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All Products > Youth Prevention > Substance Use
Building Assets, Reducing Risks Curriculum Gr 6-12 Volume 2A School Improvement Model for Grades 6-12 The BARR Classroom Curriculum, Vol. 2, or "I-Time," helps teachers to extend I-Time across more grade levels or into another year of school. "I-Time" includes 35 interactive activities focused on building developmental assets through goal-setting, communication, grief, loss, bullying, and diversity. Item: 9997
The Grandfamily GuidebookWisdom and Support for Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Ready or not, you're a parent again. If you're wondering how exactly you're going to raise your grandchildren, you're not alone. The Grandfamily Guidebook offers advice on everything from engaging with birth parents, to legal and financial issues, school and social life, and your own self-care. Read the Buzz. Item: 3620
Price: Online Price: $16.15 |
Recovering My KidParenting Young Adults in Treatment and Beyond National expert Dr. Joseph Lee explains the nature of youth addiction and treatment and how families can create a safe and supportive environment for their loved ones during treatment and throughout their recovery. Item: 4693
Price: Online Price: $16.15 |
Teen Intervene Fourth EditionScreening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment for Substance Use (SBIRT) Teen Intervene is evidence-based and provides a full screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment (SBIRT) approach. Ideal for anyone working with youth in education, mental health, youth treatment and juvenile justice settings. Item: 6008
Online Price: $699.00
Getting Involved in AAFormerly titled Transition from Treatment to A.A. This pamphlet describes Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and explains how it helps individuals in recovery from alcohol use disorder. It offers valuable information on how to get involved in the program. Item: 1428
Online Price: $4.95
A Young Man's Guide to Self Mastery WorkbookA Young Man's Guide to Self-Mastery is an invaluable resource for practitioners in mental health clinics, juvenile justice facilities, and residential and outpatient facilities who are working with adolescents who have a masculine experience of the world. Item: 1093
Online Price: $14.95
Detaching With LoveFor Families of Those with Addiction This pamphlet explains what it means to "detach with love," and offers tips on ways to love a person with substance use disorder without taking responsibility for their actions. Item: 1261
Online Price: $4.95
Young Sober and Free Second EditionExperience, Strength, and Hope for Young Adults Real teens tell the real story about getting sober and staying sober in this edgy, winning interpretation of the Twelve Steps. Author Shelly Marshall lets teens speak for themselves, while expertly augmenting their stories with discussions about time-honored Twelve Step principles. Item: 2016
Price: Online Price: $16.15 |
More Class Meetings That Matter K-5Resources for Grades K-5 Easy-to-use manual provides engaging, age-appropriate, and grade-specific ideas and topics to conduct meaningful class meetings. Item: 3616
Online Price: $62.95
Detaching with Love Pkg of 10For Families of Those with Addiction This pamphlet explains what it means to "detach with love," and offers tips on ways to love a person with substance use disorder without taking responsibility for their actions. 1 package of 10 pamphlets. Item: 126110
Price: Online Price: $39.95 |
More Class Meetings That Matter 6-8Resources for Grades 6-8 Easy-to-use manual provides engaging, age-appropriate, and grade-specific ideas and topics to conduct meaningful class meetings. Item: 3617
Online Price: $62.95
Opioids DVD and USBWhat You Need To Know Opioids: What You Need to Know is a substance-specific educational video program that features interviews with experts, a timeline of the opioid crisis, information about where individuals can turn for assistance, and insight on assessing use and adapting healthy strategies for hope and healing. Item: 3765
Online Price: $265.00
Alcohol DVD and USBWhat You Need To Know Alcohol: What You Need to Know is a substance-specific educational video program that features interviews with experts, information about where individuals can turn for assistance, and insight on assessing use and adapting healthy strategies for hope and healing. Item: 3738
Online Price: $265.00
Cannabis DVD and USBWhat You Need To Know Cannabis: What You Need to Know is a substance-specific educational video program that features interviews with experts, information about where individuals can turn for assistance, and insight on assessing use and adapting healthy strategies for hope and healing. Item: 3741
Online Price: $265.00
What Teens Need to Know ProgramAddictive Substances What Teens Need to Know: Addictive Substances is an evidence-based, flexible program that empowers prevention, intervention and treatment for those working with youth. Presenters do not need a specialized background in prevention, intervention or treatment in order to facilitate. Item: 3560
Online Price: $1,495.00
