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Refusal Skills WorkbookRefusal Skills, one of the Personal Growth topics of Living Skills, gives clients the tools to establish and maintain strong personal boundaries. The Living Skills workbooks contain exercises to help participants revisit what they learned, while also diving deeper to apply the concepts to their own lives. Item: 7126
Online Price: $6.95
Interpersonal Skills WorkbookInterpersonal Skills, part of the Personal Growth segment of Living Skills, helps clients effectively manage and maintain relationships with others in a healthy, productive manner. The workbooks contain exercises to help participants revisit what they learned, while also diving deeper to apply the concepts to their own lives. Item: 7129
Online Price: $6.95
Setting and Attaining Goals WorkbookSetting and Attaining Goals, one of the Personal Growth topics of Living Skills, empowers clients to live proactive lives by setting clear, attainable, measurable goals that enhance personal growth and success. The Living Skills workbooks contain exercises to help participants revisit what they learned, while also diving deeper to apply the concepts... Item: 7147
Online Price: $6.95
Making Decisions WorkbookMaking Decisions, one of the Personal Growth topics of Living Skills, shows clients how to make wise decisions and carry through with them to maintain a healthy life. The Living Skills workbooks contain exercises to help participants revisit what they learned, while also diving deeper to apply the concepts to their own lives. Item: 7082
Online Price: $6.95
Managing Money WorkbookManaging Money, one of the Practical Guidance topics of Living Skills, helps clients who may have struggled with money in the past learn to manage money in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle and establish a foundation for the future. The Living Skills workbooks contain information to help individual participants revisit what they learned during the... Item: 7011
Online Price: $6.95
Values and Responsibilities WorkbookValues and Responsibilities, one of the Personal Growth topics of Living Skills, helps clients better align their actions with ideals and ethics that contribute to a healthy lifestyle. The Living Skills workbooks contain exercises to help participants revisit what they learned, while also diving deeper to apply the concepts to their own lives. Item: 7087
Online Price: $6.95
Looking for Work WorkbookLooking for Work, one of the Practical Guidance topics helps clients identify personally fulfilling career paths, gets them on track to attaining a job, and shows them skills needed to keep it. The Living Skills workbooks contain exercises that help participants revisit what they learned, while also diving deeper to apply the concepts to their own lives.... Item: 7015
Online Price: $6.95
Sexual Health WorkbookSexual Health, one of the Practical Guidance topics of Living Skills, helps clients navigate both the physical and emotional components of sexuality in order to promote positive sexual health. The Living Skills workbooks contain exercises to help participants revisit what they learned, while also diving deeper to apply the concepts to their own lives.... Item: 7065
Online Price: $6.95
Parenting and Child Development WorkbookParenting and Child Development, one of the Personal Growth topics of Living Skills, educates clients on child development and parenting to help them raise confident, caring, and happy children. The Living Skills workbooks contain exercises to help participants revisit what they learned, while also diving deeper to apply the concepts to their own lives.... Item: 7132
Online Price: $6.95
Securing Housing WorkbookSecuring Housing, one of the Practical Guidance topics of Living Skills, gives clients the tools to establish secure housing--a necessity in establishing a basic sense of safety, and a crucial foundation in achieving further personal development. The Living Skills workbooks contain exercises to help participants revisit what they learned, while also... Item: 7041
Online Price: $6.95
Teen Intervene Fourth EditionScreening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment for Substance Use (SBIRT) Teen Intervene is evidence-based and provides a full screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment (SBIRT) approach. Ideal for anyone working with youth in education, mental health, youth treatment and juvenile justice settings. Item: 6008
Online Price: $699.00
Education WorkbookEducation, one of the Practical Guidance topics of Living Skills, helps program participants become re-engaged in learning after potentially negative past experiences with education, and gives them the tools to set positive educational goals for the future. The Living Skills workbooks contain exercises to help participants revisit what they learned,... Item: 7054
Online Price: $6.95
Voices A Participant WorkbookVoices was created to address the unique needs of adolescent girls and young women. It encourages them to seek and celebrate their "true selves" by providing a safe space, encouragement, structure, and the support they need to embrace their journeys of self-discovery. Item: 4814
Online Price: $11.50
Living Skills Complete CollectionLacking certain life skills can profoundly affect a person's course of employment, finances, relationships, and general outlook. Hazelden Publishing's Living Skills program examines twelve basic skills that many people take for granted. Ideal for treatment, mental health, criminal justice, and a variety of other settings, it provides the tools necessary... Item: 6790
