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Glad DayDaily Meditations for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender People Addressing the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people, Glad Day speaks to the issues that touch everyone, regardless of sexual orientation: change, fear, self-disclosure, faith in a power greater than ourselves, success and failure, openness to ourselves and others. Item: 5670
Price: Online Price: $17.05 |
Living the Twelve Traditions in Todays WorldPrinciples Before Personalities A gripping exploration of the history of the Twelve Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous and their relevance and applicability today. Item: 4174
Price: Online Price: $17.95 |
Un día a la vez para Jugadores Anónimos, tapa blanda (A Day At a Time Gamblers Anonymous Softcover) SpanishGamblers Anonymous Un día a la vez es una herramienta de recuperación esencial para los jugadores compulsivos, con reflexiones y oraciones diarias que ofrecen esperanza, apoyo y orientación durante todo el año. Item: 4735
Online Price: $12.95
Betty A Glad AwakeningIn this candid and moving memoir, former First Lady Betty Ford shares her experience, understanding, and hope so that others can discover that alcoholism and drug addiction need not rob them of their lives. Item: 6021
Price: Online Price: $17.05 |
Anniversary Glitter Painted Crystallized Medallions (Special Order)*Special Shipping. See full description for details. These glittery and crystalilzed anniversary medallions feature the time-honored Twelve Step program phrase "To Thine Own Self Be True," with the date and "Unity, Service, Recovery" on one side, and the Serenity prayer on the other. Item: 3372
Online Price: $29.99
AA Anniversary Glass Medallion Special OrderDesign Your Own Medallion *Special Shipping. See full description for details. Glass AA anniversary triangle medallions with "Unity, Service, Recovery" triangle on one side; individual's name and sobriety date on the other. Item: 3797
Online Price: $24.95
A Gentle Path through the Twelve Steps Updated and ExpandedThe Classic Guide for All People in the Process of Recovery Renowned addiction expert and best-selling author Patrick Carnes, Ph.D., brings readers a personal portal to the wisdom of the Twelve Steps. Item: 2558
Price: Online Price: $17.95 |
OnDemand Focus on Living Skills (1-10 Clinicians)Practical Guidance and Personal Growth, A Hazelden On Demand Collection Hazelden Publishing's Living Skills examines 12 basic skills that many people take for granted. Ideal for treatment, mental health, criminal justice, and a variety of other settings, it provides the tools necessary to help clients live healthy, fulfilling lives. Item: SE9954
Relaciones De Pareja Seguaras Tercera Edicion (Safe Dates 3rd Edition Spanish)Un programa para la prevencion de la agresion en las relaciones de pareja entre adolescents This evidence-based program helps teens recognize the difference between caring, supportive relationships and controlling, manipulative, or abusive relationships. It is during the critical preteen and teen years that young people begin to learn the skills needed to create and foster positive relationships. Safe Dates equips young people with the tools... Item: 1072
Online Price: $395.00
Hazelden Lifelines PreventionBuilding Knowledge and Skills to Prevent Suicide Lifelines Prevention®: Building Knowledge and Skills to Prevent Suicide is a comprehensive, whole-school suicide prevention curriculum that educates school faculty, parents, and students on the facts about suicide and their respective roles as suicide "preventers". This newly revised edition uses updated language and new topics to reflect today's... Item: 3500
Online Price: $295.00
Premier Anniversary Medallion Gold plated or Silver Plated Special Order1- 25 year painted center, 26 - 60 year unpainted center *Special Shipping. See full description for details. Celebrate your achievement and commitment with a custom-created anniversary medallion. silver-plated, hand-painted and carry the message To thine own self be true along with the words" Unity Recovery," and "Service". Item: 4400
Online Price: $23.95
Young Men's Work Complete CollectionStopping Violence and Building Community Young Men's Work is an engaging curriculum that helps young men ages 14-19 to see the social context in which violence occurs and to view ending violence against women and men as serving their interests--and the interests of their communities. Item: 7373
Online Price: $225.00
The ASAM Criteria, Fourth Edition, Open Enrollment 2-Day TrainingASAM, 4th Edition, Training, Substance-Related, Co-Occurring Conditions Two-Day Virtual Skill-Building Training: Understanding The ASAM Criteria, Fourth Edition, and Its Clinical Application Join our Master Trainers for the most interactive, hands-on, and thorough ASAM training experience. Regardless of your current understanding of The Fourth Edition, we give you the time and space to comprehend, practice, and ask questions... Items: TR4422
Online Price: $595.00
The Warning Signs of Relapse Pkg of 10For Preventing a Return to Use Relapse is often part of the recovery process, so learning the warning signs can help strengthen your recovery. When you can recognize the warning signs in this pamphlet, you¿ll be able to use recovery support tools and reduce the risk of relapse. Item: 125910
Price: Online Price: $39.95 |
The Warning Signs of RelapseFor Preventing a Return to Use Relapse is often part of the recovery process, so learning the warning signs can help strengthen your recovery. When you can recognize the warning signs in this pamphlet, you¿ll be able to use recovery support tools and reduce the risk of relapse. Item: 1259
Online Price: $4.95
Dare To LeadBrave Work. Tough Conversations. Whole Hearts In her #1 New York Times bestsellers, Brené Brown has taught us what it means to dare greatly, rise strong, and brave the wilderness. Now, based on new research conducted with leaders, change makers, and culture shifters', she's showing us how to put those ideas into practice so we can step up and lead. Item: 9139
Price: Online Price: $25.20 |
Olweus High School Resources On Demand (1 Year)Increase the fidelity of your electronic subscription to the Olweus Bullying Prevention Electronic Subscription Core Program with this supplemental resource package for high schools. Item: SE1951
Finding Your Moral CompassTransformative Principles to Guide You In Recovery and Life Craig Nakken, author of the best-selling book The Addictive Personality, gives readers in recovery the model and tools needed to make life decisions in the pursuit of good. He offers 41 universally accepted principles, paired as positive and negative counterparts that guide behavior. Item: 7459
Price: Online Price: $14.35 |
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-5-TRFifth Edition, Text Revision, Prevention to Recovery Now in its fifth edition, the DSM-5 is a comprehensive diagnostic tool that creates a common language for health care professionals involved in the diagnosis of mental disorders. Item: 7534
Online Price: $175.00
Parenting and Child Development Session PackageParenting and Child Development, one of the Personal Growth topics of Living Skills, educates clients on child development and parenting to help them raise confident, caring, and happy children. Item: 6780
Online Price: $275.00
Grateful Heart MedallionMade exclusively for Hazelden, this Gratitude medallion is a perfect gift for anyone, whether they are in recovery or not. Start each day with a grateful heart. Item: 3445
Price: Online Price: $3.91 |
The Next HappyLet Go of the Life You Planned and Find a New Way Forward When the best option is to let go of the life you planned for yourself and find a new path, a world of possibilities can surprisingly open up. Learn whether it is time to let go, and if so, how to move through your grief and find your way forward in The Next Happy. Item: 7768
Price: Online Price: $4.99 |
A Day at A Time Gamblers Anonymous HardcoverGamblers Anonymous A Day at a Time is an essential recovery tool for compulsive gamblers, with daily reflections and prayers that offer hope, support, and guidance throughout the year. Item: 7655
Price: Online Price: $16.15 |
A Woman's Way through the Twelve Steps Set 5 of EachBy nationally recognized expert Stephanie Covington, A Woman's Way through the Twelve Steps is a proven effective, gender-responsive approach to helping women find serenity through the Twelve Steps. Item: 4026
Online Price: $169.00
Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book Large Print 4th EditionBig Book The large print fourth edition of Alcoholics Anonymous, affectionately known as the Big Book, includes twenty-four new stories and continues to pass on AA's message of hope and recovery to millions. Item: 4761
Online Price: $16.95
A Woman's Way through the Twelve Steps SetWomen's recovery can differ from men's, and each person's recovery is in many ways unique. That's why Dr. Stephanie S. Covington has designed the A Women's Way Through the Twelve Steps softcover and workbook to help women and gender-expansive people each find their own path. Item: 4010
Online Price: $33.95
Taking Back Your LifeWomen and Problem Gambling Up-to-date, guided support to help women with a gambling problem achieve the rewards of a hopeful life, free of addiction. Item: 4733
Price: Online Price: $14.35 |
Managing Money Facilitator GuideManaging Money, one of the Practical Guidance topics of Living Skills, helps clients who may have struggled with money in the past learn to manage money in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle and establish a foundation for the future. The information and exercises in the Living Skills facilitator guides introduce topics to learners who may be unfamiliar... Item: 7010
Online Price: $59.95
A Woman's Way through the Twelve Steps Complete CollectionBy nationally recognized expert Stephanie Covington, A Woman's Way through the Twelve Steps is a proven effective, gender-responsive approach to helping women find serenity through the Twelve Steps. The collection includes facilitator guide, 10 workbooks, and 10 softcover books. Item: 4020
Online Price: $429.00
The Grandfamily GuidebookWisdom and Support for Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Ready or not, you're a parent again. If you're wondering how exactly you're going to raise your grandchildren, you're not alone. The Grandfamily Guidebook offers advice on everything from engaging with birth parents, to legal and financial issues, school and social life, and your own self-care. Read the Buzz. Item: 3620
Price: Online Price: $16.15 |
Take Good CareFinding Your Joy in Compassionate Caregiving In Take Good Care, author Cynthia Orange brings together compelling testimonies from a wide range of caregivers, advice from leading experts in the field, and her own hard-won wisdom to capture the subtle differences between caretaking and caregiving. Item: 3425
Price: Online Price: $9.99 |
Building Assets, Reducing Risks Curriculum Gr 6-12 Volume 2A School Improvement Model for Grades 6-12 The BARR Classroom Curriculum, Vol. 2, or "I-Time," helps teachers to extend I-Time across more grade levels or into another year of school. "I-Time" includes 35 interactive activities focused on building developmental assets through goal-setting, communication, grief, loss, bullying, and diversity. Item: 9997
