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Building Assets Reducing Risks Secondary CurriculumA School Improvement Model for Grades 6 - 12 Building Assets, Reducing Risks is an evidence-based social and emotional learning model proven to decrease educational disparities while increasing achievement for all students. Item: 7519
App Apple Inspirations from HazeldenA free collection of daily messages of wisdom and advice from Hazeldenâs best-loved meditation books. To see all of our App offerings visit: hazelden.org/mobileapps. Item: AP7537
App Android Inspirations from HazeldenInspirations from Hazelden is a free collection of daily messages to inspire you on your journey of recovery. To see all of our App offerings visit: hazelden.org/mobileapps. Item: AA7537
Early Signs Of Compulsive GamblingA straightforward leaflet that explains the signs of compulsive gambling and where compulsive gamblers and concerned others can find help. Item: 5587
Price: Online Price: $0.67 |
What Is GAThis short brochure includes a gambling assessment tool and an overview of Gamblers Anonymous. Item: 1393
Price: Online Price: $0.67 |
A Guide for Adolescents with Co-occurring DisordersAbout half of all teens receiving mental health services have a co-occurring substance use disorder. This pamphlet answers common questions and helps young clients understand treatment and recovery options. Item: 7310
Price: Online Price: $0.99 |
Olweus Online SurveyOnline Survey The Olweus Bullying Questionnaire is an important planning tool before and after implementation of the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program. This online version of the survey is administered in the computer lab, saving schools the time and expense of shipping and processing printed questionnaires. Item: 2754
Acceptance Booklet SingleThe Way to Serenity and Peace of Mind Millions of readers have found peace of mind through the inspirational philosophy in this little pamphlet. It is a classic comment on the perfect formula for contentment: the Serenity Prayer. Item: 6740
Price: Online Price: $1.07 |
One Day at a Time Greeting CardRemind loved ones or friends how grateful you are that they are in recovery with this greeting card that celebrates recovery. Item: 4791
Price: Online Price: $1.99 |
Nine Slogans Greeting CardRemind loved ones or friends how grateful you are that they are in recovery with this greeting card that celebrates recovery. Item: 4790
Price: Online Price: $1.99 |
Eleventh Step Greeting CardRemind loved ones or friends how grateful you are that they are in recovery with this greeting card that celebrates recovery. Item: 4786
Price: Online Price: $1.99 |
Footprints Pocket MedallionPewter, 1-1/8 Originated in the 1940s when some Alcoholics Anonymous groups began presenting poker chips of different colors to members in recognition of important sobriety anniversaries. Item: 9312
Price: Online Price: $2.25 |
Yesterday Tomorrow Today BookmarkThe front and back sides of this bookmark contain the timelessly familiar poem about Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow. Item: 4434
Price: Online Price: $2.25 |
Hope Honesty Openness BookmarkIn symbols and words, this bookmark lists all the reasons why you keep coming back: hope, honesty, willingness, love, and more. Item: 2522
Price: Online Price: $2.25 |
Serenity Prayer BookmarkPeaceful meditation scene on the front of this bookmark with the short version of the Serenity Prayer. Full prayer on the backside. Item: 4299
Price: Online Price: $2.25 |
Serenity Prayer Sun BookmarkRich jewel tones and the Serenity Prayer make for a beautiful sunset scene. Design appears on both the front and the back. Item: 2524
Price: Online Price: $2.25 |
Let Go Let God BookmarkLet go, let God. Within those four simple syllables is a world of understanding and acceptance. Item: 4440
Price: Online Price: $2.25 |
Just for Today Wallet CardQuote from Frank Crane begins, "Just for today, I will try to live through this day only, and not tackle my whole life problems all at once." Item: 4295
Price: Online Price: $2.47 |
Just for Today BookmarkQuote from Frank Crane begins, "Just for today, I will try to live through this day only, and not tackle my whole life problems all at once." Item: 4298
Price: Online Price: $2.47 |
12 Steps and 12 Traditions BookmarkClouds on a blue background on the front of this bookmark with the Twelve Steps; back lists the Twelve Traditions. Item: 4297
Price: Online Price: $2.47 |
Serenity Prayer Wallet CardPeaceful meditation scene on the front of this wallet card with the short version of the Serenity Prayer. Full prayer on backside. Item: 4296
Price: Online Price: $2.47 |
Eleventh Step BookmarkThis two-sided bookmark reinforces the importance of daily prayer and meditation. Item: 4778
Price: Online Price: $2.47 |
12 Steps and 12 Traditions Wallet CardClouds on a blue background on the front of this wallet card with the Twelve Steps; back lists the Twelve Traditions. Item: 4303
Price: Online Price: $2.47 |
I Can't Be Addicted BecauseAn eye-opening pamphlet for addicts. Explores seven common rationalizations and explains why they are false. Item: 5308
Online Price: $2.75
Let's TalkCommunicating With Your Teen In Recovery Twelve guidelines to help promote effective communication between parents and recovering adolescents. Item: 5324
Online Price: $2.75
Guardian Angel Pocket MedallionPewter, 1-1/8" diameter Make sure that you, or someone you love, has a Guardian Angel close at hand. Item: 9313
Price: Online Price: $2.92 |
No puedo ser un alcohólico porque¿ (I Can't Be an Alcoholic Because Spansih)Spanish Translation La versión en español del folleto ofrece a las personas en recuperación un examen minucioso a las falacias y conceptos erróneos comunes sobre el alcoholismo, brindándoles la información que necesitan para ver su enfermedad por lo que es. Item: 5133
Online Price: $2.95