Nicotine and Vaping DVD and USBWhat You Need To Know Nicotine and Vaping: What You Need to Know is a substance-specific educational video program that features interviews with experts, information about where individuals can turn for assistance, and insight on assessing use and adapting healthy strategies for hope and healing. Item: 3764
Online Price: $265.00
Methamphetamine DVD and USBWhat You Need to Know Methamphetamine: What You Need to Know is a substance-specific educational video program that features interviews with experts, information about where individuals can turn for assistance, and insight on assessing use and adapting healthy strategies for hope and healing. Item: 3751
Online Price: $265.00
Model Smoking Prevention Program-Third EditionFor Grades 5-8 MSPP, now known as the Model Smoking Prevention Program, is an evidence-based, comprehensive program proven to help prevent kids from using cigarettes, tobacco.. Item: 3020
Online Price: $275.00
Cocaine DVDWhat You Need to Know Cocaine: What You Need to Know provides a comprehensive set of tools that is ideal for educating patients and their families, school faculty and staff, behavioral and mental health professionals, and more. Item: 4984
Online Price: $265.00
Now WhatAn Insider's Guide to Addiction and Recovery Addiction and recovery insider, expert, and best-selling author William Cope Moyers answers the question "Now What?" for addicts and their loved ones, every step of their journey from contemplation through intervention, treatment, and recovery. Item: 3982
Price: Online Price: $14.35 |
Earn ItWhat to Do When Your Kid Needs an Entitlement Intervention Entitlement is often confused with the word affluenza, a term used to describe the spoiledness of the very rich. But entitlement occurs across all income groups. It's a state of mind, the concept that "I deserve, even without putting in an effort." This attitude begins at home, but often our society helps reinforce it. Think of the so-called... Item: 3379
Price: Online Price: $15.25 |
Talking About Tobacco Pkg of 30-Third EditionTalking About Tobacco Pkg of 30 MSPP, now known as the Model Smoking Prevention Program, is an evidence-based, comprehensive program proven to help prevent kids from using cigarettes, tobacco.. Item: 337830
Online Price: $21.95
Canoe Journey Life's JourneyA Life Skills Manual for Native Adolescents
Item: 4220
Online Price: $129.00
Marijuana Toolkit DVD and USBA Prevention and Education Toolkit for Communities This comprehensive resource provides reproducible materials to create an effective, multidisciplinary plan for addressing marijuana misuse in your community. Item: 4982
Online Price: $149.00
Opioids Toolkit DVD and USBA Prevention and Education Toolkit for Communities This Opioids toolkit provides the resources for presenting targeted educational events on preventing misuse and addiction and for intervening when necessary. Item: 4973
Online Price: $149.00
Youth and Drugs of Abuse DVD USBPrevention to Recovery In this compelling video, doctors and clinicians join young people in recovery to candidly discuss symptoms and consequences of drug abuse, the neurobiology of addiction, substance abuse treatment, and life in recovery. Also included is a CD-ROM featuring reproducible topic-specific materials. Item: 7516
Online Price: $265.00
OnDemand Focus on Marijuana (1-10 Clinicians)Focus on Marijuana Help adults and youth let go of marijuana with Hazelden Publishing's top three cannabis-specific programs. Item: SE9510
Meth Toolkit DVD and USBA Prevention and Education Toolkit for Communities This comprehensive resource provides materials to create an effective, multidisciplinary plan for addressing the distribution and use of methamphetamine in your community. Item: 4988
Online Price: $149.00
Peer Leadership TrainingThe SALSA training is designed for middle and/or high school students and their adult advisors. SALSA is a peer-powered support and advocacy group of and for students who choose not to use alcohol and other drugs. Item: FCD131
Prevention AssessmentOur custom, qualitative instrument evaluates your school or community's prevention efforts and initiatives. The process involves your whole-school community, including school leadership and administration, faculty, staff, coaches, parents/guardians and students. Item: FCD132
Top Secret ProjectHazelden Betty Ford's "guided tour" of a teen's bedroom offers insight into potential risk and protective factors and creates new spaces for parents to initiate proactive conversations about health and well-being. Item: FCD135
Student Attitudes and Behavior SurveyDesigned for students in grades six to 12, the Student Attitudes and Behavior Survey gives you invaluable data to help you develop the most effective and customized prevention solutions for your school. Item: FCD133
Train the Trainer ProgrammingGain deeper insights and learn top approaches for your prevention-related responsibilities with the Train-the-Trainer Program. Created by trainers, for trainers, this program will make you even more effective in helping students in elementary through secondary schools make healthy decisions. Item: FCD106
Adult Prevention ProgrammingOur Adult Programming is tailored to your community's needs. Whether for parents and caregivers or for administration, faculty and staff, our goal with this research-backed and evidence informed programming is to help you achieve the mission of support and recovery for all. Item: FCD107