Teen Intervene 2-Day Open Enrollment TrainingTeen Intervene, substance use, substance use disorder, substance abuse, addiction, family, intervention, teen, youth, treatment, marijuana, cannabis, alcohol, nicotine, tobacco, vaping, Training, Substance-Related, Co-Occurring Conditions Two-Day Virtual Training: Become an Expert Teen Intervene Facilitator During our Teen Intervene training, a prevention specialist will walk participants through the curriculum step-by-step. At the end of this live event, you'll feel fully equipped to administer the program by providing skill building, experiential learning and detailed insight to today's... Items: TR6008
Online Price: $600.00
Securing Housing Facilitator GuideSecuring Housing, one of the Practical Guidance topics of Living Skills, gives clients the tools to establish secure housing--a necessity in creating a basic sense of safety, and a crucial foundation in achieving further personal development. The information and exercises in the Living Skills facilitator guides introduce topics to learners who may be... Item: 7040
Online Price: $59.95
Guardian Angel Pocket MedallionPewter, 1-1/8" diameter Make sure that you, or someone you love, has a Guardian Angel close at hand. Item: 9313
Price: Online Price: $2.92 |
Bill and Bob Anniversary Painted Crystallized Medallion (Special Order)Available in Years 1- 50 *Special Shipping. See full description for details. Bill W. and Dr. Bob are prominently displayed on the front of these crystalized anniversary medallions. Quotes on the back of the coin reads "Rarely have we seen a person fail who has thoroughly followed our path," "One Day at a Time," "To thine own self be true." Item: 3373
Online Price: $29.99
Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book 4th Edition Case Special Hardcover JacketlessThe fourth edition of Alcoholics Anonymous, affectionately known as the Big Book, includes twenty-four new stories and continues to pass on AA's message of hope and recovery to millions. 1 case of 20. Item: 202320
Price: Online Price: $299.00 |
Shock WavesA Practical Guide to Living with a Loved One's PTSD Shock Waves is a practical, user-friendly guide for those who love someone suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. Item: 2602
Price: Online Price: $14.35 |
Complete Hazelden Lifelines TrilogyPrevention, Intervention and Postvention Programs Revised The Complete Lifelines Trilogy is a unique collection of programs for middle and high school students to address the important topic of teen suicide: from prevention to intervention to response. This newly revised version includes updated language and new topics to reflect today's youth culture. Included in this collection are three programs: Lifelines... Item: 3515
Online Price: $545.00
Integrated Dual Disorders Treatment RevisedBest Practices, Skills, and Resources for Successful Client Care Bringing the most comprehensive research and information available today to the mental health field, the Dartmouth Psychiatric Research Center and Hazelden have redesigned the innovative Integrated Dual Disorders Treatment (IDDT) curriculum with the needs of organizations like yours in mind. Far surpassing its predecessor in ease of implementation and... Item: 2034
Online Price: $155.00
A Woman's Way through the Twelve Steps RevisedThis guide to the Twelve Steps from Dr. Stephanie S. Covington, a pioneer in the field of women's issues, addiction, and recovery, preserves the spirit of the program with a focus on healing language with women's needs in mind. Item: 1430
Online Price: $19.95
Today I Will Do One ThingDaily Readings for Awareness and Hope A groundbreaking meditation book for people in addiction recovery also suffering from a co-occurring disorder, Today I Will Do One Thing offers a simple blueprint for positive problem solving and the insights needed for positive change. Item: 1400
Price: Online Price: $17.05 |
Setting and Attaining Goals Facilitator GuideSetting and Attaining Goals, one of the Personal Growth topics of Living Skills, empowers clients to live proactive lives by setting clear, attainable, measurable goals that enhance personal growth and success. The information and exercises in the Living Skills facilitator guides introduce topics to learners who may be unfamiliar with basic living skills.... Item: 7146
Online Price: $59.95
A Gentle Path through the Twelve PrinciplesLiving the Values Behind the Steps, By the best-selling author of the recovery classic A Gentle Path through the Twelve Steps Renowned addiction expert Patrick Carnes, Ph.D., author of A Gentle Path through the Twelve Steps, outlines twelve guiding principles to help those in recovery develop an essential skill set for life. Item: 2557
Price: Online Price: $16.15 |
Housing First Collection RevisedThe Pathways Model to End Homelessness for People with Co-occurring Substance Use and Mental Health Disorder This step-by-step program provides a solid foundation for introducing the evidence-based Housing First approach--provide housing first, followed by supportive treatment services--into new locations and evolving existing programs into those based on the ideals of the Pathways Model to End Homelessness. It guides you in structuring policies and programs... Item: 2033
Online Price: $535.00
Hygiene and Self-Care Facilitator GuideHygiene and Self-Care, one of the Practical Guidance topics of Living Skills, teaches clients important hygiene and self-care practices to help them maintain physical health, promote self-confidence, and make a positive impression on others. The information and exercises in the facilitator guides introduce topics to learners who may be unfamiliar with... Item: 7046
Online Price: $59.95
Class Meetings and Individual Intervention DVD SetA Video Training Program for School Staff This video training program gives elementary and middle school staff the knowledge, skills, and confidence to conduct class meetings about bullying and to intervene when bullying occurs. Includes facilitator's guide and 2 DVDs. Item: 4726
Online Price: $214.95
Parenting and Child Development Facilitator GuideParenting and Child Development, one of the Personal Growth topics of Living Skills, educates clients on child development and parenting to help them raise confident, caring, and happy children. The information and exercises in the Living Skills facilitator guides introduce topics to learners who may be unfamiliar with basic living skills. The guides... Item: 7131
Online Price: $59.95
Looking for Work Facilitator GuideLooking for Work, one of the Practical Guidance topics of Living Skills, helps clients identify personally fulfilling career paths, gets them on track to attaining a job, and shows them skills needed to keep it. The information and exercises in the Living Skills facilitator guides introduce topics to learners who may be unfamiliar with basic living skills.... Item: 7014
Online Price: $59.95
Making Decisions Facilitator GuideMaking Decisions, one of the Personal Growth topics of Living Skills, shows clients how to make wise decisions and carry through with them to maintain a healthy life. The information and exercises in the Living Skills facilitator guides introduce topics to learners who may be unfamiliar with basic living skills. The guides are designed to be used in... Item: 7081
Online Price: $59.95
Hygiene and Self-Care Session PackageHygiene and Self-Care, one of the Practical Guidance topics of Living Skills, teaches clients important hygiene and self-care practices to help them maintain physical health, promote self-confidence, and make a positive impression on others. Item: 6773
Online Price: $275.00
App Apple Day By DayInspirational messages augment and reinforce N.A. principles about coping with today's problems while staying chemically free. Item: AP1099
Setting and Attaining Goals Session PackageSetting and Attaining Goals, one of the Personal Growth topics of Living Skills, empowers clients to live proactive lives by setting clear, attainable, measurable goals that enhance personal growth and success. Item: 6781
Online Price: $275.00
The Twelve Step Prayer Book, Third Edition, CompiledA Collection of Inspirational Daily Readings The newly compiled 12 Step Prayer Book offers adapted and traditional prayers to complement any Twelve Step program or any mindful recovery experience. Collected and compiled from varied authors, faiths, and lifestyles, these prayers of strength and healing will give you a thought for each day. These are the faithful words of the world. Item: 3734
Price: Online Price: $17.05 |
Step UpUnpacking Steps One, Two, and Three with Someone Who's Been There Twelve Step programs can sometimes be intimidating. Before you walk into that meeting, you want to know the scoop and what it's really like to work a Twelve Step recovery program. Graubart honestly addresses the most common questions about the Twelve Step fellowship. As someone who's been where you are today, he shows you what it's like to not only maintain... Item: 3411
Price: Online Price: $9.99 |
Hazelden Lifelines InterventionHelping Students At Risk for Suicide Lifelines® Intervention: Helping Students at Risk for Suicide provides middle and high school faculty and students information on how to respond to signs of suicide. This newly revised edition includes updated language and new topics to reflect today's best practices and youth culture. Item: 3505
Online Price: $195.00
The 12 Steps UnpluggedA Young Person's Guide to Alcoholics Anonymous In this simple and often funny guide, the author interprets the philosophies and stories of the Big Book in straightforward language that speaks to regular people. John will help you connect with the basic messages of getting honest with yourself, accepting the help of others, and finding a relevant spiritual support. Item: 4893
Price: Online Price: $13.45 |
Sober DadThe Manual for Perfectly Imperfect Parenting Your role as a dad will last a lifetime. You'll soon see that perfection isn't the point. Showing up, being present, getting up, and trying again with your eyes wide open and crystal clear that's what counts. That's what separates the guys from the sober dads. Those are the things your kids will remember. Item: 3017
Price: Online Price: $14.35 |
Twelve Step Facilitation for Co-occurring Disorders Facilitator Guide, 2nd Edition, with DVD & USBIdeal for those working in community-based, corrections, private practice, and mental health settings, the Twelve Step Facilitation Program is designed for one-to-one individual facilitation sessions, as well as group treatment. Item: 6185
Online Price: $375.00
Securing Housing Session PackageSecuring Housing, one of the Practical Guidance topics of Living Skills, gives clients the tools to establish secure housing--a necessity in establishing a basic sense of safety, and a crucial foundation in achieving further personal development. Item: 6772
Online Price: $275.00
Anniversary Painted Crystallized Medallion (Special Order)*Special Shipping. See full description for details. These anniversary medallions with crystal accents feature the time-honored Twelve Step program phrase "To Thine Own Self Be True," with the date and "Unity, Service, Recovery" on one side, and the Serenity prayer on the other. Item: 3374
Online Price: $29.99
Twelve Step Facilitation for Co-occurring Disorders Facilitator Guide, 2nd Edition, Pkg. of 3Ideal for those working in community-based, corrections, private practice, and mental health settings, the Twelve Step Facilitation Program is designed for one-to-one individual facilitation sessions, as well as group treatment. Item: 570603
