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All Products > Professional Spanish Titles > Professional Spanish Titles
Spanish Alcohol and Other Drug Education Workbook Second EditionA New Direction A Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Program Spanish - Help clients understand that substance use disorder is a chronic disease, but lifelong change and recovery leads to freedom. Newly updated and revised, A New Direction is Hazelden's leading evidence-based treatment program for justice-involved clients. Item: 6712
Online Price: $9.95
Spanish Criminal and Addictive Thinking Workbook Second EditionA New Direction A Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Program Spanish - Help clients understand that substance use disorder is a chronic disease, but lifelong change and recovery leads to freedom. Newly updated and revised, A New Direction is Hazelden's leading evidence-based treatment program for justice-involved clients. Item: 6713
Online Price: $9.95
Spanish Preparing for Release Workbook Second EditionA New Direction A Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Program Spanish - Develop a recovery plan that includes a healthy environment, supervision, and social support. Set employment, financial, and other personal goals. Newly updated and revised, A New Direction is Hazelden's leading evidence-based treatment program for justice-involved clients. Item: 6717
Online Price: $9.95
Spanish Socialization Workbook Second EditionA New Direction A Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Program Spansih - Clients improve communication skills and learn to build and maintain healthy, sober, and crime-free relationships. Newly updated and revised, A New Direction is Hazelden's leading evidence-based treatment program for justice-involved clients. Item: 6716
Online Price: $9.95
Spanish Introduction to Treatment Workbook Second EditionA New Direction A Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Program Spanish - Introduce new clients to the treatment process and encourage commitment to recovery. Newly updated and revised, A New Direction is Hazelden's leading evidence-based treatment program for justice-involved clients. Item: 6714
Online Price: $9.95
Spanish Relapse Prevention Workbook Second EditionA New Direction A Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Program Spanish - Learn what causes relapse, how to address triggers, and create a crisis management plan. Newly updated and revised, A New Direction is Hazelden's leading evidence-based treatment program for justice-involved clients. Item: 6715
Online Price: $9.95
Spanish Co-occurring Disorders Workbook Second EditionA New Direction A Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Program Spanish - Understand the connections between substance use, mental health, and criminal thinking. Newly updated and revised, A New Direction is Hazelden's leading evidence-based treatment program for justice-involved clients. Item: 6711
Online Price: $9.95
Spanish Shame and Guilt WorkbookFor Clients with Mild to Moderate Mental Health Issues, Part of the Mental and Emotional Health Series Disponible en español, este libro de trabajo ayuda a los clientes a diferenciar la vergüenza y la culpa, pero también ofrece ejercicios que ayudan a las personas a reconocer y mitigar los efectos de ambas en sus vidas gracias a la acción de desafiar los pensamientos basados en la vergüenza, reconocer las trampas del perfeccionismo o practicar el perdón.... Item: 1360
Online Price: $9.95
Spanish Anger WorkbookFor Clients with Mild to Moderate Mental Health Issues, Part of the Mental and Emotional Health Program Disponible en español, Ira ayuda a los clientes a entender que la ira es una emoción universal y, a la vez, a desarrollar habilidades para gestionarla. Los ejercicios se centran en el reconocimiento de las experiencias de ira; la identificación de los acontecimientos que están bajo nuestro control; la conexión a tierra, la visualización y la atención... Item: 1353
Online Price: $9.95
Spanish Self Esteem and Self Compassion WorkbookFor Clients with Mild to Moderate Mental Health Issues, Part of the Mental and Emotional Health Series Disponible en español, ideal para clientes que luchan con sentimientos de baja autoestima, este libro de trabajo y el video que lo acompaña ayudan a los participantes a entender que, aunque la autoestima es siempre cambiante, hay prácticas que pueden nutrirla. Item: 1359
Online Price: $9.95
Spanish Depression WorkbookFor Clients with Mild to Moderate Mental Health Issues, Part of the Mental and Emotional Health Program Disponible en español, este programa ayuda a los participantes a reconocer los síntomas y a desafiar los patrones de pensamiento que los refuerzan. Se incluyen ejercicios diseñados para ayudar a los clientes a estar presentes en el momento, mantener rutinas saludables y reconocer la importancia de crear redes de apoyo. Item: 1357
Online Price: $9.95
Spanish Grief WorkbookFor Clients with Mild to Moderate Mental Health Issues, Part of the Mental and Emotional Health Series Disponible en español, Duelo ayuda a los clientes a abordar las emociones asociadas con la pérdida de un ser querido, una oportunidad desaprovechada o una transición en la vida. Los ejercicios hacen hincapié en los diferentes tipos de duelo y en las formas de vivirlo, y aborda la importancia de la atención plena, la aceptación, el autocuidado y la búsqueda... Item: 1361