How To Set Limits For Kids BookletParenting for Prevention This booklet teaches parents, grandparents, teachers, and caregivers how to set reasonable limits according to the age, trust level, and basic needs of each child. Item: 3144
Online Price: $2.95
Recovery Anniversary Bronze MedallionsRecovery, Medallions, AA, Anniversary These antiqued bronze medallions feature the time-honored Twelve Step program phrase "To Thine Own Self Be True," with the date and "Unity, Service, Recovery" on one side, and the Serenity prayer on the other. Available for 24 hours to 50 years. Items: 9299, 929925, 9300, 930025, 9301, 930125, 9302, 930225, 9303, 930325, 9304, 930425, 9401, 940125, 9402, 940225, 9403, 940325, 9404, 9405, 9406, 9407, 9408, 9409, 9410, 9411, 9412, 9413, 9414, 9415, 9416, 9417, 9418, 9419, 9420, 9421, 9422, 9423, 9424, 9425, 9426, 9427, 9428, 9429, 9430, 9431, 9432, 9433, 9434, 9435, 9436, 9437, 9438, 9439, 9440, 9441, 9442, 9443, 9444, 9445, 9446, 9447, 9448, 9549, 9550
Price: Online Price: $3.05 |
Veterans Bronze MedallionOn one side: the words "Veterans in Recovery," an eagle, and stars and stripes. On the other: "I came with hope, worked and earned. I have a new life, a life that I've earned." Antiqued bronze, 1-5/16". Item: 9451
Price: Online Price: $3.05 |
Serenity Tree MedallionOn one side the phrase "Serenity isn't freedom from the storm, it's the peace within the storm." On the other side, the image of a tree. Antiqued bronze; measures 1 5/6" in diameter. Item: 4765
Price: Online Price: $3.05 |
Change the Sails MedallionThis medallion reminds us that we can adjust to the wind and stay our course. Item: 9291
Price: Online Price: $3.05 |
Four Winds MedallionSpecifically for Native Americans in recovery, this antiqued bronze medallion features the traditional medicine wheel on one side and a prayer to the Great Spirit whose voice I hear in the wind on the reverse. Item: 9297
Price: Online Price: $3.05 |
Life Is a Journey MedallionAntique Bronze Life is a Journey, not a destination, and the reverse side say's, Spiritual and emotional growth is not a journey of a thousand days or a journey of a lifetime.... Item: 9254
Price: Online Price: $3.05 |
Praying HandsRecovery, Medallions, Spirituality, Praying, Hands This classic medallion features the timeless symbol of daily contact with one's Higher Power. On one side: praying hands and the words "One day at a time." The other side features the the Serenity Prayer: "God, grant me the serenity To accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference."... Items: 1748, 174825
Price: Online Price: $3.05 |
ButterflyRecovery, Medallion, Support, Bronze, Butterfly, Simple The butterfly symbolizes freedom from the chrysalis of addiction and rebirth in a new life of recovery. The words "Keep it simple" provide daily guidance for maintaining your recovery. On the other side: the Serenity Prayer. Antiqued bronze. 1-5/16". When ordering by phone or mail use item #9298 for a single medallion or for a package... Items: 9298, 929825
Price: Online Price: $3.05 |
Powerless but not Helpless MedallionAntique Bronze Powerless medallion reminds us that powerless is not the same as helpless. Item: 9213
Price: Online Price: $3.05 |
Enjoy the Journey MedallionAntique Bronze Welcome--Enjoy The Journey; on the reverse: "Recovery is a Process not an Event." Item: 9253
Price: Online Price: $3.05 |
Given Wings MedallionGiving a medallion to someone you care about is an enduring way to offer encouragement and honor achievement in recovery. Item: 7306
Price: Online Price: $3.05 |
That My Soul May Soar MedallionAntique Bronze An eagle in flight and the words "That my soul may soar" offer inspiration. On the other side: "I seek strength, not to be greater than my brother, but to fight my greatest enemy, myself." Item: 9252
Price: Online Price: $3.05 |
The Man on the Bed MedallionBronzed medallion This medallion features Bill W. and Dr. Bob talking to Bill Dotson, the very first man on the bed. The front of the medallion reads Rarely have we seen and continues on the back with a person fail who has thoroughly followed our path. Item: 4315
Price: Online Price: $3.05 |
Hispanics in Recovery Medallion"Dios concedeme la serenidad / para aceptar las cosas que no puedo cambiar / el corage para cambiar las que si puedo / y la sabiduria para reconocer la diferencia." The Serenity Prayer is inscribed on one side of this antiqued bronze medallion in Spanish. On the other side: the words "Hispanos en Recuperacion" (Hispanics in Recovery).... Item: 9293
Price: Online Price: $3.05 |
Co-occurring DisordersRecovery, Medallion, Professional, Bronze, Dual, Disorder The keys to recovery from an addictive and a co-occurring emotional or behavioral disorder: acceptance, hope, awareness, and change. These four words are inscribed on this antiqued bronze medallion. On the other side: the words "Today I will do just one thing to help my recovery progress." 1-5/16". When ordering by phone or mail use item... Items: 9320, 932025
Price: Online Price: $3.05 |
CamelRecovery, Medallions, Support, Bronze, Camel Be inspired by the story of the animal that can go 24 hours without a drink. On one side: a camel and the words "One day at a time." On the other side: the story: "The camel each day goes twice to his knees / He picks up his load with the greatest of ease / He walks through the day with his head held high / And stays for that day completely... Items: 9294, 929425
Price: Online Price: $3.05 |
Reach for the Stars Bronze MedallionMedallions make inspiring companions to carry in pocket or purse, or to display on a shelf or desktop. Giving a medallion to someone you care about is an enduring way to offer encouragement and honor achievement in recovery. Item: 7299
Price: Online Price: $3.05 |
Twenty Four Hours a Day Commemorative MedallionThis antiqued bronze medallion is inspired by the 1954 meditation book that has helped countless readers maintain their recovery one day at a time. Item: 9305
Price: Online Price: $3.05 |