Online Price: $325.00
Change Medallion Pkg of 25A reminder of our process of transformation, this medallion features motivational phrases to carry you through the day... Item: 729825
Price: Online Price: $73.00 |
Adolescent Group Facilitator's GuideDynamic Discussion Starters Jumpstart adolescent group discussions with this guide of more than 500 questions that engage teens to start talking about everything from substance abuse to marriage. Item: 1812
Online Price: $14.95
Safe Dates On Demand One Year SubscriptionA Teen Relationship Abuse Prevention Curriculum This evidence-based program helps teens recognize the difference between caring, supportive relationships and controlling, manipulative, or abusive relationships. It is during the critical preteen and teen years that young people begin to learn the skills needed to create and foster positive relationships. Item: SE9860
Managing Money Session PackageManaging Money, part of the Practical Guidance segment of Living Skills, helps clients that may have struggled with money in the past -- whether it be because of addiction, mental illness, incarceration, or other difficulties -- learn to manage money in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle and establish a foundation for the future. Item: 6770
Online Price: $275.00
Breaking Free Online AccessPowered by LifeWorks Breaking Free is a self-managed digital behavioral health program. Breaking Free gives individuals who are concerned about their substance use a confidential, online space for wellness and recovery. Item: SE4576
Online Price: $99.00
Hazelden Lifelines PostventionResponding to Suicide and Other Traumatic Death Lifelines® Postvention: Responding to Suicide and Other Traumatic Death is a best-practices manual that educates everyone in the community on how to successfully respond to suicide and other traumatic deaths that profoundly affect the school population. This newly revised edition includes updated language and new topics to reflect today's best practices... Item: 3510
Online Price: $155.00
Practicing the Here and NowBeing Intentional with Step 11 How do we unlock and experience the teachings of Step Eleven? Herb K. helps us realize that working--and living--this vital recovery "maintenance Step" doesn't have to be as much of a challenge as commonly thought. Item: 8996
Price: Online Price: $16.15 |
Making Decisions Session PackageMaking Decisions, one of the Personal Growth topics of Living Skills, shows clients how to make wise decisions and carry through with them to maintain a healthy life. Item: 6776
Online Price: $275.00
Hygiene and Self Care WorkbookHygiene and Self-Care, part of the Practical Guidance segment of Living Skills, teaches clients important hygiene and self-care practices to help them maintain physical health, promote self-confidence, and make a positive impression on others. The workbooks contain exercises to help participants revisit what they learned, while also diving deeper to... Item: 7047
Online Price: $6.95
Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book 4th Edition Case Special HardcoverThe fourth edition of Alcoholics Anonymous, affectionately known as the Big Book, includes twenty-four new stories and continues to pass on AA's message of hope and recovery to millions. Item: 202120
Price: Online Price: $299.00 |
Rising Strong SoftcoverThe Quest for True Belonging and the Courage to Stand Alone Her pioneering work uncovered a profound truth: Vulnerability--the willingness to show up and be seen with no guarantee of outcome--is the only path to more love, belonging, creativity, and joy. Item: 3608
Price: Online Price: $9.99 |
Looking For Work Session PackageLooking for Work, one of the Practical Guidance topics of Living Skills, helps clients identify personally fulfilling career paths, gets them on track to attaining a job, and shows them skills needed to keep it. Item: 6771
Online Price: $275.00
Sister Ignatia Second EditionAngel of Alcoholics Anonymous Sister Mary Ignatia Gavin epitomized the spirit of love, service, and honesty that today are the hallmarks of Alcoholics Anonymous. As a hospital admissions officer in the 1930s in Akron, Ohio, Sr. Ignatia befriended Dr. Bob Smith, co-founder of AA, and courageously arranged for the hospitalization of alcoholics at a time when alcoholism was viewed as... Item: 1868
Price: Online Price: $18.85 |
A Sober Mom's Guide to RecoveryTaking Care of Yourself to Take Care of Your Kids Recovering from an addiction is tough enough, but when you throw in the tremendous responsibilities of motherhood, resisting cravings and remaining abstinent--much less enjoying the rewards of sobriety--can seem like an impossible challenge. Item: 7938
Price: Online Price: $16.15 |
Courage to Change HardcoverOne Day at a Time in Al-Anon II The daily meditations, reminders, and prayers from Courage to Change help families encourage their recovering alcoholic loved ones and point to Al-Anon's impact as a vital part of recovery. Item: 3070
Online Price: $20.00
Refusal Skills Session PackageRefusal Skills, one of the Personal Growth topics of Living Skills, gives clients the tools to establish and maintain strong personal boundaries. Item: 6778
Online Price: $275.00
Earn ItWhat to Do When Your Kid Needs an Entitlement Intervention Entitlement is often confused with the word affluenza, a term used to describe the spoiledness of the very rich. But entitlement occurs across all income groups. It's a state of mind, the concept that "I deserve, even without putting in an effort." This attitude begins at home, but often our society helps reinforce it. Think of the so-called... Item: 3379
Price: Online Price: $15.25 |
Setting and Attaining Goals WorkbookSetting and Attaining Goals, one of the Personal Growth topics of Living Skills, empowers clients to live proactive lives by setting clear, attainable, measurable goals that enhance personal growth and success. The Living Skills workbooks contain exercises to help participants revisit what they learned, while also diving deeper to apply the concepts... Item: 7147
Online Price: $6.95
Managing Money WorkbookManaging Money, one of the Practical Guidance topics of Living Skills, helps clients who may have struggled with money in the past learn to manage money in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle and establish a foundation for the future. The Living Skills workbooks contain information to help individual participants revisit what they learned during the... Item: 7011
Online Price: $6.95
Interpersonal Skills Session PackageInterpersonal Skills, one of the Personal Growth topics of Living Skills, helps clients effectively manage and maintain relationships with others in a healthy, productive manner. Item: 6779
Online Price: $275.00
The Language of Letting GoDaily Meditations on Codependency In this favorite daily meditation book, Melody Beattie integrates her own life experiences and fundamental recovery reflections especially for those of us who struggle with the issue of codependency. Item: 5076
Price: Online Price: $18.85 |
Education Session PackageEducation, one of the Practical Guidance topics of Living Skills, helps program participants become re-engaged in learning after potentially negative past experiences with education, and gives them the tools to set positive educational goals for the future. Item: 6774
Online Price: $275.00
Sexual Health Sessions PackageSexual Health, one of the Practical Guidance topic of Living Skills, helps clients navigate both the physical and emotional components of sexuality in order to promote positive sexual health. Item: 6775
Online Price: $275.00
Living Skills Complete CollectionLacking certain life skills can profoundly affect a person's course of employment, finances, relationships, and general outlook. Hazelden Publishing's Living Skills program examines twelve basic skills that many people take for granted. Ideal for treatment, mental health, criminal justice, and a variety of other settings, it provides the tools necessary... Item: 6790
Online Price: $2,995.00
Safe Dates Third EditionA Teen Relationship Abuse Prevention Curriculum This evidence-based program helps teens recognize the difference between caring, supportive relationships and controlling, manipulative, or abusive relationships. It is during the critical preteen and teen years that young people begin to learn the skills needed to create and foster positive relationships. Safe Dates equips young people with the tools... Item: 9170
Online Price: $395.00
Letting Go of DebtGrowing Richer One Day at a Time Chronic debt takes a terrible toll on a life. This inspiring book of daily meditations offers respite, hope, and practical advice. Item: 1202
Price: Online Price: $17.05 |
Values and Responsibilities Session PackageValues and Responsibilities, one of the Personal Growth topics of Living Skills, helps clients better align their actions with ideals and ethics that contribute to a healthy lifestyle. Item: 6777
Online Price: $275.00
Parenting and Child Development WorkbookParenting and Child Development, one of the Personal Growth topics of Living Skills, educates clients on child development and parenting to help them raise confident, caring, and happy children. The Living Skills workbooks contain exercises to help participants revisit what they learned, while also diving deeper to apply the concepts to their own lives.... Item: 7132
Online Price: $6.95
An Invitation to Self-CareWhy Learning to Nurture Yourself Is the Key to the Life You've Always Wanted An Invitation to Self-Care uncovers seven principles for care that are rooted in self-empowerment and self-knowledge. Through personal stories and observations, exercises and quizzes, and interviews with experts and everyday people, you are invited to consider self-care across your relationships, finances, spiritual and professional life and more. Item: 3459
Price: Online Price: $14.35 |
Bill and Bob Premier Medallion Special OrderDesign Your Own Medallion *Special Shipping. See full description for details. Celebrate your achievement and commitment with a custom-created anniversary medallion. Item: 4133
Online Price: $23.95
Refusal Skills Facilitator GuideRefusal Skills, one of the Personal Growth topics of Living Skills, gives clients the tools to establish and maintain strong personal boundaries. The information and exercises in the facilitator guides introduce topics to learners who may be unfamiliar with basic living skills. The guides are designed to be used in conjunction with the corresponding... Item: 7125
Online Price: $59.95
Loving Relationships Pocket PowerPocket Power Series One of Hazelden's most popular series, Pocket Power pamphlets provide quick inspiring recovery references. In a short amount of time, we find the information and support we need to continue self-care throughout the day. Item: 5353
Price: Online Price: $3.14 |
Securing Housing WorkbookSecuring Housing, one of the Practical Guidance topics of Living Skills, gives clients the tools to establish secure housing--a necessity in establishing a basic sense of safety, and a crucial foundation in achieving further personal development. The Living Skills workbooks contain exercises to help participants revisit what they learned, while also... Item: 7041
Online Price: $6.95
