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Beyond Trauma Workbook2nd edition This participant workbook is for women to use with Beyond Trauma Second Edition, A Healing Journey for Women sessions. If you have the FIRST EDITION of Beyond Trauma and need workbooks for that curriculum, call your sales representative at 800-328-9000. Item: 3090
Online Price: $15.95
A Womans Journal Criminal Justice WorkbookSpecial edition for use in Criminal Justice System This revised version of Helping Women Recover is specially designed for women who are in correctional settings and have histories of addiction and trauma. This evidence-based, manualized curriculum is ideal for use in a variety of settings, including jails, prisons, and community corrections. Item: 8018
Online Price: $39.95
Helping Men Recover Criminal Justice WorkbookA Program for Treating Addiction Special Edition for use in the Justice System , 2nd Edition The newly released Helping Men Recover (2nd edition) is a gender-based, trauma-informed treatment program for substance use disorders that has been expanded to twenty-one sessions. It is grounded in research, theory, and clinical practice and includes a facilitator's guide and a participant's workbook. Item: 4581
Online Price: $28.99
The Warning Signs of RelapseFor Preventing a Return to Use Relapse is often part of the recovery process, so learning the warning signs can help strengthen your recovery. When you can recognize the warning signs in this pamphlet, you¿ll be able to use recovery support tools and reduce the risk of relapse. Item: 1259
Online Price: $4.95
Beyond Trauma Workbook Pkg of 10A Healing Journey for Women This participant workbook is for women to use with Beyond Trauma Second Edition, A Healing Journey for Women sessions. If you have the FIRST EDITION of Beyond Trauma and need workbooks for that curriculum, call your sales representative at 800-328-9000. Item: 309010
Price: Online Price: $129.00 |
Beyond Trauma Facilitator GuideA Healing Journey for Women Beyond Trauma: A Healing Journey for Women is an evidence-based, twelve-session program created by Dr. Stephanie Covington Item: 3080
Online Price: $99.00
Beyond Violence Participant WorkbookA Prevention Program for Criminal Justice-Involved Women Participant Workbook Beyond Violence: A Prevention Program for Criminal Justice-Involved Women is an evidence-based manualized curriculum designed to serve women in criminal justice settings with histories of aggression and/or violence. It deals with the violence and trauma they have experienced, as well as any they may have perpetrated. This four-level model of violence... Item: 3777
Online Price: $38.95
Desk Reference to the Diagnostic Criteria from DSM-5(TM)The Desk Reference to the Diagnostic Criteria From DSM-5® is a concise, affordable companion to the ultimate psychiatric reference, DSM-5®. It includes the fully revised diagnostic classification, as well as all of the diagnostic criteria from DSM-5® in an easy-to-use paperback format. Item: 3071
Online Price: $75.00
The Warning Signs of Relapse Pkg of 10For Preventing a Return to Use Relapse is often part of the recovery process, so learning the warning signs can help strengthen your recovery. When you can recognize the warning signs in this pamphlet, you¿ll be able to use recovery support tools and reduce the risk of relapse. Item: 125910
Price: Online Price: $39.95 |
Handling AngerFor Parents in Early Recovery Parents in early recovery may be angry with their children at times. This pamphlet shows them how to manage their anger, handle their child¿s anger toward them, prevent anger by meeting basic needs, and build good communication skills in their family. Item: 1385
Online Price: $4.95
Beyond Trauma CurriculumA Healing Journey for Women Beyond Trauma: A Healing Journey for Women is an evidence-based, twelve-session curriculum designed to help women and girls recover from the effects of trauma in their lives. Download the Scope and Sequence, sample chapters, and watch a video featuring the author Stephanie Covington, Ph.D. Item: 2500
Online Price: $729.00
Abused Boys Wounded Men Workbook Pkg of 10with Earnie Larsen This realistic and popular curriculum by nationally known author and lecturer Earnie Larsen helps male criminal offenders identify the root cause their behaviors and heal. Item: 180410
Price: Online Price: $69.95 |
Moving from Trauma-Informed to Trauma-ResponsiveA Training Program for Organizational Change Becoming trauma-responsive means looking at all aspects of an organization's programming, environment, language, and values and involving all staff in better serving clients who have experienced trauma. Moving from Trauma-Informed to Trauma-Responsive provides program administrators and clinical directors with all the resources needed to train staff... Item: 3769
Online Price: $695.00
