Susan P. Limber, Ph.D.

Susan P. Limber is director of the Center on Youth Participation and Human Rights and professor of psychology at Clemson University. She is a developmental psychologist who received her masters and doctoral degrees in psychology at the University of Nebraska--Lincoln. She also holds a Masters of Legal Studies from Nebraska.
Dr. Limber's research and writing have focused on legal and psychological issues related to youth violence (particularly bullying among children), child protection, and children's rights. She directed the first wide-scale implementation and evaluation of the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program in the United States and co-authored the Blueprint for the Bullying Prevention Program as well as many other articles on the topic of bullying. In recent years, she has directed the training for the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program in the United States. She has provided consultation to the National Bullying Prevention Campaign, supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration.
In 1997, she received the Saleem Shah Award for early career excellence in psychology-law policy, awarded by the American Psychology-Law Society of the American Psychological Association (Division 41) and the American Academy of Forensic Psychiatry. In 2004, Dr. Limber received the American Psychological Association's Early Career Award for Psychology in the Public Interest.
- Books
More Class Meetings That Matter K-5
Resources for Grades K-5
Manual, with USB, 224 pp.
Class Meetings and Individual Intervention DVD Set
A Video Training Program for School Staff
2 DVD's 24 & 28 min. cc and Facilitator Guide
More Class Meetings That Matter 6-8
Resources for Grades 6-8
Manual, with CD-ROM, 200 pp.
Class Meetings That Matter 9-12
A Year's Worth of Resources for Grades 9-12 Manual
More Class Meetings That Matter 9-12
Resources for Grades 9-12
Manual with CC USB, 184 pp.
Cyberbullying for Grades 6-12 Updated and Expanded
A Prevention Curriculum for Grades 6-12
Manual and CD-ROM
Cyberbullying for Grades 3-5 Updated and Expanded
A Prevention Curriculum for Grades 3-5
Manual and CD-ROM
Olweus Core 5-9 Schools On Demand (1 Year)
1 Year Subscription Hazelden On Demand
Olweus Elementary School Resources On Demand (1 Year)
Annual Hazelden on Demand
Olweus Middle School Resources On Demand (1 Year)
Annual Hazelden on Demand
Olweus Core 10+ Schools On Demand (1 Year)
1 Year Subscription Hazelden On Demand
Olweus Core 1-4 Schools On Demand Annual (Year 1)
Annual Pay Item (Year 1)
1 Year Subscription Hazelden On Demand
Class Meetings That Matter 6-8
A Year's Worth of Resources for Grades 6-8
Manual, 192pp
Class Meetings That Matter K-5
A Year's Worth of Resources for Grades K-5
Manual, 368 pp
Olweus Bullying Prevention Program Schoolwide Guide with DVD/CD
Softcover with CD-ROM, DVD, 33 min. cc
Olweus Bullying Prevention Program Teacher Guide with DVD/USB
Softcover, 170 pp., USB, DVD 15 min. cc
Olweus High School Resources On Demand (1 Year)
Annual Hazelden on Demand