Woman leaning on a deck railing looking out over a valley

"Sometimes, wisdom is simply willingness to accept with faith the things we don't know from personal experience."

Product: A Life of My Own

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Easy Does It:
A Book of Daily 12 Step Meditations

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Episode 206 -- April 4, 2022

Meditation Monday: Wisdom is a Gift

Welcome to Meditation Monday. We're pausing each Monday for a few minutes of reflection and inspiration from the authors of the Hazelden Meditation series of books.

Meditations are daily reflections, prayers, slogans and phrases intended to offer inspiration and comfort, and—above all—hope to those of us in recovery.

A Life of My Own

If we listen closely, we'll hear wisdom from the most unexpected sources.

We generally expect to find words of wisdom in great literature, so we look for them there. And when we listen to learned scholars, we assume their words are tempered with wisdom; thus we listen closely. At meetings we hear many words of wisdom, and oftentimes they are uttered by the newest member of the group when we least expect it.

What we are learning is that the answers we seek are always within our grasp if we open ourselves to the information that surrounds us. The program books we've been introduced to, the sponsors who offer suggestions, and the speakers at the weekly meetings all have wise words for us. Our effort to listen will reward us richly. The wise guidance we seek will come to us.

I will be alert to the utterances of everyone today. I can't assume I know who will offer the wisdom I seek.

Easy Does It

He who would distinguish the true from the false must have an adequate idea of what is true and false. —Baruch Spinoza

Wisdom is common sense. It will help us make the right choices in our attitudes and behavior. That way we can continue our spiritual progress.

Sometimes, wisdom is simply willingness to accept with faith the things we don't know from personal experience. We must receive, with an open mind, the messages of those who have lived through the problems we are facing for the first time.

We need to look for and listen to the wisdom in others. If we do, we will gain confidence in our own ability to tell the true from the false. We will begin to practice the principles of our recovery program in all parts of our lives.

Wisdom is earned. Wisdom is precious. The wise need simply to stand in silence for their wisdom to reveal itself. Let me learn wisdom.

About the Author:
A Life of My Own was written by Karen Casey
Easy Does It was written anonymously

A Life of My Own: Meditations on Hope and Acceptance © 1993 by Hazelden Foundation.
Easy Does It: A Book of 12 Step Meditations © 1990 by Anonymous
All rights reserved