Friends and Family Blank MedallionThis specially coined medallion is for family members and friends who are practicing to detach with love. Item: 3819
Price: Online Price: $3.05 |
Expect Miracles MedallionRainbow, sun, and stars with "expect miracles" on the front and "I not only believe in Miracles, I depend on them" on the back. Measures 1-5/16" in diameter. Item: 4766
Price: Online Price: $3.05 |
Freedom MedallionThe Serenity Prayer on the back and the words "Freedom" and "Growth" are featured on this antiqued bronze medallion, a favorite among members of A.C.O.A. groups. Item: 1727
Price: Online Price: $3.05 |
Bill and Bob MedallionCommemorative Medallions featuring the likeness of Bill and Bob. Item: 9309
Price: Online Price: $3.05 |
Higher Power MedallionAntique Bronze A symbol of conscious contact, coined in antiqued bronze. On one side: a rising sun and the words "Higher Power." On the other: the words "If God brings you to it, God will get you through it." Item: 9214
Price: Online Price: $3.05 |
Free to Breathe MedallionAntiqued bronze medallion gives hope and reinforces the motivation to maintain recovery for individuals addicted to nicotine. Item: 9321
Price: Online Price: $3.05 |
African American MedallionCreated for those who treasure recovery and heritage as African Americans. The front of this antiqued bronze medallion features a hand-held torch symbolizing strength and courage and the words "African Americans in recovery." Item: 9296
Price: Online Price: $3.05 |
Biker Ride Clean Ride Free Bronze MedallionOn one side the embossed words "Ride Clean, Ride Free." On the other: "I always knew that one day I would take this road but yesterday I did not know today would be the day." Item: 4412
Price: Online Price: $3.05 |
An Angel to be With You MedallionMedallions make inspiring companions to carry in pocket or purse, or to display on a shelf or desktop. Giving a medallion to someone you care about is an enduring way to offer encouragement and honor achievement in recovery. Item: 7305
Price: Online Price: $3.05 |
Compulsive Overeaters Blank Wheat Design MedallionBronze medallion features a delicate stalk of wheat and the words "Abstinence a Day at a Time" on one side with the Serenity prayer and anniversary date on the other Item: 5942
Price: Online Price: $3.05 |
Surrender Pocket PowerPocket Power Series One of Hazelden's most popular series, Pocket Power pamphlets provide quick inspiring recovery references. In a short amount of time, we find the information and support we need to continue self-care throughout the day. Item: 5449
Price: Online Price: $3.14 |
Honesty Pocket PowerPocket Power Series A quick and inspiring recovery reference from one of Hazelden's most popular series. Item: 1336
Price: Online Price: $3.14 |
Humility Pocket PowerPocket Power Series A quick and inspiring recovery reference from one of Hazelden's most popular series. Item: 1338
Price: Online Price: $3.14 |
Accepting Criticism Pocket PowerPocket Power Series One of Hazelden's most popular series, Pocket Power pamphlets provide quick inspiring recovery references. In a short amount of time, we find the information and support we need to continue self-care throughout the day. Item: 5366
Price: Online Price: $3.14 |
Forgiveness Pocket PowerPocket Power Series One of Hazelden's most popular series, Pocket Power pamphlets provide quick inspiring recovery references. In a short amount of time, we find the information and support we need to continue self-care throughout the day. Item: 5364
Price: Online Price: $3.14 |
Freedom From Fear Pocket PowerPocket Power Series Part of the popular Pocket Power series, Freedom from Fear helps clients deal with the strong emotion of fear in recovery. Item: 1282
Price: Online Price: $3.14 |
Just for Today Pocket PowerPocket Power Series A quick and inspiring recovery reference from one of Hazelden's most popular series. Item: 1339
Price: Online Price: $3.14 |
Letting Go Pocket PowerPocket Power Series One of Hazelden's most popular series, Pocket Power pamphlets provide quick inspiring recovery references. In a short amount of time, we find the information and support we need to continue self-care throughout the day. Item: 5351
Price: Online Price: $3.14 |
Patience Pocket PowerPocket Power Series One of Hazelden's most popular series, Pocket Power pamphlets provide quick inspiring recovery references. In a short amount of time, we find the information and support we need to continue self-care throughout the day. Item: 5361
Price: Online Price: $3.14 |
Prayer and Meditation Pocket PowerPocket Power Series One of Hazelden's most popular series, Pocket Power pamphlets provide quick inspiring recovery references. In a short amount of time, we find the information and support we need to continue self-care throughout the day. Item: 5349
Price: Online Price: $3.14 |
Hope Pocket PowerPocket Power Series A quick and inspiring recovery reference from one of Hazelden's most popular series. Item: 1337
Price: Online Price: $3.14 |
Loving Relationships Pocket PowerPocket Power Series One of Hazelden's most popular series, Pocket Power pamphlets provide quick inspiring recovery references. In a short amount of time, we find the information and support we need to continue self-care throughout the day. Item: 5353
Price: Online Price: $3.14 |
When Doors Close Pocket PowerPocket Power Series One of Hazelden's most popular series, Pocket Power pamphlets provide quick inspiring recovery references. In a short amount of time, we find the information and support we need to continue self-care throughout the day. Item: 5354
Price: Online Price: $3.14 |
Loneliness Pocket PowerPocket Power Series One of Hazelden's most popular series, Pocket Power pamphlets provide quick inspiring recovery references. In a short amount of time, we find the information and support we need to continue self-care throughout the day. Item: 5363
Price: Online Price: $3.14 |
Gratitude Pocket PowerPocket Power Series A quick and inspiring recovery reference from one of Hazelden's most popular series. Item: 1331