App Apple More Language of Letting GoAuthor Melody Beattie helps you take responsibility for their own pain and self-care providing encouragement to remember that each day is an opportunity for growth and renewal. Item: AP1976
Class Meetings That Matter K-5A Year's Worth of Resources for Grades K-5 A core component of the award-winning Olweus Bully Prevention Program, Class Meetings That Matter provides attention-getting meeting topics regarding bullying. Item: 4727
Online Price: $86.95
Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book 4th Edition Hardcover Jacketless4th Edition The fourth edition of Alcoholics Anonymous, affectionately known as the Big Book, includes twenty-four new stories and continues to pass on AA's message of hope and recovery to millions. Item: 2023
Online Price: $16.95
App Apple Food for ThoughtOffers wise and comforting words for compulsive overeaters who seek to understand the role of food in their lives. Item: AP1074
Sexual Health Facilitator GuideSexual Health, one of the Practical Guidance topic of Living Skills, helps clients navigate both the physical and emotional components of sexuality in order to promote positive sexual health. The information and exercises in the Living Skills facilitator guides introduce topics to learners who may be unfamiliar with basic living skills. The guides are... Item: 7064
Online Price: $59.95
Interpersonal Skills Facilitator GuideInterpersonal Skills, one of the Personal Growth topics of Living Skills, helps clients effectively manage and maintain relationships with others in a healthy, productive manner. The information and exercises in the facilitator guides introduce topics to learners who may be unfamiliar with basic living skills. The guides are designed to be used in conjunction... Item: 7128
Online Price: $59.95
Education Facilitator GuideEducation, part of the Practical Guidance topics of Living Skills, helps program participants become re-engaged in learning after potentially negative past experiences with education, and gives them the tools to set positive educational goals for the future. The information and exercises in the Living Skills facilitator guides introduce topics to learners... Item: 7053
Online Price: $59.95
Raising Depression Free ChildrenA Parent's Guide to Prevention and Early Intervention In this critical guide, parents will find the latest information about childhood depression, as well as practical, everyday strategies to reduce your child's risk of developing the life-threatening disease. Item: 2200
Price: Online Price: $11.65 |
Hazelden Lifelines Prevention 1-Day Open Enrollment TrainingLifelines, training Hazelden Lifelines Prevention®: Building Knowledge and Skills to Prevent Suicide is on the Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC) Best Practices Registry. One-Day Virtual Training: Facilitate Hazelden Lifelines® Prevention with Confidence Suicide is the second-leading cause of death for teens and young adults in the United States (CDC). While suicide... Items: TR8974
Online Price: $500.00
Praying HandsRecovery, Medallions, Spirituality, Praying, Hands This classic medallion features the timeless symbol of daily contact with one's Higher Power. On one side: praying hands and the words "One day at a time." The other side features the the Serenity Prayer: "God, grant me the serenity To accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference."... Items: 1748, 174825
Price: Online Price: $3.05 |
She Recovers Every DayMeditations for Women Dawn Nickel, one of the founders of the international movement and nonprofit organization SHE RECOVERS® Foundation, presents a daily meditation book for the needs of all women in any type of recovery. Item: 1410
Price: Online Price: $17.05 |
Recovery Basics DVD and USBHow to Start Strong and Keep Going Recovery Basics helps smooth that transition by equipping those in recovery with the strategies and tools needed when small choices can have big consequences Item: 2420
Online Price: $265.00
App Android Food for ThoughtOffers wise and comforting words for compulsive overeaters who seek to understand the role of food in their lives. To see all of our App offerings visit: hazelden.org/mobileapps. Item: AA1074
Olweus Core 5-9 Schools On Demand (1 Year)Give all schools in your district easy access to the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program (OBBP) and other best-selling violence programs with this OnDemand subscription. This program helps schools effectively reduce bullying, create a positive learning environment, and see the progress. Item: SE1911
Olweus Core 10+ Schools On Demand (1 Year)Give all schools in your district easy access to the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program (OBBP) and other best-selling violence programs with this OnDemand subscription. This program helps schools effectively reduce bullying, create a positive learning environment, and see the progress. Item: SE1921
Olweus Core 1-4 Schools On Demand Annual (Year 1)Annual Pay Item (Year 1) Give all schools in your district easy access to the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program (OBBP) and other best-selling violence programs with this OnDemand subscription. This program helps schools effectively reduce bullying, create a positive learning environment, and see the progress. Item: SE1901
Values and Responsibilities Facilitator GuideValues and Responsibilities, one of the Personal Growth topics of Living Skills, helps clients better align their actions with ideals and ethics that contribute to a healthy lifestyle. The information and exercises in the Living Skills facilitator guides introduce topics to learners who may be unfamiliar with basic living skills. The guides are designed... Item: 7086
Online Price: $59.95
Growing Up Again Second EditionParenting Ourselves, Parenting Our Children Time-tested, expert advice on parenting. Item: 5397
Price: Online Price: $16.15 |
A Program for YouA Guide to the Big Book's Design for Living This celebration of the basic text of Twelve Step recovery breathes new life into the Big Book's timeless wisdom. Thoroughly annotated, written with down-to-earth humor and simplicity, and providing a contemporary context for understanding, A Program for You helps us experience the same path of renewal that Bill W. and the first one hundred AA members... Item: 5122
Price: Online Price: $17.05 |
It's Not Okay to Be a CannibalHow to Keep Addiction from Eating Your Family Alive Having helped thousands of families confront addiction, two of the nation's leading interventionists, Robert Poznanovich and Andrew T. Wainwright, have created a survival guide for families. With compelling case histories and real-life scenarios, the authors set forth a practical course of action for families to break free from the grip of addiction,... Item: 2056
Price: Online Price: $14.35 |
Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book 4th Edition Case Special SoftcoverThe fourth edition of Alcoholics Anonymous, affectionately known as the Big Book, includes twenty-four new stories and continues to pass on AA's message of hope and recovery to millions. Item: 205320
Price: Online Price: $269.00 |
Betty Ford, First Lady, Women's Advocate, Survivor, TrailblazerFirst Lady, Women's Advocate, Survivor, Trailblazer An intimate and insightful biography of Betty Ford, the groundbreaking, candid, and resilient First Lady and wife of President Gerald Ford, from the #1 New York Times bestselling coauthor of Five Presidents and Mrs. Kennedy and Me. Betty Ford: First Lady, Women's Advocate, Survivor, Trailblazer is the inspiring story of an ordinary Midwestern girl thrust... Item: 6016
Online Price: $18.99
Housing First RevisedThe Pathways Model to End Homelessness for People with Mental Illness and Addiction This step-by-step program provides a solid foundation for introducing the evidence-based Housing First approach--provide housing first, followed by supportive treatment services--into new locations and evolving existing programs into those based on the ideals of the Pathways Model to End Homelessness... Item: 2026
Online Price: $235.00
Looking for Work WorkbookLooking for Work, one of the Practical Guidance topics helps clients identify personally fulfilling career paths, gets them on track to attaining a job, and shows them skills needed to keep it. The Living Skills workbooks contain exercises that help participants revisit what they learned, while also diving deeper to apply the concepts to their own lives.... Item: 7015
Online Price: $6.95
Making Decisions WorkbookMaking Decisions, one of the Personal Growth topics of Living Skills, shows clients how to make wise decisions and carry through with them to maintain a healthy life. The Living Skills workbooks contain exercises to help participants revisit what they learned, while also diving deeper to apply the concepts to their own lives. Item: 7082
Online Price: $6.95
Almost AlcoholicIs My (or My Loved One's) Drinking a Problem? A great majority of drinkers are what Dr. Doyle and Dr. Nowinski call "Almost Alcoholics," a growing number of people whose excessive drinking contributes to a variety of problems in their lives. This book gives you the tools to identify and assess your or a loved one's patterns of alcohol use and make informed decisions about next steps. Item: 3842
Price: Online Price: $15.25 |
Let Go Let God BookmarkLet go, let God. Within those four simple syllables is a world of understanding and acceptance. Item: 4440
Price: Online Price: $2.25 |
The Matrix Model for Teens and Young Adults with DVDs CurriculumIntensive Outpatient Alcohol and Drug Treatment Program The revised and expanded The Matrix Model for Teens and Young Adults is an evidence-based intensive outpatient program that is adapted from the evidence-based The Matrix Model, and provides your teen and young adult clients with the structure of an inpatient treatment experience on an outpatient timetable. Item: 3536
Online Price: $745.00
Sought Through Prayer and MeditationWisdom from the Sunday 11th Step Meetings at the Wolfe Street Center in Little Rock This special book offers fifty-two weeks of reflections, prayers, and meditations on the Eleventh Step. Crafted by writer William G. Borchert from notes by Geno W. on the Hour of Power meetings at the Wolfe Street Center in Little Rock, Arkansas. Item: 7383
Price: Online Price: $17.05 |
Intensive Outpatient Alcohol and Drug Treatment Stickers Matrix RevisedSober Today Reward participants for meeting treatment goals with these colorful "Sober Today" calendar stickers. Item: 4123
Online Price: $23.95
Morning LightA Book of Meditations to Begin Your Day A book of fresh meditations, Morning Light offers beautifully written bursts of inspiration to help you begin each day with renewed self-confidence and serenity. Item: 4897
Price: Online Price: $17.05 |
Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book 4th Edition SoftcoverBig Book The fourth edition of Alcoholics Anonymous, affectionately known as the Big Book, includes twenty-four new stories and continues to pass on AA's message of hope and recovery to millions. Item: 2053
Online Price: $14.95
Refusal Skills WorkbookRefusal Skills, one of the Personal Growth topics of Living Skills, gives clients the tools to establish and maintain strong personal boundaries. The Living Skills workbooks contain exercises to help participants revisit what they learned, while also diving deeper to apply the concepts to their own lives. Item: 7126
