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All Products > Spirituality and Personal Growth > Higher Power
Serenity Tree MedallionOn one side the phrase "Serenity isn't freedom from the storm, it's the peace within the storm." On the other side, the image of a tree. Antiqued bronze; measures 1 5/6" in diameter. Item: 4765
Price: Online Price: $3.05 |
Prayer and Meditation Pocket PowerPocket Power Series One of Hazelden's most popular series, Pocket Power pamphlets provide quick inspiring recovery references. In a short amount of time, we find the information and support we need to continue self-care throughout the day. Item: 5349
Price: Online Price: $3.14 |
Women and SpiritualityAn excellent resource for women working Step Two and Three of the Twelve Steps. Item: 5561
Price: Online Price: $3.55 |
Toward SpiritualityThe Inner Journey Toward Spirituality defines the sometimes ellusive concepts of spirituality and Higher Power in concrete terms. Item: 1421
Online Price: $3.95
Grieving a Healing ProcessA Healing Process This pamphlet helps us see the losses we've suffered as a result of our alcoholism and drug addiction and helps us work through our grief. Item: 5350
Online Price: $3.95
One Day at a Time StoneCarry a One Day at a Time stone--or all three--with you wherever you go as a daily reminder to help you to be strong and courageous, find your serenity, and take one day at a time. Approximately 1-1/2 inch. Item: 9119
Price: Online Price: $4.49 |
Getting Involved in AAFormerly titled Transition from Treatment to A.A. This pamphlet describes Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and explains how it helps individuals in recovery from alcohol use disorder. It offers valuable information on how to get involved in the program. Item: 1428
Online Price: $4.95
An Index to Alcoholics Anonymous 4th EditionThis index is intended to help readers find terms throughout the fourth edition of Alcoholics Anonymous, otherwise known as the "Big Book." Item: 1278
Online Price: $4.95
Search for SerenityThis classic book describes some of the practical ways to replace misery with serenity and is a helpful guide for anyone seeking peace of mind. Item: 6620
Online Price: $6.95
My Spiritual Progress GuideThrough the exercises in this workbook, readers explore how spirituality is connected to feelings, attitudes, and support systems. Item: 5517
Online Price: $7.95
Living with Your Higher PowerA Guide to the Big Book's Design for Living, A Workbook for Steps 1-3 The first of three practical and highly accessible workbooks for early recovery, this resource takes you through the foundation Steps as described in the Big Book, Alcoholics Anonymous. The exercises guide you to a personal understanding of the powerlessness of addiction and the necessity of a Higher Power to your recovery. Item: 5421
Price: Online Price: $8.95 |
SerenityInspirations by Karen Casey, author of Each Day a New Beginning Best-selling author Karen Casey helps readers unlock the secret to finding serenity in the midst of everyday annoyances and serious life challenges. Item: 2745
Price: Online Price: $9.85 |
The Essence of Twelve Step RecoveryTake It to Heart Damian McElrath defines spirituality and the essence of Twelve Step living. Item: 7356
Online Price: $9.95
Life Recovery Bible WorkbookA Biblical Guide through the 12 Steps This companion workbook to The Life Recovery Bible will help you discover how the Scriptures reveal the pathway to wholeness: God's program of forgiveness, reconciliation, and healing. Item: 7737
Online Price: $9.99
Awakening Blackout GirlA Survivor's Guide for Healing from Addiction and Sexual Trauma In this honest and practical guide, rape survivor and victim advocate Jennifer Storm shares the information, tools, and resources she has gained from more than twenty years of personal and professional experience to help fellow survivors recover from co-occurring sexual trauma and substance use. Item: 4963
Price: Online Price: $9.99 |
Blackout GirlTracing My Scars from Addiction and Sexual Assault In this brutally honest and compelling memoir, Jennifer Storm revisits the trauma of her childhood rape and ensuing addiction and how she channeled her pain into a healing life of advocacy. Item: 3737
Price: Online Price: $9.99 |
Take Good CareFinding Your Joy in Compassionate Caregiving In Take Good Care, author Cynthia Orange brings together compelling testimonies from a wide range of caregivers, advice from leading experts in the field, and her own hard-won wisdom to capture the subtle differences between caretaking and caregiving. Item: 3425