Online Price: $2,995.00
Step 1 for Young AdultsThis primer introduces young clients to Step One of the Twelve Step program. Item: 1362
Online Price: $4.95
The Matrix Model For Teens and Young Adults CollectionIntensive Outpatient Alcohol and Drug Treatment Program The Matrix Model for Teens and Young Adults is a proven Intensive Outpatient Program for people ages 13 to 25. It uses evidence-based practices to teach patients to analyze events and change thoughts, behaviors, and lifestyle related to alcohol and other drug use. Item: 4995
Online Price: $1,595.00
What Teens Need to Know ProgramAddictive Substances What Teens Need to Know: Addictive Substances is an evidence-based, flexible program that empowers prevention, intervention and treatment for those working with youth. Presenters do not need a specialized background in prevention, intervention or treatment in order to facilitate. Item: 3560
Online Price: $1,495.00
Refusal Skills Facilitator GuideRefusal Skills, one of the Personal Growth topics of Living Skills, gives clients the tools to establish and maintain strong personal boundaries. The information and exercises in the facilitator guides introduce topics to learners who may be unfamiliar with basic living skills. The guides are designed to be used in conjunction with the corresponding... Item: 7125
Online Price: $59.95
Setting and Attaining Goals Facilitator GuideSetting and Attaining Goals, one of the Personal Growth topics of Living Skills, empowers clients to live proactive lives by setting clear, attainable, measurable goals that enhance personal growth and success. The information and exercises in the Living Skills facilitator guides introduce topics to learners who may be unfamiliar with basic living skills.... Item: 7146
Online Price: $59.95
Interpersonal Skills Facilitator GuideInterpersonal Skills, one of the Personal Growth topics of Living Skills, helps clients effectively manage and maintain relationships with others in a healthy, productive manner. The information and exercises in the facilitator guides introduce topics to learners who may be unfamiliar with basic living skills. The guides are designed to be used in conjunction... Item: 7128
Online Price: $59.95
Coping with Stress CurriculumA CBT Program for Teens with Trauma A flexible and effective curriculum for treating teens suffering from the symptoms of trauma. Teach the core skills within a few sessions, and participants can begin addressing their symptoms immediately. Item: 3899
Online Price: $195.00
Hygiene and Self-Care Facilitator GuideHygiene and Self-Care, one of the Practical Guidance topics of Living Skills, teaches clients important hygiene and self-care practices to help them maintain physical health, promote self-confidence, and make a positive impression on others. The information and exercises in the facilitator guides introduce topics to learners who may be unfamiliar with... Item: 7046
Online Price: $59.95
Earn ItWhat to Do When Your Kid Needs an Entitlement Intervention Entitlement is often confused with the word affluenza, a term used to describe the spoiledness of the very rich. But entitlement occurs across all income groups. It's a state of mind, the concept that "I deserve, even without putting in an effort." This attitude begins at home, but often our society helps reinforce it. Think of the so-called... Item: 3379
Price: Online Price: $15.25 |
Managing Money Facilitator GuideManaging Money, one of the Practical Guidance topics of Living Skills, helps clients who may have struggled with money in the past learn to manage money in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle and establish a foundation for the future. The information and exercises in the Living Skills facilitator guides introduce topics to learners who may be unfamiliar... Item: 7010
Online Price: $59.95
Adolescent Co-occurring Disorders Series Complete Curriculum ExpandedWritten by leading experts in the field of adolescent co-occurring disorders, this curriculum includes facilitator's guides and worksheets on the most common disorders faced by teens. Item: 0391
Online Price: $325.00
Making Decisions Facilitator GuideMaking Decisions, one of the Personal Growth topics of Living Skills, shows clients how to make wise decisions and carry through with them to maintain a healthy life. The information and exercises in the Living Skills facilitator guides introduce topics to learners who may be unfamiliar with basic living skills. The guides are designed to be used in... Item: 7081
Online Price: $59.95
Voices: A Program of Self-Discovery and Empowerment for GirlsVoices was created to address the unique needs of adolescent girls and young women. It encourages them to seek and celebrate their "true selves" by providing a safe space, encouragement, structure, and the support they need to embrace their journeys of self-discovery. Item: 4812
Online Price: $95.00
Steps 1-5 for Young Adults Workbook CollectionYoung People in Recovery Help guide young people through the process of self-examination and the first five Steps. Item: 0828
Online Price: $16.95
Voices 10 Participant WorkbooksVoices was created to address the unique needs of adolescent girls and young women. It encourages them to seek and celebrate their "true selves" by providing a safe space, encouragement, structure, and the support they need to embrace their journeys of self-discovery. Item: 4816
Online Price: $115.00