Price: Online Price: $3.14 |
Understanding Rejection Pocket PowerPocket Power Series One of Hazelden's most popular series, Pocket Power pamphlets provide quick inspiring recovery references. In a short amount of time, we find the information and support we need to continue self-care throughout the day. Item: 5348
Price: Online Price: $3.14 |
Reaching Out to Others Pocket PowerPocket Power Series One of Hazelden's most popular series, Pocket Power pamphlets provide quick inspiring recovery references. In a short amount of time, we find the information and support we need to continue self-care throughout the day. Item: 5400
Price: Online Price: $3.14 |
Serenity Pocket PowerPocket Power Series One of Hazelden's most popular series, Pocket Power pamphlets provide quick inspiring recovery references. In a short amount of time, we find the information and support we need to continue self-care throughout the day. Item: 5362
Price: Online Price: $3.14 |
Alcohol Anonymous Medallion Special Order Years 51-75*Special Shipping. See full description for details. These antiqued bronze medallions feature the time-honored Twelve Step phrase "To thine own self be true," the number of your sobriety years in Roman numerals, and the symbol of unity, service, and recovery. On the other side: the Serenity Prayer. 1-5/16". Item: 9559
Online Price: $3.39
The Dry Drunk SyndromeSimple perspective and suggestions for the alcoholic who doesn't drink but is still plagued with self-defeating thoughts and behaviors. Item: 1251
Price: Online Price: $3.55 |
Letting Go of the Need to ControlControl issues are common among those of us who are chemically dependent. This pamphlet provides constructive methods to let go of self-defeating behaviors. Item: 5322
Price: Online Price: $3.55 |
Serenity Prayer Sun Greeting CardAs a daily reminder to look forward to each new day, this greeting card depicts a sunrise and the serenity prayer on the front. The inside is blank for your personal message. Item: 2515
Price: Online Price: $3.55 |
Hope Honesty Openness Greeting CardOutside: a fun and creative design that includes all the reasons why you "keep coming back" to meetings._x000D_ Inside, the greeting card is blank for your personal message. Item: 2512
Price: Online Price: $3.55 |
Happy Joyous and Free Greeting CardKeep Coming Back Remind loved ones or friends how grateful you are that they are in recovery with this greeting card that celebrates recovery. Item: 4622
Price: Online Price: $3.55 |
Honesty Openness Willingness Greeting CardOn the outside: the unity triangle and the words of Bill W. and Dr. Bob, "Rarely have we seen a person fail who has thoroughly followed our path." Greeting card is blank inside for your personal message. Item: 2513
Price: Online Price: $3.55 |
One Day at a Time Butterfly Greeting CardKeep Coming Back Celebrate the rebirth of someone new to recovery by giving them this greeting card with the symbolic colorful butterflies. Item: 4616
Price: Online Price: $3.55 |
Accepting OurselvesA Moment to Reflect Series This booklet is part of Hazelden's inspirational series for Twelve Step living. Contains 30 topical affirmations to guide you as you work to improve relationships. Item: 5102
Price: Online Price: $3.55 |
One Day at a Time Greeting CardLive in the now Remind loved ones or friends how grateful you are that they are in recovery with this greeting card that celebrates recovery. Item: 4630
Price: Online Price: $3.55 |
Women and SpiritualityAn excellent resource for women working Step Two and Three of the Twelve Steps. Item: 5561
Price: Online Price: $3.55 |
Free To CareRecovery for the Whole Family Exercises to reinforce the needs of family members -- regardless of how clients define "family" -- dealing with addiction. An excellent tool for individual or group therapy. Item: 1409
Price: Online Price: $3.55 |
Grateful Heart MedallionMade exclusively for Hazelden, this Gratitude medallion is a perfect gift for anyone, whether they are in recovery or not. Start each day with a grateful heart. Item: 3445
Price: Online Price: $3.91 |
Shame FacedThe author helps us to discover the relationship between shame and chemical dependency and offers a distinction between shame and guilt. Item: 5452
Online Price: $3.95
Getting Rid Of ResentmentsResentments are a leading cause of relapse. This booklet outlines eight ways to end resentments for good. Item: 5392
Online Price: $3.95
Releasing Guilt About Gambling RevisedFormerly titled - Releasing Guilt Overcoming feelings of guilt is one of the biggest issues recovering compulsive gamblers face. This pamphlet explains how guilt is often accompanied by other self-destructive emotions such as anger, fear, and shame. Item: 5276
Online Price: $3.95
Toward SpiritualityThe Inner Journey Toward Spirituality defines the sometimes ellusive concepts of spirituality and Higher Power in concrete terms. Item: 1421
Online Price: $3.95
Grieving a Healing ProcessA Healing Process This pamphlet helps us see the losses we've suffered as a result of our alcoholism and drug addiction and helps us work through our grief. Item: 5350
Online Price: $3.95
Stress and RecoveryHelp clients learn to deal with the good and bad stressors inherent in recovery. Item: 1414
Online Price: $3.95
Learning To Live With EmotionsAfter years of repressing emotions -- a common coping strategy for adult children -- this pamphlet offers tips to help us begin to recognize, respect, and express emotions appropriately. Item: 5321
Online Price: $3.95
IntimacyA discussion of twelve common "rules" for avoiding closeness. This pamphlet is an excellent resource for enhancing relationships. Item: 5309
Online Price: $3.95
How to Get the Most Out of Group TherapyClassics for Continuing Care Help clients get the most out of meetings by understanding what others bring to the table. Item: 2908
Online Price: $3.95
DenialBest-selling author Melody Beattie describes denial and its role in the five-stage acceptance process. Item: 5260