Online Price: $9.95
Spanish Anxiety WorkbookFor Clients with Mild to Moderate Mental Health Issues, Part of the Mental and Emotional Health Program Disponible en español, diseñado para clientes con ansiedad leve a moderada, este libro de trabajo aborda las causas, los síntomas y los efectos de la ansiedad en la vida de los clientes. Los ejercicios hacen hincapié en las prácticas de meditación y respiración profunda, así como en las medidas proactivas que los clientes pueden tomar para controlar... Item: 1358
Online Price: $9.95
Spanish Complete Living in Balance Collection Revised and UpdatedRevised and Updated for DSM-5, Moving from a Life of Addiction to a Life of Recovery Vivir en equilibrio es un programa basado en evidencia que se basa en enfoques de tratamiento cognitivo, conductual y experimental con un fuerte énfasis en la prevención de recaídas. El programa utiliza educación e instrucción didáctica, ejercicios escritos, interacción de procesos grupales a través de juegos de roles y discusión, ejercicios de relajación... Item: 8800
Online Price: $1,595.00
Spanish Trauma & PTSD WorkbookFor Clients with Clinical Diagnoses Disponible en español, los ejemplos y ejercicios ayudan a los clientes a obtener una comprensión práctica y personal de cómo las condiciones de salud mental afectan aspectos de sus vidas, a identificar hábitos saludables y estrategias de afrontamiento, los clientes aprenden técnicas y prácticas para la conexión a tierra, la atención plena y la comunicación... Item: 1373
Online Price: $9.95
Spanish Anxiety Disorders WorkbookFor Clients with Clinical Diagnoses Available in Spanish, designed for clients with clinically diagnosed anxiety, this workbook addresses sources, symptoms, and effects of anxiety on clients' lives. Item: 1369
Online Price: $9.95
Relaciones De Pareja Seguaras Tercera Edicion (Safe Dates 3rd Edition Spanish)Un programa para la prevencion de la agresion en las relaciones de pareja entre adolescents This evidence-based program helps teens recognize the difference between caring, supportive relationships and controlling, manipulative, or abusive relationships. It is during the critical preteen and teen years that young people begin to learn the skills needed to create and foster positive relationships. Safe Dates equips young people with the tools... Item: 1072
Online Price: $395.00
Spanish Living In Balance Core Sessions 1 - 12Living in Balance is a flexible, evidence-based program that meets DSM-5 classifications, this flexible program draws from cognitive-behavioral, experiential, and Twelve Step approaches to help clients achieve lifelong recovery. Item: 8801
Online Price: $645.00
Spanish Suicide Disorder WorkbookFor Clients with Clinical Diagnoses Available in Spanish, designed for clients who have attempted suicide or experience ideation, content and exercises in the Suicide workbook focus on building resilience, developing safety plans, maintaining support networks, managing medication plans and monitoring thoughts in order to reach out for help when necessary. Item: 1376
Online Price: $9.95
Spanish Depressive Disorders WorkbookFor Clients with Clinical Diagnoses Available in Spanish, designed for clients with chronic or severe depression, the Depressive Disorders workbook focuses on the science of depression, the importance of treatment compliance and ways to incorporate wellness practices into daily living to better manage mental health Item: 1371
Online Price: $9.95
Spanish ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) WorkbookFor Clients with Clinical Diagnoses Available in Spanish, designed for adults diagnosed with ADHD module helps clients understand the science behind their diagnosis and the role of medication in symptom management. Workbook exercises address time-management, substance use, stigma, emotional regulation, problem-solving strategies and healthy life skills. Item: 1378
Online Price: $9.95
Spanish Bipolar Disorder WorkbookFor Clients with Clinical Diagnoses Available in Spanish, designed to help clients with Bipolar Disorder Types I and II recognize and manage symptoms of mania, hypomania and depression. Worksheets on mood tracking and triggers encourage clients to reflect on past episodes and determine when to seek assistance. Item: 1381
Online Price: $9.95
Spanish Living In Balance Recovery Management Sessions 13-37Living in Balance is a flexible, evidence-based program that meets DSM-5 classifications. This complete program includes the Core Curriculum as well as the Recovery Management and Co-occurring Disorders sessions. Spanish translation coming soon. Item: 8802
Online Price: $795.00
Spanish Living In Balance Co Occurring Disorders Sessions 38-47Las Sesiones de la Administración de la recuperación ofrecen educación al cliente sobre temas enfocados en profundidad, como la autoayuda y los programas de Los Doce Pasos, problemas físicos, problemas sociales y familiares, abuso sexual y conductas sexuales compulsivas, dolor y pérdida, administración del dinero, nutrición y ejercicio, tratamiento asistido... Item: 8803
Online Price: $475.00