Price: Online Price: $9.99 |
Just DandyLiving with Heartache and Wishes Through her child's addiction, a divorce, beginning a career at sixty, caring for aging parents, and facing her own old age alone, Sandra Swenson shares her heartache and her journey of courage, resiliency, and acceptance, inspiring us to believe that no matter what comes our way, it is possible to say we're "just dandy" and (usually) mean... Item: 3728
Price: Online Price: $9.99 |
The Sacred TreeReflections on Native American Spirituality Through the guidance of tribal elders, this handbook uses Native values and traditions as the primary key to unlock the force needed to eliminate widespread drug and alcohol use in our tribal communities. Item: 6137
Online Price: $10.95
Finding Your Moral CompassTransformative Principles to Guide You In Recovery and Life Craig Nakken, author of the best-selling book The Addictive Personality, gives readers in recovery the model and tools needed to make life decisions in the pursuit of good. He offers 41 universally accepted principles, paired as positive and negative counterparts that guide behavior. Item: 7459
Price: Online Price: $14.35 |
From Fear to Serenity with Anthony de MelloWhat you hold in your hands is not merely a book; it is a path to hope, a guide to prayer, and a call to see in a new way. It is an invitation to go beyond the ego and to drop any addiction to worry. It is a call to breathe easily and become aware. Item: 4335
Online Price: $15.00
The Way of Our PeopleWeekly Inspiration for American Indians in Recovery These inspirational meditations, prayers, and stories were written by an Ojibwe Elder and alcohol and drug counselor to speak directly to American Indians about their everyday experience of recovery from alcoholism. A combination of Ojibwe and Twelve Step spiritual principles and practices and stories from Indians struggling with recovery create an authentic... Item: 3973
Price: Online Price: $15.25 |
The Sermon on the MountThe Key to Success in Life In The Sermon on the Mount, philosopher and early A.A. influence Emmet Fox suggests Jesus' teachings as a practical approach to shaping life into what people really wish it to be. A cornerstone reference in AA's spiritual development, this book has a place in every recovery library. Item: 6136
Online Price: $15.99
Twelve Step ChristianityThe Christian Roots & Application of the Twelve Steps As a Christian who practices the Steps, Saul Selby brings teaches Christians in recovery to connect their faith with their program--and shows any Christian a clear path to a more intimate relationship with Christ. Item: 1021
Price: Online Price: $16.15 |
Mindfulness and the 12 StepsLiving Recovery in the Present Moment With the artistry of a memoirist, Thérèse Jacobs-Stewart draws on her personal story and an impressive range of knowledge in psychology, spirituality, and the Twelve Steps to show us the way out of the morass of pain and confusion that addiction creates. Item: 2862
Price: Online Price: $16.15 |
Practicing the Here and NowBeing Intentional with Step 11 How do we unlock and experience the teachings of Step Eleven? Herb K. helps us realize that working--and living--this vital recovery "maintenance Step" doesn't have to be as much of a challenge as commonly thought. Item: 8996
Price: Online Price: $16.15 |
Conquering Shame and Codependency8 Steps to Freeing the True You Learn how to heal from the destructive hold of shame and codependency by implementing eight steps that will empower the real you and lead to healthier relationships. Item: 7554
Price: Online Price: $16.15 |
Recovering SpiritualityAchieving Emotional Sobriety in Your Spiritual Practice In Recovering Spirituality, researcher and clinical psychologist Ingrid Mathieu uses personal stories and practical advice to teach us how to grow up emotionally and take responsibility for ourselves. Item: 4756
Price: Online Price: $16.15 |
WaitingA Nonbeliever's Higher Power For those who don't believe in God, feel disconnected from the ideas of God presented in organized religion, or are simply struggling to determine their own spiritual path, Marya Hornbacher, author of the New York Times best sellers Madness and Wasted, offers a down-to-earth exploration of the concept of faith. Item: 3028
Price: Online Price: $16.15 |
The Spiritual SelfReflections on Recovery and God Author Abraham Twerski shows us what spirituality means, why it matters, and how we can nurture it. Item: 1232
Price: Online Price: $16.15 |