Online Price: $6.95
Olweus Middle School Resources On Demand (1 Year)Increase the fidelity of your electronic subscription to the Olweus Bullying Prevention Electronic Subscription Core Program with this supplemental resource package for middle schools. Item: SE1941
Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book 4th Edition Hardcover4th Edition The fourth edition of Alcoholics Anonymous, affectionately known as the Big Book, includes twenty-four new stories and continues to pass on AA's message of hope and recovery to millions. Item: 2021
Online Price: $16.95
SaneMental Illness, Addiction, and the 12 Steps Marya Hornbacher, author of the international best sellers Madness and Wasted, offers an enlightening examination of the Twelve Steps for those with co-occurring addiction and mental health disorders. Item: 3029
Price: Online Price: $16.15 |
App Android A Day at a TimeFocus on your sobriety with thoughts, meditations, and prayers rooted in the spiritual foundation of Alcoholics Anonymous and drawn from the wisdom of the worlds greatest poets, scholars, and philosophers. To see all of our App offerings visit: hazelden.org/mobileapps. Item: AA7602
We Recovered TooThe Family Groups' Beginnings in the Pioneers' Own Words Through colorful firsthand accounts told through rare recordings of interviews and speeches, diary entries, and other documents dating from the 1940s, recovery historian and beloved author Michael Fitzpatrick presents the inspiring story of Al-Anon. Discover how cofounders Anne B. and Lois W. guided the growth of these groundbreaking groups, later known... Item: 4159
Price: Online Price: $17.95 |
App Apple Inspirations from HazeldenA free collection of daily messages of wisdom and advice from Hazeldenâs best-loved meditation books. To see all of our App offerings visit: hazelden.org/mobileapps. Item: AP7537
Education WorkbookEducation, one of the Practical Guidance topics of Living Skills, helps program participants become re-engaged in learning after potentially negative past experiences with education, and gives them the tools to set positive educational goals for the future. The Living Skills workbooks contain exercises to help participants revisit what they learned,... Item: 7054
Online Price: $6.95
Interpersonal Skills WorkbookInterpersonal Skills, part of the Personal Growth segment of Living Skills, helps clients effectively manage and maintain relationships with others in a healthy, productive manner. The workbooks contain exercises to help participants revisit what they learned, while also diving deeper to apply the concepts to their own lives. Item: 7129
Online Price: $6.95
Sexual Health WorkbookSexual Health, one of the Practical Guidance topics of Living Skills, helps clients navigate both the physical and emotional components of sexuality in order to promote positive sexual health. The Living Skills workbooks contain exercises to help participants revisit what they learned, while also diving deeper to apply the concepts to their own lives.... Item: 7065
Online Price: $6.95
A New Direction 2-Day Open Enrollment TrainingA New Direction, training Two-Day Virtual Training: Implement A New Direction with Fidelity During the A New Direction training, our master trainer and consultant will guide participants through this comprehensive, cognitive-behavioral therapy treatment program. Your staff will feel equipped to deliver targeted treatment that enables justice-involved men struggling with substance... Items: TR2052
Online Price: $1,700.00
Olweus Elementary School Resources On Demand (1 Year)Increase the fidelity of your electronic subscription to the Olweus Bullying Prevention Electronic Subscription Core Program with this supplemental resource package for elementary schools. Item: SE1931
Olweus Bullying Prevention Program Schoolwide Guide with DVD/CDThe Olweus Bullying Prevention Program or OBPP for short, is the most researched and probably best-known bullying prevention program available today. Item: 0542
Online Price: $98.95
Anger Management WorkbookHazelden Youth Life Skills Program Help students make sense of anger and develop the skills to handle the challenges of day-to-day life with the Anger Management Workbook. Works hand-in-hand with the Anger Management Facilitator's Guide. Item: 1948
Online Price: $8.95
Days of Healing, Days of JoyDaily Meditations for Adult Children In the days of healing and joy that lie ahead, let this book of daily meditations speak to those in recovery, instilling hope and confidence and courage. A year's worth of quotations, meditations, and closing thoughts. Item: 5024
Price: Online Price: $17.05 |
Adolescent Drug Abuse Curriculum with DVDThe Clinical Innovators Series Dr. Liddle discusses the multiple factors that contribute to the development of adolescent substance abuse, its accompanying emotional and behavioral problems, focusing on a type of therapy called Multidimensional Family Therapy (MDFT) Item: 2752
Online Price: $225.00
Lifelines Trilogy On Demand One Year SubscriptionThe Complete Lifelines Trilogy is a unique collection of programs for middle and high school students to address the important topic of teen suicide: from prevention to intervention to response. This newly revised version includes updated language and new topics to reflect today's youth culture. Item: SE4888
Change the Sails Recovery Medallion Pkg of 25This medallion features an illustration of a camel with the words "One Day at a Time." The poetic lesson of the camel is inscribed on the reverse side. Item: 929125
Price: Online Price: $29.99 |
Values and Responsibilities WorkbookValues and Responsibilities, one of the Personal Growth topics of Living Skills, helps clients better align their actions with ideals and ethics that contribute to a healthy lifestyle. The Living Skills workbooks contain exercises to help participants revisit what they learned, while also diving deeper to apply the concepts to their own lives. Item: 7087
Online Price: $6.95
Recovery Greeting Cards Set of 6Each scenic greeting card in this set of six features natural scenery with a special recovery message inside. Item: 4844
Price: Online Price: $13.45 |
App Android TouchstonesSpeaking straight to men who are striving to maintain emotionally and spiritually balanced lives. Item: AA5029
App Apple TouchstonesSpeaking straight to men who are striving to maintain emotionally and spiritually balanced lives. Item: AP5029
A Kinder VoiceReleasing Your Inner Critics with Mindfulness Slogans Well-known mindfulness meditation teacher and author Thérèse Jacobs-Stewart offers one of the most effective approaches to calming a self-critical mind. Item: 9798
Price: Online Price: $16.15 |
Cyber JunkieEscape the Gaming and Internet Trap Recovering video game addict Kevin Roberts offers a step-by-step guide to recovery for those struggling with compulsive video gaming and internet surfing. Item: 2871
Price: Online Price: $14.35 |
First Year SobrietyWhen All That Changes Is Everything The first in a series of recovery guides for the first three years of sobriety showing that despite their differing experiences, all are united in the process of giving life without alcohol or other drugs a chance. Item: 1651
Price: Online Price: $14.35 |
Being SoberA Step-by-Step Guide to Getting to, Getting Through, and Living in Recovery As Featured on The Dr. Oz Show in Special Addiction Episode with Steven Tyler Item: 4160
Online Price: $15.99
Safe Dates 2-Day Open Enrollment TrainingSafe Dates, training Two-Day Virtual Training: Become an Expert Safe Dates Facilitator During our Safe Dates training, the prevention specialist will walk participants through the curriculum, ensuring you're prepared to administer this highly interactive and engaging program. Upon completion, you'll have the expertise and insight needed to teach healthy relationship skills... Items: TR9173
Online Price: $600.00
Stress Management WorkbookHazelden Youth Life Skills Program Students learn to tell the difference between good and bad stress and how to respond to it with the Stress Management Workbook. Works hand-in-hand with the Stress Management Facilitator's Guide. Item: 1949
Online Price: $8.95
Eleventh Step Greeting CardRemind loved ones or friends how grateful you are that they are in recovery with this greeting card that celebrates recovery. Item: 4786
Price: Online Price: $1.99 |
App Android Inspirations from HazeldenInspirations from Hazelden is a free collection of daily messages to inspire you on your journey of recovery. To see all of our App offerings visit: hazelden.org/mobileapps. Item: AA7537
SpentBreak the Buying Obsession and Discover Your True Worth In Spent, Sally Palaian offers proven plans for taking on a range of personal issues with money by examining those underlying emotional, familial, and societal factors that trigger spending behaviors. Item: 3814
Price: Online Price: $16.15 |
Happy Joyous and Free Greeting CardKeep Coming Back Remind loved ones or friends how grateful you are that they are in recovery with this greeting card that celebrates recovery. Item: 4622
Price: Online Price: $3.55 |
Keep It SimpleDaily Meditations for Twelve-Step Beginnings and Renewal Life can be complicated and hectic, but when we keep things simple, we can bring them down to a manageable size. The meditations in the best-selling classic focus on the Twelve Steps, stressing the importance of putting into practice new beliefs, slogans, and fellowship. Item: 5066
Price: Online Price: $17.05 |
Night LightA Book of Nighttime Meditations This meditation classic gives us a serene, reassuring thought as we end our day and face the night¿or as we face a dark moment in the course of our day. Item: 5030
Price: Online Price: $17.05 |
Housing First Manual RevisedRevised Manual This step-by-step program provides a solid foundation for introducing the evidence-based Housing First approach--provide housing first, followed by supportive treatment services--into new locations and evolving existing programs into those based on the ideals of the Pathways Model to End Homelessness... Item: 2030
Online Price: $54.95
SerenityInspirations by Karen Casey, author of Each Day a New Beginning Best-selling author Karen Casey helps readers unlock the secret to finding serenity in the midst of everyday annoyances and serious life challenges. Item: 2745
Price: Online Price: $12.55 |
Courage MugKnowing you have the power to try again tomorrow can sustain you through today's challenges. Ceramic mug with elegantly lettered message; holds 16 ounces. Item: 2847
Price: Online Price: $13.45 |
Peer Leadership TrainingThe SALSA training is designed for middle and/or high school students and their adult advisors. SALSA is a peer-powered support and advocacy group of and for students who choose not to use alcohol and other drugs. Item: FCD131
OnDemand The Hazelden Basics Video Series (1-10 Clinicians)Includes Addiction, Treatment, Recovery, and Family Recovery Basics This OnDemand Hazelden Basics videos collection provides information your clients need to know about addiction, treatment, recovery, and family recovery. Videos feature interviews with both medical experts and individuals in recovery. Item: SE9010
Quitting Alcohol WorkbookYour Personal Recovery Plan An insightful workbook to help individuals determine whether their lives have become unmanageable due to alcohol consumption. Item: 2613
Online Price: $8.95
