For a complete overview of the Matrix Model visit The Matrix Model for Teens and Young Adults: Intensive Outpatient Alcohol and Drug Treatment Program.
Family participation in treatment enhances a client's progress, especially in the case of young clients.
The Matrix Model for Teens and Young Adults is an evidence-based program, is adapted from
The Matrix Model, Hazelden's best-selling intensive outpatient program for adults. Like the adult program, the teen Matrix Model comes with a family component.
The Family Program is available separately so you can implement it with existing treatment or outpatient programs. The 12-week program includes a facilitator's guide, handouts (hard copies and on CD-ROM), and three DVD programs:
Road Map for Recovery, Triggers and Cravings, and
Families in Recovery. The Family Program is divided into two subgroups, one for patients and one for parents/caregivers, providing information in ways that each group responds to best.
The revised and expanded The Matrix Model for Teens and Young Adults is an evidence-based intensive outpatient program that is adapted from the evidence-based The Matrix Model, and provides your teen and young adult clients with the structure of an inpatient treatment experience on an outpatient timetable.