Online Price: $3.95
How to Teach Kids to Resolve Conflicts Without Violence BookletParenting for Prevention This booklet shows parents, grandparents, teachers, and caregivers how to teach kids about conflict resolution. Item: 3146
Online Price: $3.95
Communication SkillsSuggestions to help clients build communication skills and improve relationships. Item: 5566
Online Price: $3.95
Releasing AngerAnger can endanger recovery. Show clients working Step Two how to enhance serenity and self-awareness. Item: 1420
Online Price: $3.95
Recovery from the Heart WorkbookA Journey Through the Twelve Steps A workbook that speaks to Native Americans in recovery. Based on the teachings of the Medicine Wheel, the Twelve Steps, and a system of principles, values, and laws common to many Native American tribes. Item: 1479
Online Price: $3.95
A Look at Cross-AddictionClassics for Continuing Care A close look at the physical and psychological effects of multiple drug use. Item: 5379
Online Price: $3.95
What Is NormalFamily Relationships An exploration of how childhood interactions with our family of origin can affect family relationships in adulthood. Item: 5504
Online Price: $3.95
Anger How to Handle It During RecoveryJohnson Institute Recovery Series Helps those in recovery look closely at their anger so they can make important changes in their behavior. Item: 3250
Online Price: $3.95
Healing from Childhood Sexual AbuseA Recovering Woman's Guide For women, this pamphlet offers tools for coping with flashbacks, grief and shame. Item: 5282
Online Price: $3.95
A Guide for the Family of the AlcoholicWeapons used by the alcoholic to control the family and cover up for consequences of problem drinking are destructive and deadly. Here are ways that the family can defend itself. Item: 1300
Online Price: $3.95
Claiming My Power In RecoveryThe First Step For Women Women face special challenges in recovery around power. This pamphlet gives readers a clear understanding of what power is and isn't. Item: 5493
Online Price: $3.95
How to Teach Kids To Handle Anger Without Violence BookletParenting for Prevention This booklet teaches parents, grandparents, teachers, and caregivers simple skills for helping kids manage anger using a four-step method. Item: 3140
Online Price: $3.95
Relapse and the AddictA valuable quick reference for swiftly dealing with a relapse. Item: 5410
Online Price: $3.95
Men's Issues In RecoveryThe Ten Myths of Manhood, Classics for Continuing Care Men's Issues in Recovery identifies and addresses the ten most common male stereotypes and helps men begin to confront denied emotions, talk about what hurts, and seek support from other men in recovery. Item: 5287
Online Price: $3.95
Heroin First Few Months of RecoveryWritten specifically for the heroin addict in treatment and early recovery, this pamphlet outlines what to expect, how to handle cravings, and how to stay motivated. Item: 1478
Online Price: $3.95
Codependency A Second Hand LifeThis pamphlet is written for those who are in a relationship with an alcoholic, and whose behavior is geared toward controlling or changing the alcoholic's behavior. Item: 5450
Online Price: $3.95
I Deserve RespectFinding and Healing Shame in Personal Relationships Solutions for people living in a shame-based relationship. Item: 5419
Online Price: $3.95
It's Not As Bad As You ThinkCoping With Upset Feelings Part of the Hazelden Classics for Clients series, this pamphlet helps clients understand how to respond to difficult situations without getting upset. Item: 1367
Online Price: $3.95
Do's and Don'ts for Family Members WorkbookHow To Pull Your Life Together When You're Suffering -- Family members learn how to be sane and productive life while living in the midst of a chemicallly dependent person. Item: 1235
Online Price: $3.95
Alcoholism a Merry-Go-Round Named DenialRevised and expanded edition of this classic piece that defines the roles of the alcoholic, the enabler, the victim, and the provoker. Includes a section on adolescents and seniors. Item: 1140
Online Price: $3.95
Guidance On Our JourneysSponsorship This pamphlet educates clients about what to look for in a sponsor. Item: 1298
Online Price: $3.95
Twelve Steps for Tobacco Users RevisedFor Recovering People Addicted to Nicotine Discover a way of changing attitudes and behavior in order to enjoy a lifestyle of long-term, tobacco-free living. Item: 1419
Online Price: $3.95
Meth The BasicsHazelden Drugs of Addiction Written by the authors of The Matrix Model, Meth: The Basics is an ideal first resource for clients in treatment. Item: 2632
Online Price: $3.95
Why Parents Need to Know More About BullyingAn ideal handout for parent's night, this pamphlet gives parents immediate insight into the origins of bullying, as well as information on how to recognize and address it. Item: 1784
Online Price: $3.95
I Can't Be An Alcoholic BecauseThis pamphlet offers clients a close look at common fallacies and misconceptions about alcoholism, giving them the insight they need to see their disease for what it is. Item: 1340
Online Price: $3.95
The Benefits Of Telling Your StoryThis pamphlet describes how a truthful account of our past lays the groundwork for future recovery progress. An excellent tool for those in denial. Item: 5242
Online Price: $3.95
Older Adults in TreatmentAfter Treatment - A Right to Recovery This pamphlet suggests that older adults share some common history, values, and concerns toward alcoholism and addiction that must be acknowledged before successful recovery can begin. Item: 5137
Online Price: $3.95
Self Evaluation Workbook for Alcohol and Drug AbuseScreening for Alcohol and Drug Abuse (SADA) An excellent evaluation resource. Clients use the workbook early in treatment to record attitudes toward and experiences with alcohol and other drugs. Item: 1621
Online Price: $3.95