The Little Red Book HardcoverThis is the original study guide to the Big Book, Alcoholics Anonymous. Filled with practical information for those first days of sober living. Item: 1030
Price: Online Price: $15.25 |
Day by Day second editionDaily Meditations for Recovering Addicts Originally written for people recovering from alcoholism and other addictions, this classic meditation appeals to anyone interested in personal and spiritual growth. Item: 1099
Price: Online Price: $17.05 |
Decision Making WorkbookHazelden Youth Life Skills Program Teach students how to think things through, consider consequences, and understand risks with the Decision Making workbook. Works hand-in-hand with the Decision Making facilitator's guide. Item: 1951
Online Price: $8.95
DUI/DWI CD-ROM and DVDMake This One Your Last One This popular DVD is designed specifically for first-time DUI/DWI offenders. CD-ROM contains a facilitator's guide, presentation materials, and reproducible client handouts. Item: 4758
Online Price: $105.00
The Way of Our PeopleWeekly Inspiration for American Indians in Recovery These inspirational meditations, prayers, and stories were written by an Ojibwe Elder and alcohol and drug counselor to speak directly to American Indians about their everyday experience of recovery from alcoholism. A combination of Ojibwe and Twelve Step spiritual principles and practices and stories from Indians struggling with recovery create an authentic... Item: 3973
Price: Online Price: $15.25 |
Co-occurring DisordersRecovery, Medallion, Professional, Bronze, Dual, Disorder The keys to recovery from an addictive and a co-occurring emotional or behavioral disorder: acceptance, hope, awareness, and change. These four words are inscribed on this antiqued bronze medallion. On the other side: the words "Today I will do just one thing to help my recovery progress." 1-5/16". When ordering by phone or mail use item... Items: 9320, 932025
Price: Online Price: $3.05 |
Dr Bob and Bill W SpeakAA's Cofounders Tell Their Stories Learn about the luminaries behind one of the greatest social movements of our time through the never-before-published recordings, letters, and stories found in this intimate multimedia retrospective. Item: 3987
Price: Online Price: $19.75 |
Quitting Heroin Workbook RevisedYour Personal Recovery Plan An action-focused workbook that, when completed, provides clients with a personal plan for staying clean and enjoying life. Item: 2094
Online Price: $8.95
Quitting Meth RevisionYour Personal Recovery Plan An action-focused workbook that, when completed, provides clients with a personal plan for staying clean and enjoying life. Item: 2093
Online Price: $8.95
Inspirational Recovery Card Set of 6This collection of beautifully designed recovery cards are inspirational and meaningful tokens of support for your loved ones in recovery. Greeting cards feature various themes, including the Seventh Step, the Promises, Footprints, Serenity Prayer, One Day at a Time, and Why We Were Chosen. Item: 4767
Price: Online Price: $13.45 |
Blind DevotionSurvival on the Front Lines of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Addiction One woman's startling firsthand account of her struggle to protect her children while facing the man she married, a combat veteran plagued by addiction, rage, and depression born from PTSD. Item: 3996
Online Price: $14.95
Commitment to SobrietyA Relapse Prevention Guide for Adults in Recovery An important tool-filled guide for anyone who wants to stay in recovery. Item: 3226
Online Price: $7.95
In God's CareDaily Meditations on Spirituality in Recovery In God's Care guides readers in understanding and strengthening their connection with a Higher Power, however they choose to define that presence. With the inspiration and support unique to Hazelden meditation books, In God's Care offers encouragement and guidance for "practicing the presence of God" in daily life. Item: 5124
Price: Online Price: $17.05 |
Discover the Twelve Steps DVD USBEach of the Twelve Steps is explained by people who candidly share their personal stories about how working the Steps has helped them continue to live one day at a time and stay clean and sober. Item: 7593
Online Price: $465.00
GratitudeInspirations by Melody Beattie Featuring stirring affirmations from Melody Beattie, Gratitude encourages and inspires readers to reconnect with what's truly important in life. Item: 2746
Price: Online Price: $12.55 |
Olweus Bullying Prevention Program Teacher Guide with DVD/USBA key component for implementing the evidence-based Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, the Teacher's Guide, which includes a DVD and CD-ROM, highlights the important role teachers and staff will play in schoolwide efforts to prevent and address bullying. Item: 0541
Online Price: $62.95
Alcoholism a Merry-Go-Round Name Denial Pkg of 10Revised and expanded edition of this classic piece that defines the roles of the alcoholic, the enabler, the victim, and the provoker. Includes a section on adolescents and seniors. Item: 114010
Price: Online Price: $29.95 |
Mindfulness and the 12 StepsLiving Recovery in the Present Moment With the artistry of a memoirist, Thérèse Jacobs-Stewart draws on her personal story and an impressive range of knowledge in psychology, spirituality, and the Twelve Steps to show us the way out of the morass of pain and confusion that addiction creates. Item: 2862
Price: Online Price: $16.15 |
Answers in the HeartDaily Meditations For Men And Women Recovering From Sex Addiction These meditations guide us to the strength and courage within ourselves that is necessary to face the lingering shadows of sex addiction. With the inspiration and support unique to Hazelden meditation books, Answers in the Heart provides solace for the pain and inspiration for lasting recovery. Item: 5062
Price: Online Price: $17.05 |
Viviendo Sobrio (Living Sober Spanish)Viviendo sobrio es un libro práctico de 88 páginas que demuestra con ejemplos sencillos cómo los miembros de A.A. en el mundo viven y permanecen sobrios un día a la vez. Item: 2142
Online Price: $8.95
Today's GiftDaily Meditations for Families The readings in Today's Gift nurture self-esteem by encouraging discussion, self-expression, and respect. They feature insightful, challenging, and caring quotations from ancient proverbs, nursery rhymes, and cartoon characters, as well as important public figures that are familiar to all generations of the family. Item: 1031
Price: Online Price: $15.25 |
Twelve Step Facilitation ProgramIdeal for those working in community-based, corrections, private practice, and mental health settings, the Twelve Step Facilitation Program is designed for one-to-one individual facilitation sessions, as well as group treatment. Item: 4035
Online Price: $485.00
Alcoholism a Merry-Go-Round Named DenialRevised and expanded edition of this classic piece that defines the roles of the alcoholic, the enabler, the victim, and the provoker. Includes a section on adolescents and seniors. Item: 1140
Online Price: $3.95
One Day at a Time StoneCarry a One Day at a Time stone--or all three--with you wherever you go as a daily reminder to help you to be strong and courageous, find your serenity, and take one day at a time. Approximately 1-1/2 inch. Item: 9119
Price: Online Price: $4.49 |
The New Codependency SoftcoverHelp and Guidance for Today's Generation Best-selling author Melody Beattie highlights the radical societal changes that have put a new face on codependent behavior. She identifies a generation whose codependency manifests itself in new and unique ways. Item: 2874
Online Price: $19.99
Substance Use and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity DisorderADHD, Conduct Disorder, Oppositional Defiant, Adjustment, with Anger workbook A module in Hazelden's Adolescent co-occurring Disorder Series, Substance Use and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder is a reproducible 50-page workbook of client exercises and facilitator information. The exercises are designed to be used with the help of a counselor, therapist, psychologist, social worker, or physician. Item: 2179
Online Price: $65.95
God Grant MeMore Daily Meditations from the Authors of Keep It Simple This meditation book serves as a steady spiritual companion for individuals making their way along the often-tumultuous recovery journey. Written by the best-selling authors of Keep It Simple. Item: 2134
Price: Online Price: $17.05 |
The Little Red Book SoftcoverThis is the original study guide to the Big Book, Alcoholics Anonymous. Filled with practical information for those first days of sober living. Item: 1034
Price: Online Price: $13.45 |
Daily Meditations for Practicing the CourseWritten by the author of the beloved Each Day a New Beginning, this collection of meditations reinforces the key concepts from the book A Course in Miracles, the modern spiritual classic that has changed the lives of millions. Item: 5159
Price: Online Price: $17.05 |
Cultural Pain and African AmericansUnspoken Issues in Early Recovery Written for African Americans who are in the early to middle stages of recovery, this pamphlet focuses on the importance of recognizing and discussing racial and cultural issues. Item: 5390
Online Price: $3.95
A Life of My OwnMeditations on Hope and Acceptance Direct and affirming meditations offer daily access to strength, serenity, and insight. By the author of the classic Each Day a New Beginning. Item: 1070
Price: Online Price: $15.25 |
Serenity Greeting Cards Set of 6These colorful greeting cards deliver the perfect message to give to your sponsor or sponsee. Item: 4779
Price: Online Price: $13.45 |
Diary of an Alcoholic HousewifeBrenda Wilhelmson's Diary of an Alcoholic Housewife offers insight, wisdom, and relevance for readers in recovery, as well as their loved ones, no matter how long they've been sober. Item: 4751
Price: Online Price: $16.15 |
Twelve Step Facilitation Facilitator Guide, 2nd Edition, Pkg. of 3Ideal for those working in community-based, corrections, private practice, and mental health settings, the Twelve Step Facilitation Program is designed for one-to-one individual facilitation sessions, as well as group treatment. Item: 210103
Online Price: $325.00
Twelve Step Facilitation Facilitator Guide, 2nd Edition, with DVD & CD-ROMIdeal for those working in community-based, corrections, private practice, and mental health settings, the Twelve Step Facilitation Program is designed for one-to-one individual facilitation sessions, as well as group treatment. Item: 3718
Online Price: $375.00
Twenty Four Hours a Day Softcover (24 Hours)Meditations A mainstay in recovery literature, "the little black book" is the first and foremost meditation book for anyone practicing the Twelve Steps of AA. Millions of copies sold. Item: 5093
Price: Online Price: $17.05 |
Life Recovery Bible WorkbookA Biblical Guide through the 12 Steps This companion workbook to The Life Recovery Bible will help you discover how the Scriptures reveal the pathway to wholeness: God's program of forgiveness, reconciliation, and healing. Item: 7737
Online Price: $9.99
Sobriety and Beyond SoftcoverA wonderful resource for discovering the spiritual contentment, mental peace and everyday joys to be found in the Twelve Steps. Item: 4293
Price: Online Price: $16.15 |
Drop the Rock SetPurchase the Drop the Rock bundle and get two of the best-selling, most read recovery resources at a discount! Item: 3440
Online Price: $29.95