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for PTSDCBT for PTSD Increase your effectiveness and positive outcomes when working with clients who have issues related to trauma and PTSD by implementing this affordable and easy-to-facilitate program. Item: 3361
Online Price: $165.00
Helping Men Recover Criminal Justice CurriculumA Program for Treating Addiction, Special Edition for Use in the Justice System, Set, 2nd Edition The newly released Helping Men Recover (2nd edition) is a gender-based, trauma-informed treatment program for substance use disorders that has been expanded to twenty-one sessions. It is grounded in research, theory, and clinical practice and includes a facilitator's guide and a participant's workbook. Item: 4571
Online Price: $205.00
Beyond Trauma Facilitator Guide and 10 WorkbooksA Healing Journey for Women This participant workbook is for women to use with Beyond Trauma Second Edition, A Healing Journey for Women sessions. If you have the FIRST EDITION of Beyond Trauma and need workbooks for that curriculum, call your sales representative at 800-328-9000. Item: 3255
Online Price: $219.00
Healing Trauma Plus and Exploring Trauma PlusBrief Interventions for Women, Men and Gender-Diverse People Both Healing Trauma and Exploring Trauma are ideal for use in settings that require a shorter intervention, including community mental health centers, domestic violence agencies, sexual assault services, addiction treatment programs, and correctional settings. Save money by purchasing both programs in this complete collection. Item: 6100
Online Price: $615.00
Spanish Trauma & PTSD WorkbookFor Clients with Clinical Diagnoses Disponible en español, los ejemplos y ejercicios ayudan a los clientes a obtener una comprensión práctica y personal de cómo las condiciones de salud mental afectan aspectos de sus vidas, a identificar hábitos saludables y estrategias de afrontamiento, los clientes aprenden técnicas y prácticas para la conexión a tierra, la atención plena y la comunicación... Item: 1373
Online Price: $9.95
Using Medications Safely Pkg of 10For Those in Recovery This pamphlet answers questions people in recovery ask when choosing medications in order to avoid those that could cause a relapse. The authors show how to advocate for your health and safeguard your recovery. A reference list of safe medications and those to avoid appears at the end of the pamphlet. Item: 139010
Price: Online Price: $39.95 |
Complete Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for PTSD Program with DVDA Program for Addiction Professionals Increase your effectiveness and positive outcomes when working with clients who have issues related to trauma and PTSD by implementing this affordable and easy-to-facilitate program. Item: 3320
Online Price: $355.00
Beyond Trauma DVDA Healing Journey for Women Part of the Beyond Trauma: A Healing Journey for Women evidence-based program, the facilitator and client videos provide education for both those leading and participating in sessions. Click on "SHOW MORE" to learn more, download the program Scope and Sequence and a sample chapter. Item: 3366
Online Price: $425.00
Recovery Basics DVD and USBHow to Start Strong and Keep Going Recovery Basics helps smooth that transition by equipping those in recovery with the strategies and tools needed when small choices can have big consequences Item: 2420
Online Price: $265.00
Beyond Violence ProgramA Prevention Program for Criminal Justice-Involved Women Curriculum Beyond Violence: A Prevention Program for Criminal Justice-Involved Women is an evidence-based manualized curriculum designed to serve women in criminal justice settings with histories of aggression and/or violence. It deals with the violence and trauma they have experienced, as well as any they may have perpetrated. This four-level model of violence... Item: 3778
Online Price: $210.95
Using Medications SafelyFor Those in Recovery This pamphlet answers questions people in recovery ask when choosing medications in order to avoid those that could cause a relapse. The authors show how to advocate for your health and safeguard your recovery. A reference list of safe medications and those to avoid appears at the end of the pamphlet. Item: 1390
Online Price: $4.95
From the Inside Out CurriculumTaking Personal Responsibility for Relationships in Your Life A 12-week curriculum to help offenders learn the tools necessary to build, strengthen, and maintain relationships. Item: 2634
Online Price: $425.00
A Guide for Living with PTSD DVDPerspective for Professionals and Their Clients This 56 minute video educates clinicians, clients, and families on the history, epidemiology, challenges, and treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Item: 3358
Online Price: $215.00
OnDemand Focus on Trauma (1-10 Clinicians)Trauma Focus Get access to Hazelden Publishing's top resources for helping survivors of trauma in one place. This subscription includes evidence-based programs that can help any setting become trauma- and gender-responsive. Item: SE3441