Cultural Pain and African AmericansUnspoken Issues in Early Recovery Written for African Americans who are in the early to middle stages of recovery, this pamphlet focuses on the importance of recognizing and discussing racial and cultural issues. Item: 5390
Online Price: $3.95
The Dynamics Of AddictionThis best-seller offers practical advice on how to raise balanced kids who can stand on their own feet, resist unhealthy peer pressures, and still be accepted by others. Item: 3220
Online Price: $3.95
Recovery of Chemically Dependent FamiliesFamilies with chemical dependency share similar dynamics, rules, and behavior that both characterize and help to shape their systems. Insight into these three areas helps to explain many of the difficulties a chemically dependent family faces in the recovery process when reaching for a new lifestyle. Item: 3219
Online Price: $3.95
The Effects of Alcohol and Other Drugs During PregnancyThis booklet clearly and thoroughly explains the basics of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Fetal Alcohol Effect. Item: 5544
Online Price: $3.95
Assertiveness Card Set of 25Aids those in recovery to identify and focus on specific issues relating to their individual style of communication. Item: 116625
Online Price: $3.95
Spanish A Guide for the Family of the AlcoholicWeapons used by the alcoholic to control the family and cover up for consequences of problem drinking are destructive and deadly. Here are ways that the family can defend itself. Item: 1299
Online Price: $3.95
How to Stop Enabling and Start Empowering KidsParenting for Prevention This booklet teaches parents, grandparents, teachers, and caregivers how to stop enabling and start empowering a child. Item: 3142
Online Price: $3.95
Is Your Child Using Alcohol or Other Drugs?For Families of Those with Addiction This pamphlet is for families¿and teachers, coaches, and friends¿who worry that a young person they care about may have a problem with alcohol or other drugs. It provides a good description of what to look for and what to do if there is a problem. Item: 1382
Online Price: $3.95
Alternate Routes Family GuideAn Alcohol Diversion Program A key component of the Alternate Routes curriculum, this guide helps families reconnect with their kids and become a force for preventing alcohol use. Item: 2004
Online Price: $3.95
African-Americans in TreatmentDealing with Cultural Differences Written by African-Americans to help African-Americans who have fallen victim to addictive diseases. Item: 5144
Online Price: $3.95
Custom Oval Medallion Special OrderThis single item can not be purchased online. Please call 1-877-642-5016 to meet your business needs. To inspire and celebrate Medallions are especially meaningful when they're customized. For a price that's comparable to off-the-shelf medallions, we'll customize one or both sides of a medallion with artwork, a photo, or text that you send us. In six... Item: 9811
Custom Square Medallion Special OrderThis single item can not be purchased online. Please call 1-877-642-5016 to meet your business needs. To inspire and celebrate Medallions are especially meaningful when they're customized. For a price that's comparable to off-the-shelf medallions, we'll customize one or both sides of a medallion with artwork, a photo, or text that you send us. In six... Item: 9813
Custom 3/4 Medallion Special OrderThis single item can not be purchased online. Please call 1-877-642-5016 to meet your business needs. To inspire and celebrate Medallions are especially meaningful when they're customized. For a price that's comparable to off-the-shelf medallions, we'll customize one or both sides of a medallion with artwork, a photo, or text that you send us. In six... Item: 9812
Custom 12 Sided Medallion Special OrderThis single item can not be purchased online. Please call 1-877-642-5016 to meet your business needs. To inspire and celebrate Medallions are especially meaningful when they're customized. For a price that's comparable to off-the-shelf medallions, we'll customize one or both sides of a medallion with artwork, a photo, or text that you send us. In six... Item: 9814
Custom Round Medallion Special OrderThis single item can not be purchased online. Please call 1-877-642-5016 to meet your business needs. To inspire and celebrate Medallions are especially meaningful when they're customized. For a price that's comparable to off-the-shelf medallions, we'll customize one or both sides of a medallion with artwork, a photo, or text that you send us. In six... Item: 9810
King BabyDiscusses the King Baby personality -- (the childish ego traits seen in people who have reached adulthood without acquiring emotional maturity), -- which is common to people addiction. Item: 5368
Price: Online Price: $4.45 |
Queen BabyInhibited emotional development can result in a King Baby syndrome. Queen Baby examines the situation from a woman's perspective. Item: 2612
Price: Online Price: $4.45 |
Praying Hands Glitter Painted MedallionPewter, 1 5/16" diameter with glitter paint A wonderful revision to a classic keepsake, this medallion features the timeless symbol of contact with one's higher power, the praying hands, featured on a background of blue glitter under a glossy surface. Item: 4168
Price: Online Price: $4.45 |
Setting BoundariesA Moment to Reflect Series This booklet is part of Hazelden's inspirational series for Twelve Step living. Contains 30 topical affirmations to guide you as you work to improve relationships. Item: 5101
Price: Online Price: $4.45 |
Footprints Glitter Painted MedallionPewter, 1 5/16" diameter with glitter paint glitter painted medallion depicts the footprints on a beach near the blue, sparkling water. Reverse side features the saying My precious child, I love you; During your times of trial and suffering, it is then that I carry you Item: 4167
Price: Online Price: $4.45 |
Reach for the Stars Keytag 12 sidedMade of lustrous bronze, our Reach for the Stars key chain reminds you that "Obstacles are those things you see when you take your eyes off the goal." Item: 2058