Twenty-Four Hours Commemorative Medallion, Pkg. of 25This antiqued bronze medallion is inspired by the 1954 meditation book that has helped countless readers maintain their recovery one day at a time. Item: 930525
Price: Online Price: $73.00 |
Food for ThoughtDaily Meditations for Overeaters Meditations help readers take a moment out of each day to gain a healthy perspective about how they are relating to food. Item: 1074
Price: Online Price: $17.05 |
Easy Does ItA Book of Daily 12 Step Meditations Easy Does It reminds people in recovery to not rush through the program but to grow into it. This book is for members of all Twelve Step Fellowships dedicated to a sane and manageable life, free of addictions, compulsions, and dependencies. Item: 6424
Price: Online Price: $17.05 |
A Day at a Time Hard CoverDaily Reflections for Recovering People AA daily reflections and prayers offering inspiration, comfort, and hope. Item: 0018
Price: Online Price: $17.95 |
Twelve Step Facilitation for Co-occurring Disorders Participant Workbook, 2nd Edition, Pkg. of 10Ideal for those working in community-based, corrections, private practice, and mental health settings, the Twelve Step Facilitation Program is designed for one-to-one individual facilitation sessions, as well as group treatment. Item: 602410
Online Price: $95.00
Quitting Marijuana Workbook RevisedYour Personal Recovery Plan An action-focused workbook that, when completed, provides clients with a personal plan for staying clean and enjoying life. Item: 2157
Online Price: $8.95
Twelve Step Facilitation Participant Workbook, Pkg. of 10Ideal for those working in community-based, corrections, private practice, and mental health settings, the Twelve Step Facilitation Program is designed for one-to-one individual facilitation sessions, as well as group treatment. Item: 352210
Online Price: $95.00
A Day at a Time SoftcoverDaily Reflections for Recovering People AA daily reflections and prayers offering inspiration, comfort, and hope. Item: 7602
Price: Online Price: $17.05 |
If You Work It, It WorksThe Science Behind 12 Step Recovery Joseph Nowinski, Ph.D. calls upon the most up-to-date research, teamed with the critical work he did on Project Match, an eight-year multi-site research study proving the efficacy of Twelve Step Facilitation, to build a compelling case as to why working the Steps provides predictable and successful outcomes Item: 7764
Price: Online Price: $16.15 |
Compulsive Overeaters Blank Wheat Design MedallionBronze medallion features a delicate stalk of wheat and the words "Abstinence a Day at a Time" on one side with the Serenity prayer and anniversary date on the other Item: 5942
Price: Online Price: $3.05 |
Sobriety Without End SoftcoverFather John Doe Serenity is the key to long-term sobriety, and Father Doe explains how to get it, nurture it and keep it for a lifetime. Item: 4292
Price: Online Price: $16.15 |
Each Day a New Beginning Mug GrayThis beautiful mug captures the spirit of one of Hazelden's most beloved meditation books.. Item: 4031
Price: Online Price: $15.25 |
Free At LastDaily Meditations by and for Inmates Free at Last gives voice to those inmates who have escaped the prison of chemical dependency and offers a promise of hope to other inmates still bound by addiction. Item: 7807
Price: Online Price: $15.25 |
AA Founders Painted Medallion Special Order2 color medallions Years 1-30 *Special Shipping. See full description for details. Celebrate years of recovery with this beautiful, richly hand-colored medallion. This is a special order non-returnable item. Item: 7526
Online Price: $22.95
App Apple A Day at a TimeFocus on your sobriety with thoughts, meditations, and prayers rooted in the spiritual foundation of Alcoholics Anonymous and drawn from the wisdom of the worldâs greatest poets, scholars, and philosophers. Item: AP7602
One Day at a Time Key Ring CharmOur "One Day at a Time" key ring charm helps remind us to live for this day; the reverse side of the charm bears the famous simplicity of the Serenity Prayer. Item: 8865
Price: Online Price: $5.84 |
One Day at a Time Butterfly Greeting CardKeep Coming Back Celebrate the rebirth of someone new to recovery by giving them this greeting card with the symbolic colorful butterflies. Item: 4616
Price: Online Price: $3.55 |
Recovery NowA Basic Text for Today Recovery Now combines the most current research with the timeless wisdom of Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, and other established Twelve-Step program guides to offer an accessible basic text written in today's language for anyone recovering from addiction to alcohol and other drugs. Item: 4265
Price: Online Price: $8.95 |
The Man on the Bed MedallionBronzed medallion This medallion features Bill W. and Dr. Bob talking to Bill Dotson, the very first man on the bed. The front of the medallion reads Rarely have we seen and continues on the back with a person fail who has thoroughly followed our path. Item: 4315
Price: Online Price: $3.05 |
52 Weeks of Conscious ContactOrganized as weekly collections of stories, meditations, and suggestions, 52 Weeks of Conscious Contact addresses key self -care issues, including how to nurture inner peace, when to reach out to others, how to carry through on good intentions, where to make time for fun, and how to cultivate a deeper prayer life. Another timeless title from Melody Beattie.... Item: 1984
Price: Online Price: $16.15 |
Twenty Four Hours a Day Hardcover (24 Hours)A mainstay in recovery literature, "the little black book - Twenty Four Hours a Day" is the first and foremost meditation book for anyone practicing the Twelve Steps of AA. Millions of copies sold. Item: 1050
Price: Online Price: $17.95 |
If You Leave Me, Can I Come With YouDaily Meditations for Codependents and Al-Anons . . . with a Sense of Humor Most people in the throes of codependency's problematic behaviors typically don't see their plight as a laughing matter. And yet, judging by the peals of laughter often heard coming out of Twelve Step meeting rooms, many eventually do find the humor in their self-defeating thoughts and actions. Item: 4828
Price: Online Price: $17.05 |
Twenty Four Hours a Day for Teens (24 Hours)Daily Meditations A daily meditation book created to help young people navigate the peaks and valleys of developing an active spiritual life in recovery. As an abridged and revised version of the classic Twenty-Four Hours a Day, this volume reflects the time-honored wisdom that has helped millions of recovering people around the world in their program of living one day... Item: 2095
Price: Online Price: $17.05 |
Twenty Four Hours a Day (24 Hours) Larger Print Group Edition HardcoverA mainstay in recovery literature, "the little black book" is the first and foremost meditation book for anyone practicing the Twelve Steps of AA. Millions of copies sold. Item: 1052
Price: Online Price: $22.45 |
Not GodA History of Alcoholics Anonymous The most complete history of AA ever written. Not God contains anecdotes and excerpts from the diaries, correspondence, and occasional memoirs of AA's early figures. Item: 1036
Price: Online Price: $17.05 |
Just for Today Wallet CardQuote from Frank Crane begins, "Just for today, I will try to live through this day only, and not tackle my whole life problems all at once." Item: 4295
Price: Online Price: $2.47 |
A Woman's SpiritEach Day a New Beginning became a cornerstone of comfort and inspiration for women everywhere as they began their recovery process, selling more than two-and-a-half million copies since its publication. A Woman's Spirit continues this tradition with a collection of wise, compassionate daily meditations for any woman now living sober and seeking spiritual... Item: 5433
Price: Online Price: $17.05 |
Just for Today BookmarkQuote from Frank Crane begins, "Just for today, I will try to live through this day only, and not tackle my whole life problems all at once." Item: 4298
Price: Online Price: $2.47 |
Walk in Dry PlacesRefocus on the basics of Twelve Step recovery with these daily readings. Written in a clear and graceful voice by an old-timer. Item: 1468
Price: Online Price: $17.05 |
Just Dandy JournalEvery Day is a Chance to Bloom Anew This beautifully designed journal is ideal for capturing feelings, thoughts, and insights to keep your recovery going strong. Item: 5804
Online Price: $12.95
Yesterday's TomorrowRaw Stories of Hard-Fought Recovery A daily meditation book written by and for "hard cases." Item: 5262
Price: Online Price: $17.05 |
Serenity Prayer Sun Greeting CardAs a daily reminder to look forward to each new day, this greeting card depicts a sunrise and the serenity prayer on the front. The inside is blank for your personal message. Item: 2515
Price: Online Price: $3.55 |
Drop the Rock--The Ripple EffectUsing Step 10 to Work Steps 6 and 7 Every Day Fred H. reveals Step 10 as the natural culmination of working the previous Steps. Item: 9743
Price: Online Price: $16.15 |
Veinticuatro horas al día (Twenty Four Hours A Day Spanish 24 Hours)Es la versión en español de un pilar en la literatura de recuperación. "El libro negro" es el primer y más importante libro de meditación para toda persona que practique los Doce Pasos de A.A. Item: 1095
Price: Online Price: $17.05 |
Body Mind and SpiritDaily Meditations Through daily quotes, thoughts, and affirmations on the issues encountered in recovery--depression, self-esteem, fear, spirituality, hope -- this book offers practical advice on making positive choices for healing spiritually, mentally, and physically. Item: 7802
Price: Online Price: $17.05 |
A Broken Heart Still Beats SoftcoverAfter Your Child Dies While nothing can mute the pain of losing a child, others who know this experience can help those suffering articulate the chaos of their feelings and see that they can, eventually, feel whole again. Item: 1226
Price: Online Price: $16.15 |
Rewind Replay RepeatA Memoir of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Rewind, Replay, Repeat is the revealing story of Jeff Bell's struggle with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and his hard-won recovery. Item: 2393
Price: Online Price: $16.15 |
The Little Red Book CollectionCollection includes The Little Red Book, which has helped recovering alcoholics understand the purpose of the Twelve Steps and the wisdom they contain, as well as The Little Red Book Study Guide. Item: 0284
Price: Online Price: $26.95 |
Forgiveness Pocket PowerPocket Power Series One of Hazelden's most popular series, Pocket Power pamphlets provide quick inspiring recovery references. In a short amount of time, we find the information and support we need to continue self-care throughout the day. Item: 5364
Price: Online Price: $3.14 |
Reaching Out to Others Pocket PowerPocket Power Series One of Hazelden's most popular series, Pocket Power pamphlets provide quick inspiring recovery references. In a short amount of time, we find the information and support we need to continue self-care throughout the day. Item: 5400
Price: Online Price: $3.14 |
Understanding Rejection Pocket PowerPocket Power Series One of Hazelden's most popular series, Pocket Power pamphlets provide quick inspiring recovery references. In a short amount of time, we find the information and support we need to continue self-care throughout the day. Item: 5348
Price: Online Price: $3.14 |