Values and Responsibilities Facilitator GuideValues and Responsibilities, one of the Personal Growth topics of Living Skills, helps clients better align their actions with ideals and ethics that contribute to a healthy lifestyle. The information and exercises in the Living Skills facilitator guides introduce topics to learners who may be unfamiliar with basic living skills. The guides are designed... Item: 7086
Online Price: $59.95
CANDIS CurriculumA Marijuana Treatment Program for Youth and Adults Evidence-based and abstinence-oriented, CANDIS is an effective, affordable tool for helping both youth and adult clients overcome their dependence on cannabis. Item: 3635
Online Price: $695.00
Addiction BasicsUnderstanding the Disease Ideal for people who are wondering if they (or a loved one) may have a problem. Addiction Basics dispels the myths surrounding the disease. Industry experts and people in recovery provide insights in their own words, sharing a message of truth and hope. Item: 3488
Online Price: $265.00
Parenting and Child Development Facilitator GuideParenting and Child Development, one of the Personal Growth topics of Living Skills, educates clients on child development and parenting to help them raise confident, caring, and happy children. The information and exercises in the Living Skills facilitator guides introduce topics to learners who may be unfamiliar with basic living skills. The guides... Item: 7131
Online Price: $59.95
Looking for Work Facilitator GuideLooking for Work, one of the Practical Guidance topics of Living Skills, helps clients identify personally fulfilling career paths, gets them on track to attaining a job, and shows them skills needed to keep it. The information and exercises in the Living Skills facilitator guides introduce topics to learners who may be unfamiliar with basic living skills.... Item: 7014
Online Price: $59.95
Voices CollectionVoices was created to address the unique needs of adolescent girls and young women. It encourages them to seek and celebrate their "true selves" by providing a safe space, encouragement, structure, and the support they need to embrace their journeys of self-discovery. Item: 4815
Online Price: $198.50
Securing Housing Facilitator GuideSecuring Housing, one of the Practical Guidance topics of Living Skills, gives clients the tools to establish secure housing--a necessity in creating a basic sense of safety, and a crucial foundation in achieving further personal development. The information and exercises in the Living Skills facilitator guides introduce topics to learners who may be... Item: 7040
Online Price: $59.95
Sexual Health Facilitator GuideSexual Health, one of the Practical Guidance topic of Living Skills, helps clients navigate both the physical and emotional components of sexuality in order to promote positive sexual health. The information and exercises in the Living Skills facilitator guides introduce topics to learners who may be unfamiliar with basic living skills. The guides are... Item: 7064
Online Price: $59.95
The Hazelden Basics Video SeriesOne of each: Addiction Basics, Treatment Basics, Recovery Basics, and Family Recovery Basics The complete Hazelden Basics Video Series is a straightforward, dynamic, and inexpensive tool for providing excellent treatment and recovery support to clients and their families. Includes one each of: Addiction Basics, Treatment Basics, Recovery Basics, and Family Recovery Basics video programs. Item: 5810
Online Price: $945.00
Substance Use and Oppositional Defiant DisorderADHD, Conduct Disorder, Oppositional Defiant, Adjustment, with Anger workbook A module in Hazelden's Adolescent Co-occurring Disorders Series, Substance Use and Oppositional Defiant Disorder is a reproducible 50-page workbook of client exercises and facilitator information. The exercises are designed to be used with the help of a counselor, therapist, psychologist, social worker, or physician. Item: 2342
Online Price: $65.95
Opioids Toolkit DVD and USBA Prevention and Education Toolkit for Communities This Opioids toolkit provides the resources for presenting targeted educational events on preventing misuse and addiction and for intervening when necessary. Item: 4973
Online Price: $149.00
Young Men's Work Complete CollectionStopping Violence and Building Community Young Men's Work is an engaging curriculum that helps young men ages 14-19 to see the social context in which violence occurs and to view ending violence against women and men as serving their interests--and the interests of their communities. Item: 7373
Online Price: $225.00
Education Facilitator GuideEducation, part of the Practical Guidance topics of Living Skills, helps program participants become re-engaged in learning after potentially negative past experiences with education, and gives them the tools to set positive educational goals for the future. The information and exercises in the Living Skills facilitator guides introduce topics to learners... Item: 7053
Online Price: $59.95
Brief Telephone Continuing Care Therapy for AdolescentsBased on an integrated treatment model of motivational interviewing and cognitive-behavioral therapy, Brief Telephone Continuing Care Therapy for Adolescents is an evidence-based program for adolescent clients who have recently completed a substance abuse treatment program. Item: 7918
Online Price: $43.95
Youth Life Skills DVD Series for High SchoolReal teens explain how they handled difficult situations in the past and what they learned from their experiences this DVD series developed to teach kids about anger management, communication, conflict resolution, decision making, and stress management. Item: 2685