Price: Online Price: $4.45 |
Letting GoA Moment to Reflect Series This booklet is part of Hazelden's inspirational series for Twelve Step living. Contains 30 topical affirmations to guide you as you work to improve relationships. Item: 5103
Price: Online Price: $4.45 |
Living Our Own LivesA Moment to Reflect Series This booklet is part of Hazelden's inspirational series for Twelve Step living. Contains 30 topical affirmations to guide you as you work to improve relationships. Item: 5104
Price: Online Price: $4.45 |
One Day at a Time StoneCarry a One Day at a Time stone--or all three--with you wherever you go as a daily reminder to help you to be strong and courageous, find your serenity, and take one day at a time. Approximately 1-1/2 inch. Item: 9119
Price: Online Price: $4.49 |
An Introductory Guide to Narcotics Anonymous RevisedThis revised edition of An Introductory Guide to Narcotics Anonymous is a welcoming, helpful guide for newcomers to Narcotics Anonymous. Includes a discussion of each of the Twelve Steps. Item: 7412
Online Price: $4.50
Understanding Compulsive GamblingRecovery From Compulsive Gambling - Revised For those who are concerned about gambling behavior--that of a family member, colleague, or themselves—this pamphlet defines gambling disorder, outlines the phases of the disease and signs of trouble, and suggests resources for getting help. Item: 5497
Online Price: $4.95
Coming Back From a Relapse WorkbookRecovery Issues Workbooks Coming Back from a Relapse workbook helps you understand what went wrong and how to get back on track by working out your own relapse prevention plan. Item: 5374
Online Price: $4.95
Step 4 AA Getting HonestThis pamphlet provides guidelines for completing AA's Step Four: "Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves." The exercises included can help people recovering from addiction draw up an honest and effective personal inventory. Item: 1284
Online Price: $4.95
The Warning Signs of RelapseFor Preventing a Return to Use Relapse is often part of the recovery process, so learning the warning signs can help strengthen your recovery. When you can recognize the warning signs in this pamphlet, you¿ll be able to use recovery support tools and reduce the risk of relapse. Item: 1259
Online Price: $4.95
Step 1 Admitting PowerlessnessThis pamphlet covers AA's Step One, "We admitted we were powerless over alcohol--that our lives had become unmanageable." This admission is the foundation of recovery, but it's something we can't do alone. Item: 1270
Online Price: $4.95
Boundaries For CodependentsThis pamphlet offers meaningful insight on how to build healthy boundaries Item: 5217
Online Price: $4.95
GrandiosityFor People In Twelve Step Recovery This pamphlet explains how grandiosity, an exaggerated sense of self-importance, compromises a person's recovery. It offers practical advice on ways to manage grandiosity. Item: 1312
Online Price: $4.95
Letting Go of PerfectionismThis pamphlet describes how perfectionism hinders our growth in recovery. It suggests using the Twelve Steps to let go of inflexible and uncompromising attitudes, and to embrace the imperfections of being human. Item: 1283
Online Price: $4.95
Getting Involved in AAFormerly titled Transition from Treatment to A.A. This pamphlet describes Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and explains how it helps individuals in recovery from alcohol use disorder. It offers valuable information on how to get involved in the program. Item: 1428
Online Price: $4.95
How Drugs Affect the BrainFor Understanding Addiction This pamphlet explains how alcohol and other drugs affect the way messages are transmitted between brain cells and eventually change the reward pathway. It also outlines how brain research shows that long-term substance use changes the brain. Item: 1255
Online Price: $4.95
An Index to Alcoholics Anonymous 4th EditionThis index is intended to help readers find terms throughout the fourth edition of Alcoholics Anonymous, otherwise known as the "Big Book." Item: 1278
Online Price: $4.95
Overcoming Stinking ThinkingFor Preventing a Return to Use Stinking Thinking describes the most common beliefs and attitudes that can eventually lead to a relapse to alcohol or drug use. Item: 1264
Online Price: $4.95
What Is Substance Use DisorderFor Understanding Addiction For those who are concerned about their substance use--and those who love them--this pamphlet defines substance use disorder (a disease of the brain), outlines risk factors and the role of stigma, and discusses treatment. Item: 1256
Online Price: $4.95
Getting Involved in NAGoing to your first NA meeting is easier when you know something about the organization before you go. This pamphlet explains how NA helps people in recovery, what happens at a meeting, how the organization functions, some concerns about NA, and how NA welcomes people. Item: 1441
Online Price: $4.95
Step 2 AA Coming to BelieveThis pamphlet covers AA's Step Two: "Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity," highlighting the Step's importance and challenges, as well as what the spiritual nature of the program can mean to different people. Item: 1258
Online Price: $4.95
Nurturing Self EsteemFor People in Recovery From Substance Use Disorder This pamphlet explains the importance of self-esteem and describes how to strengthen it. It also describes how self-compassion can help to foster self-esteem. Item: 1295
Online Price: $4.95
Step 3 AA Making a DecisionThis pamphlet covers AA's Step Three: "Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him." It goes into the obstacles that many find to making that decision, as well as how to overcome them. Item: 1310
Online Price: $4.95
Overcoming Negative ThinkingJohnson Institute Recovery Series This pamphlet focuses on helping those in recovery create positive beliefs about self. Item: 3251
Online Price: $4.95
