hazelden published Melody's newest title, Gratitude, a beautifully illustrated collection of passages from Melody's earlier work that encourages readers to reconnect with what's truly important in life--the everyday blessings that are ever-present and ever-sustaining. For more information about Melody and her books, visit the author's Web site.
Author Home Page:
- Books
Playing It by Heart
Taking Care of Yourself No Matter What
Softcover, 272 pp.
The Language of Letting Go
Daily Meditations on Codependency
Paperback, 408 pp.
Stop Being Mean to Yourself
A Story About Finding The True Meaning of Self-Love
Paperback, 228 pp.
52 Weeks of Conscious Contact
Softcover, 280 pp.
The Language of Letting Go Journal
Softcover, 400 pages
More Language of Letting Go
366 New Daily Meditations
Softcover, 432 pp.
Pamphlet, 36 pp.
Codependent's Guide to the Twelve Steps
Paperback, 273 pages
The Grief Club
The Secret to Getting Through All Kinds of Change
Softcover, 368 pp.
Caring for Ourselves DVD
Hope For Healthy Relationships
DVD, 50 min.
Inspirations by Melody Beattie
Softcover, 112 pp.
Denial Pkg of 10
Hazelden Classics for Intervention
Package of 10, 36 pp each
The Language of Letting Go Audio CD
Daily Meditations of Codependency
Audio CD, 60 min.
The New Codependency Softcover
Help and Guidance for Today's Generation
Softcover, 274 pp.
El Lenguaje del adiós, Edición de 2016 (The Language of Letting Go, 2016 Edition Spanish)
Daily Meditations on Codependency
Spanish Edition, Softcover
App Apple More Language of Letting Go
iPhone or iPad app