Price: Online Price: $189.00 |
The Matrix Model Family Program Video CollectionThe complete collection will provide you with 25 videos and over 2 hours of education, real stories, and expert advice aimed at youth. Item: 3541
Online Price: $799.00
Substance Use and Adjustment DisorderADHD, Conduct Disorder, Oppositional Defiant, Adjustment, with Anger workbook A module in Hazelden's Adolescent Co-occurring Disorders Series, Substance Use and Adjustment Disorder is a reproducible 50-page workbook of client exercises and facilitator information. The exercises are designed to be used with the help of a counselor, therapist, psychologist, social worker, or physician. Item: 2341
Online Price: $65.95
Adolescent Drug Abuse Curriculum with DVDThe Clinical Innovators Series Dr. Liddle discusses the multiple factors that contribute to the development of adolescent substance abuse, its accompanying emotional and behavioral problems, focusing on a type of therapy called Multidimensional Family Therapy (MDFT) Item: 2752
Online Price: $225.00
Substance Use and Anxiety DisordersAdolescent Co-occuring Disorders Series A module in Hazelden's popular Adolescent Co-occurring Disorder Series, Substance Use and Anxiety Disorder provides you with information about the disorder, informs you of proven or promising treatments, and includes reproducible workbook pages for client use. Item: 7350
Online Price: $65.95
Preventing Relapse Taking the Necessary Steps DVDTaking the Necessary Steps In this powerful DVD, recovering young people speaking from experience reveal what it takes to confront and overcome the risk of relapse. Item: 2579
Online Price: $145.00
Substance Use and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity DisorderADHD, Conduct Disorder, Oppositional Defiant, Adjustment, with Anger workbook A module in Hazelden's Adolescent co-occurring Disorder Series, Substance Use and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder is a reproducible 50-page workbook of client exercises and facilitator information. The exercises are designed to be used with the help of a counselor, therapist, psychologist, social worker, or physician. Item: 2179
Online Price: $65.95
Adolescents and Co-occurring Disorders DVDAdolescents and Co-occurring Disorders introduces youth to strategies for staying sober while coping with a co-occurring disorder. Features clinical insights by noted expert in adolescent treatment Janice Gabe. Item: 4925
Online Price: $99.00
Substance Use and Conduct DisorderADHD, Conduct Disorder, Oppositional Defiant, Adjustment, with Anger workbook A module in Hazelden's Adolescent Co-occurring Disorder Series, Substance Use and Conduct Disorder is a reproducible 50-page workbook of client exercises and facilitator information. The exercises are designed to be used with the help of a counselor, therapist, psychologist, social worker, or physician. Item: 2343
Online Price: $65.95
Substance Use and Mood DisordersDepression and Dysthymia Written by a leading expert in the treatment of adolescent co-occurring disorders, this cost-effective resource for professionals who work with youths presents authoritative information about mood disorders and substance abuse. Item: 2132
Online Price: $65.95
Adults in Treatment Video Collection (1-10 Clinicians)Adults in Treatment Share important information about addiction basics with adult clients via 10 engaging videos. This OnDemand video collection focuses on addiction, drugs, Twelve Step groups, treatment for specific populations such as women, men, older adults, and much more. Item: SE9091
Treatment OnDemand with The Matrix Model for Teens and Young Adults 1-10 CliniciansMatrix Model The Matrix Model for Teens and Young Adults is an evidence-based intensive outpatient program that is adapted from the evidence-based Matrix Model, and provides teen and young adult clients with the structure of an inpatient treatment experience on an outpatient timetable. Item: SE3574
Treatment OnDemand with Twelve Step Facilitation-Youth Version (1-10 Clinicians)Facilitation Twelve Step Ideal for organizations seeking a systemized and consistent approach to youth addiction treatment in community-based, corrections, private practice, and mental health settings, Twelve Step Facilitation is an intervention for facilitating recovery from substance abuse or addiction. Item: SE3565
Meth Toolkit DVD and USBA Prevention and Education Toolkit for Communities This comprehensive resource provides materials to create an effective, multidisciplinary plan for addressing the distribution and use of methamphetamine in your community. Item: 4988
Online Price: $149.00
Top Secret ProjectHazelden Betty Ford's "guided tour" of a teen's bedroom offers insight into potential risk and protective factors and creates new spaces for parents to initiate proactive conversations about health and well-being. Item: FCD135
Train the Trainer ProgrammingGain deeper insights and learn top approaches for your prevention-related responsibilities with the Train-the-Trainer Program. Created by trainers, for trainers, this program will make you even more effective in helping students in elementary through secondary schools make healthy decisions. Item: FCD106
Adult Prevention ProgrammingOur Adult Programming is tailored to your community's needs. Whether for parents and caregivers or for administration, faculty and staff, our goal with this research-backed and evidence informed programming is to help you achieve the mission of support and recovery for all. Item: FCD107