Earnie Larsen

Earnie Larsen was a nationally known author and lecturer. A pioneer in the field of recovery from addictive behaviors and the originator of the process known as Stage II Recovery, Earnie authored numerous curricula, DVD's, audio CDs and books with Hazelden and other publishers, including his 2010 Hazelden book, Now That You're Sober: Week by Week Guidance from Your Recovery Coach, written with his sister, Carol Hegarty.
With degrees from Loyola University and the University of Minnesota, Earnie had been a counselor for over 40 years. Larsen passed away in January 2011.
- Books
Beyond Anger Facilitator's Guide
Connecting with Self and Others
64 pp.
Days of Healing, Days of Joy
Daily Meditations for Adult Children
Softcover, 400 pp.
From Anger To Forgiveness
Softcover, 195 pp.
Stage II Recovery
Life Beyond Addiction
Softcover, 112 pages
Beyond Anger Worksheets
Connecting with Self and Others
Worksheets, 4 Exercises, 25 pp.
From the Inside Out Worksheets
Taking Personal Responsibility for the Relationships in Your Life
44 pp.
From the Inside Out Facilitator's Guide
Taking Personal Responsibility for the Relationships in Your Life
Facilitator's Guide, 128 pp.
Destination Joy
Moving Beyond Fear, Loss and Trauma in Recovery
Softcover, 184 pp.
Abused Boys Wounded Men Workbook
With Earnie Larsen
Workbook, 40 pp.
From the Inside Out Curriculum
Taking Personal Responsibility for Relationships in Your Life
Curriculum Includes a Facilitator Guide, 3 Four-Part DVDs and Reproducible Worksheets
Recognizing Old Behavior Patterns From the Inside Out DVD
DVD, 55 min, cc
Being Trustworthy From the Inside Out DVD
Life Skills for Inmates and Parolees
DVD, 46 min, cc
Taking Personal Responsibility From the Inside Out DVD
Life Skills for Inmates and Parolees
DVD, 40 min, cc
Beyond Anger Curriculum with DVD
Connecting with Self and Others
Curriculum, includes 1 Facilitator's Guide, 1 DVD, and Reproducible Handouts
Beyond Anger DVD
Connecting With Self and Others
4 Part, DVD, 50 min. cc
Beyond Anger and From the Inside Out Both Curricula with DVDs
The Hazelden Life Skills Series for Inmates and Parolees
Complete Curriculum include 4 DVD's, 2 Facilitators Guides, 2 Sets of Reproducible Handouts and Worksheets
From Anger to Forgiveness Audio CD
Audio CD, 60 min.
Abused Boys Wounded Men Workbook Pkg of 10
with Earnie Larsen
Package of 10, Workbooks, 40 pp
Now That You're Sober
Week-by-Week Guidance from Your Recovery Coach
Softcover, 288 pp.
Believing in Myself
Daily Meditations for Healing and Building Self-Esteem
Softcover, 4" x 6", 400 pages