Stepping StonesMore Daily Meditations for Men from the Best Selling author of Touchstones (formerly Wisdom to Know) Beginners and old-timers alike in recovery will find affirmation and insight in this small but powerful daily meditation book. Formerly known as Wisdom to Know. Item: 5859
Price: Online Price: $17.05 |
A Woman's SpiritEach Day a New Beginning became a cornerstone of comfort and inspiration for women everywhere as they began their recovery process, selling more than two-and-a-half million copies since its publication. A Woman's Spirit continues this tradition with a collection of wise, compassionate daily meditations for any woman now living sober and seeking spiritual... Item: 5433
Price: Online Price: $17.05 |
The Twelve Step Prayer Book, Third Edition, CompiledA Collection of Inspirational Daily Readings The newly compiled 12 Step Prayer Book offers adapted and traditional prayers to complement any Twelve Step program or any mindful recovery experience. Collected and compiled from varied authors, faiths, and lifestyles, these prayers of strength and healing will give you a thought for each day. These are the faithful words of the world. Item: 3734
Price: Online Price: $17.05 |
In God's CareDaily Meditations on Spirituality in Recovery In God's Care guides readers in understanding and strengthening their connection with a Higher Power, however they choose to define that presence. With the inspiration and support unique to Hazelden meditation books, In God's Care offers encouragement and guidance for "practicing the presence of God" in daily life. Item: 5124
Price: Online Price: $17.05 |
Sought Through Prayer and MeditationWisdom from the Sunday 11th Step Meetings at the Wolfe Street Center in Little Rock This special book offers fifty-two weeks of reflections, prayers, and meditations on the Eleventh Step. Crafted by writer William G. Borchert from notes by Geno W. on the Hour of Power meetings at the Wolfe Street Center in Little Rock, Arkansas. Item: 7383
Price: Online Price: $17.05 |
God Grant MeMore Daily Meditations from the Authors of Keep It Simple This meditation book serves as a steady spiritual companion for individuals making their way along the often-tumultuous recovery journey. Written by the best-selling authors of Keep It Simple. Item: 2134
Price: Online Price: $17.05 |
Not GodA History of Alcoholics Anonymous The most complete history of AA ever written. Not God contains anecdotes and excerpts from the diaries, correspondence, and occasional memoirs of AA's early figures. Item: 1036
Price: Online Price: $17.05 |
Betty Ford, First Lady, Women's Advocate, Survivor, TrailblazerFirst Lady, Women's Advocate, Survivor, Trailblazer An intimate and insightful biography of Betty Ford, the groundbreaking, candid, and resilient First Lady and wife of President Gerald Ford, from the #1 New York Times bestselling coauthor of Five Presidents and Mrs. Kennedy and Me. Betty Ford: First Lady, Women's Advocate, Survivor, Trailblazer is the inspiring story of an ordinary Midwestern girl thrust... Item: 6016
Online Price: $18.99
The Spirituality of ImperfectionStorytelling and the Search for Meaning A powerful, illuminating book, The Spirituality of Imperfection brings together the wisdom stories of many traditions and faiths. Item: 2721
Online Price: $20.00
Life Recovery Bible Personal Size 2nd EditionThe Life Recovery Bible will help you discover how the Scriptures reveal the pathway to wholeness: God's program of forgiveness, reconciliation, and healing. Item: 3012
Online Price: $22.99
The Life Recovery Bible Second EditionThe Life Recovery Bible includes Christian-based devotionals built around the Twelve Steps, the Serenity Prayer, and principles important in the recovery process. Item: 7661
Online Price: $27.99
Hazelden a Spiritual Odyssey HardcoverA Spiritual Odyssey This is the definitive history of Hazelden, a pioneer in the treatment of alcoholism and addiction since 1949. The fact-and-photo-filled narrative describes early treatment at Hazelden, how the principles of Alcoholics Anonymous were woven in, and the development of the multi-disciplinary approach known as the "Minnesota Model." Item: 5004
Online Price: $30.95
Serenity Tree Medallion Set of 25On one side the phrase "Serenity isn't freedom from the storm, it's the peace within the storm." On the other side, the image of a tree. Antiqued bronze; measures 1 5/6" in diameter. 1 package of 25 medallions. Item: 476525
Price: Online Price: $73.00 |
Canoe Journey Life's JourneyA Life Skills Manual for Native Adolescents
Item: 4220
Online Price: $129.00