Accepting Criticism Pocket PowerPocket Power Series One of Hazelden's most popular series, Pocket Power pamphlets provide quick inspiring recovery references. In a short amount of time, we find the information and support we need to continue self-care throughout the day. Item: 5366
Price: Online Price: $3.14 |
Abused Boys Wounded Men Workbook Pkg of 10with Earnie Larsen This realistic and popular curriculum by nationally known author and lecturer Earnie Larsen helps male criminal offenders identify the root cause their behaviors and heal. Item: 180410
Price: Online Price: $69.95 |
Letting Go Pocket PowerPocket Power Series One of Hazelden's most popular series, Pocket Power pamphlets provide quick inspiring recovery references. In a short amount of time, we find the information and support we need to continue self-care throughout the day. Item: 5351
Price: Online Price: $3.14 |
Matrix Sober Today Medallion Pkg of 25This antiqued bronze medallion is presented to clients to commemorate the completion of the Matrix Model Item: 968425
Price: Online Price: $73.00 |
Gratitude Pocket PowerPocket Power Series A quick and inspiring recovery reference from one of Hazelden's most popular series. Item: 1331
Price: Online Price: $3.14 |
Almost AnorexicIs My (or My Loved One's) Relationship with Food a Problem? Many suffer from the effects of anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating disorder, but most never address the issue because they don't fully meet the diagnostic criteria. If this is the case for you, then you may be what we call "almost anorexic." Item: 4389
Price: Online Price: $13.45 |
Twenty Four Hours a Day (24 Hours) JournalA Meditation Book and Journal for Daily Reflection The journal version of the all-time best-selling meditation book, Twenty-Four Hours a Day, creates an inspirational framework for prayer and reflection. Item: 1813
Price: Online Price: $20.65 |
Anniversary Painted Medallion Special Order2 & 3 color medallions Years 1-50 *Special Shipping. See full description for details. This beautiful tricolor enamel medallion features the time-honored Twelve Step program phrase "To Thine Own Self Be True," with the anniversary year and "Unity, Service, Recovery" on one side, and the Serenity Prayer on the other. Item: 7527
Online Price: $22.95
Gifts of SobrietyWhen the Promises of Recovery Come True Those who have freed themselves from alcohol or other drug addiction share the gifts of sobriety as promised in the Big Book. Item: 1179
Price: Online Price: $16.15 |
Keepers of The Wisdom Daily MeditationsReflections From Lives Well Lived From best-selling author Karen Casey, Keepers of the Wisdom is a book of interviews and inspirational messages from people in retirement who have discovered meaning and connection as older adults. Item: 5553
Price: Online Price: $17.05 |
The Spiritual SelfReflections on Recovery and God Author Abraham Twerski shows us what spirituality means, why it matters, and how we can nurture it. Item: 1232
Price: Online Price: $16.15 |
The Promise of a New DayA Book of Daily Meditations Daily reflections and inspiring wisdom about creating and maintaining inner peace. Written without Twelve Step program language. Item: 1045
Price: Online Price: $17.05 |
Friends and Family Blank MedallionThis specially coined medallion is for family members and friends who are practicing to detach with love. Item: 3819
Price: Online Price: $3.05 |
1000 Years of Sobriety20 People x 50 Years Twenty people who have each been in recovery for more than fifty years tell their recovery stories and offer actionable advice to others in recovery. Item: 4246
Price: Online Price: $16.15 |
DaybreakMeditations For Women Survivors Of Sexual Abuse These 366 daily affirmations and meditations extend support and wisdom to women who have survived childhood sexual abuse. Item: 5053
Price: Online Price: $15.25 |
Hope for Today HardcoverAl-Anon's daily reader brings fresh insight and much-needed support to anyone affected by a loved one's addiction. Item: 3725
Online Price: $18.00
One Day at a Time in Al-Anon Large Print HardcoverDaily meditations, reminders, and prayers to help families encourage their recovering alcoholic loved ones. Item: 3010
Online Price: $19.00
Yesterday Tomorrow Today BookmarkThe front and back sides of this bookmark contain the timelessly familiar poem about Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow. Item: 4434
Price: Online Price: $2.25 |
App Android 24 Hours a DayA complete collection of thoughts, meditations, and prayers make it easy to focus on your sobriety anywhere, at any time. Practicing the Twelve Steps has never been more accessible! To see all of our App offerings visit: hazelden.org/mobileapps. Item: AA1050
Loneliness Pocket PowerPocket Power Series One of Hazelden's most popular series, Pocket Power pamphlets provide quick inspiring recovery references. In a short amount of time, we find the information and support we need to continue self-care throughout the day. Item: 5363
Price: Online Price: $3.14 |
Relieve Stress20 Quick Techniques This quick guide, you will learn twenty easy techniques, to help you control your stresses in five minutes or less. Item: 7698
Price: Online Price: $9.85 |
Patience Pocket PowerPocket Power Series One of Hazelden's most popular series, Pocket Power pamphlets provide quick inspiring recovery references. In a short amount of time, we find the information and support we need to continue self-care throughout the day. Item: 5361
Price: Online Price: $3.14 |
Surrender Pocket PowerPocket Power Series One of Hazelden's most popular series, Pocket Power pamphlets provide quick inspiring recovery references. In a short amount of time, we find the information and support we need to continue self-care throughout the day. Item: 5449
Price: Online Price: $3.14 |
Serenity Pocket PowerPocket Power Series One of Hazelden's most popular series, Pocket Power pamphlets provide quick inspiring recovery references. In a short amount of time, we find the information and support we need to continue self-care throughout the day. Item: 5362
Price: Online Price: $3.14 |
If You Want What We HaveSponsorship Meditations Written as conversations between sponsor and sponsee, these daily meditations explore the concerns, dilemmas, and struggles involved every day in recovery. Item: 5669
Price: Online Price: $17.05 |
Prayer and Meditation Pocket PowerPocket Power Series One of Hazelden's most popular series, Pocket Power pamphlets provide quick inspiring recovery references. In a short amount of time, we find the information and support we need to continue self-care throughout the day. Item: 5349
Price: Online Price: $3.14 |
When Doors Close Pocket PowerPocket Power Series One of Hazelden's most popular series, Pocket Power pamphlets provide quick inspiring recovery references. In a short amount of time, we find the information and support we need to continue self-care throughout the day. Item: 5354
Price: Online Price: $3.14 |
Sobriety MedallionThe Day My New Life Began appears on one side; the sobriety date is engraved on the other. Item: 9307
Price: Online Price: $21.55 |
App Apple 24 Hours a DayA complete collection of thoughts, meditations, and prayers make it easy to focus on your sobriety anywhere, at any time. Practicing the Twelve Steps has never been more accessible! Item: AP1050
Abused Boys Wounded Men WorkbookWith Earnie Larsen This realistic and popular curriculum by nationally known author and lecturer Earnie Larsen helps male criminal offenders identify the root cause their behaviors and heal. Item: 1804
Online Price: $7.95
Humility Pocket PowerPocket Power Series A quick and inspiring recovery reference from one of Hazelden's most popular series. Item: 1338
Price: Online Price: $3.14 |
Honesty Pocket PowerPocket Power Series A quick and inspiring recovery reference from one of Hazelden's most popular series. Item: 1336
Price: Online Price: $3.14 |
Un día a la vez, tapa blanda (A Day At A Time Softcover Spanish)Un día a la vez es una herramienta de recuperación esencial para los jugadores compulsivos. Estas reflexiones y oraciones diarias nos ofrecen esperanza, apoyo y guía durante todo el año. También aborda los problemas y temores que a menudo enfrentan quienes están en recuperación. Item: 4736
Online Price: $14.95
Just for Today Pocket PowerPocket Power Series A quick and inspiring recovery reference from one of Hazelden's most popular series. Item: 1339
Price: Online Price: $3.14 |
Hope Pocket PowerPocket Power Series A quick and inspiring recovery reference from one of Hazelden's most popular series. Item: 1337
Price: Online Price: $3.14 |
Alateen A Day at a Time HardcoverA Day at a Time A daily meditation book for teens whose lives are affected by someone else's drinking Item: 3059
Online Price: $14.00
Twenty Four Hours a Day Commemorative MedallionThis antiqued bronze medallion is inspired by the 1954 meditation book that has helped countless readers maintain their recovery one day at a time. Item: 9305
Price: Online Price: $3.05 |
For TodayMeditations and reflections from members of Overeaters Anonymous emphasize program principles. Item: 6102
Online Price: $17.50
Pocket Power CollectionOne of Hazelden's most popular series. Offers quick and inspiring recovery references. Item: 0995
Price: Online Price: $35.95 |
Eleventh Step BookmarkThis two-sided bookmark reinforces the importance of daily prayer and meditation. Item: 4778
Price: Online Price: $2.47 |
Life Is a Journey MedallionAntique Bronze Life is a Journey, not a destination, and the reverse side say's, Spiritual and emotional growth is not a journey of a thousand days or a journey of a lifetime.... Item: 9254
Price: Online Price: $3.05 |
Valor para cambiar (Courage to Change, Spanish)Las meditaciones, recordatorios y oraciones diarias de la edición en español del libro Valor para cambiar ayudan a las familias a alentar a sus seres queridos alcohólicos en recuperación y destacan el impacto de Alcohólicos Anónimos como una parte vital de la recuperación. Item: 3126
Online Price: $18.00
Just for Today SoftcoverDaily Meditations for Recovering Addicts Just for Today offers 366 meditations that relate to excerpts from the basic text of Narcotics Anonymous. Item: 4721
Online Price: $14.75
One Day at a Time in Al-Anon HardcoverOne Day at a Time in Al-Anon is a book of daily meditations, reminders, and prayers help families encourage their recovering alcoholic loved ones. Item: 3120
Online Price: $15.00
CamelRecovery, Medallions, Support, Bronze, Camel Be inspired by the story of the animal that can go 24 hours without a drink. On one side: a camel and the words "One day at a time." On the other side: the story: "The camel each day goes twice to his knees / He picks up his load with the greatest of ease / He walks through the day with his head held high / And stays for that day completely... Items: 9294, 929425
Price: Online Price: $3.05 |
The Eye Opener HardcoverA recovery basic since 1967, this daily meditation book offers timeless insight into AA philosophy. Item: 1020
Price: Online Price: $17.95 |
Un día a la vez en Al-Anon (One Day at a Time in Al-Anon Spanish)Un día a la vez en El-Anon es un libro de meditaciones diarias, recordatorios y oraciones que ayuda a las familias a alentar a sus seres queridos alcohólicos en recuperación. Item: 3121
Online Price: $14.00
Today Emotions Anonymous Meditation BookA book of daily meditations written by members of Emotions Anonymous. These words instill a sense of hope and inspiration for those of us who wish to live fully with their emotions. Item: 6481
Online Price: $22.00