"When we came into AA, the first thing we found was sharing. We heard other alcoholics frankly sharing their experiences."

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Episode 218 -- May 16, 2022
Meditation Monday: Cultivate Calm
Welcome to Meditation Monday. We're pausing each Monday for a few minutes of reflection and inspiration from the authors of the Hazelden Meditation series of books.
Meditations are daily reflections, prayers, slogans, and phrases intended to offer inspiration and comfort, and—above all—hope to those of us in recovery.
The selections for this mid-May Meditation Monday come from two of Hazelden's best-loved recovery resources: Day by Day and Twenty-Four Hours a Day. Together, these selections invite us to cultivate patience, learn to avoid overreacting, and trust others enough to share the load.
Day by Day
Those of us with addiction have often shown just how damaging it can be to get too hungry, angry, lonely, or tired. Ironically, what we tend to get upset about aren't the essentials.
Perhaps we can learn not to panic over simple misfortune, ungrounded fears, and emotional turmoil. If we can open ourselves up to a Higher Power and a spiritual practice, we can settle down. We'll feel a lot better about ourselves and the world.
Have I stopped overreacting?
May I welcome a Higher Power to help me keep perspective and stay calm.
Today I will deal constructively with negative emotions by...
Twenty-Four Hours a Day
AA Thought for the Day
One of the finest things about AA is the sharing. Shar-ing is a wonderful thing because the more you share the more you have. In our old drinking days, we didn't do much sharing. We used to keep things to ourselves, partly because we were ashamed, but mostly because we were selfish. And we were very lonely because we didn't share. When we came into AA, the first thing we found was sharing. We heard other alcoholics frankly sharing their experiences with hospitals, jails, and all the usual mess that goes with drinking. Am I sharing?
Meditation for the Day
Character is developed by the daily discipline of duties done. Be obedient to the heavenly vision and take the straight way. Do not fall into the error of calling "Lord, Lord," and not doing the things that should be done. You need a life of prayer and meditation, but you must still do your work in the busy ways of life. The busy person is wise to rest and wait patiently for God's guidance. If you are obedient to the heavenly vision, you can be at peace.
Prayer for the Day
I pray that I may be obedient to the heavenly vision. I pray if I fall, I will pick myself up and go on.
About the Author:
Day by Day was written anonymously
Twenty-Four Hours a Day was written by Richmond Walker
Day by Day: Daily Meditations for Recovering Addicts © 1974, 1998 by Hazelden Foundation
Twenty-Four Hours a Day © 1975 by Hazelden Foundation
All rights reserved