Step 9 AA Repairing the PastThis pamphlet shows us how to get started on Step Nine, "Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others." It suggests ways to make amends--what we must do to mend our relationships successfully. Item: 1290
Online Price: $4.95
Handling AngerFor Parents in Early Recovery Parents in early recovery may be angry with their children at times. This pamphlet shows them how to manage their anger, handle their child¿s anger toward them, prevent anger by meeting basic needs, and build good communication skills in their family. Item: 1385
Online Price: $4.95
Co-occurring DisordersAn Overview for Adults This pamphlet answers common questions and offers hope to anyone who has been diagnosed with a co-occurring disorder—both a mental health disorder and a substance use disorder. The information will help readers understand treatment and recovery options. Item: 1268
Online Price: $4.95
When Someone You Love GamblesRevised Edition Information and support for family members, friends, and concerned others. An overview of how compulsive gambling effects those who are close to a gambler. Item: 5256
Online Price: $4.95
Setting Rules And Limits WorkbookThe Real Life Parenting Skills Program Parents in early recovery learn that there's more to good parenting than being sober. Setting Rules and Limits explains how to set boundaries and establish consequences. Item: 1642
Online Price: $4.95
Detaching With LoveFor Families of Those with Addiction This pamphlet explains what it means to "detach with love," and offers tips on ways to love a person with substance use disorder without taking responsibility for their actions. Item: 1261
Online Price: $4.95
Step 8 AA Preparing for ChangeOur drinking or drug use likely caused a lot of pain. So we turn to Step Eight: "Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all." This pamphlet helps us accomplish these two essential parts of recovery. Item: 1314
Online Price: $4.95
Building Trust PamphletThe Real Life Parenting Skills Program Trust is the foundation of a supportive family life. Clients in recovery learn what it takes to earn the trust of family members. Item: 1645
Online Price: $4.95
Step 7 AA Asking HumblyIn preparing for Step Six, "Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character," it may be hard to believe that our defects will be removed. This pamphlet explains that we need only to be ready and provides tips on how to get there. Item: 1260
Online Price: $4.95
Step 5 AA Telling Your StoryIn preparing for Step Six, "Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character," it may be hard to believe that our defects will be removed. This pamphlet explains that we need only to be ready and provides tips on how to get there. Item: 1275
Online Price: $4.95
Step 6 AA Being ReadyIn preparing for Step Six, "Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character," it may be hard to believe that our defects will be removed. This pamphlet explains that we need only to be ready and provides tips on how to get there. Item: 1296
Online Price: $4.95
Handling Anger WorkbookThe Real Life Parenting Skills Program Learn to manage anger and rebuild family life in recovery. Item: 1644
Online Price: $4.95
Behavior vs Values Character Conflict During RecoveryJohnson Institute Recovery Series Helps those in recovery make the important connection between values and behavior. Item: 3248
Online Price: $4.95
Step 10 AA Maintaining Your New LifeThis pamphlet details how and why to do the work of Step Ten, "Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it." Through the discipline of daily inventory, we learn to protect and strengthen our recovery. Item: 1262
Online Price: $4.95
Step 12 AA Carrying the MessageThis pamphlet covers AA's Step Two: "Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity," highlighting the Step's importance and challenges, as well as what the spiritual nature of the program can mean to different people. Item: 1280
Online Price: $4.95
Building Trust WorkbookThe Real Life Parenting Skills Program Trust is the foundation of a supportive family life. Clients in recovery learn what it takes to earn the trust of family members. Item: 1646
Online Price: $4.95
Setting Rules And Limits PamphletThe Real Life Parenting Skills Program Parents in early recovery learn that there's more to good parenting than being sober. Setting Rules and Limits explains how to set boundaries and establish consequences. Item: 1641
Online Price: $4.95
Step 11 AA Partnership With Your Higher PowerThis pamphlet examines Step Eleven, "Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out," which is vital to recovery. Item: 1291
Online Price: $4.95
Detachment The Art of Letting Go While Living With An AlcoholicAn important resource for family members experiencing anger, shame, and guilt. Family members are assured that they didn't cause the disease of addiction and they can't control it. Item: 3218
Online Price: $4.95
Step 1 for Young AdultsThis primer introduces young clients to Step One of the Twelve Step program. Item: 1362
Online Price: $4.95
Step 2 For Young AdultsYoung People In Recovery Questions, examples, and personal stories guide young people through a Step of the Twelve Step program. Item: 5501
Online Price: $4.95
Step 3 for Young AdultsYoung People in Recovery Questions, examples, and personal stories guide young people through a Step of the Twelve Step program. Item: 5502
Online Price: $4.95
The Family EnablersAn insightful booklet to help those close to an alcoholic address common problems by letting them in on some very important insights into the alcoholism process in families. Item: 3221
Online Price: $4.95
Using Medications SafelyFor Those in Recovery This pamphlet answers questions people in recovery ask when choosing medications in order to avoid those that could cause a relapse. The authors show how to advocate for your health and safeguard your recovery. A reference list of safe medications and those to avoid appears at the end of the pamphlet. Item: 1390
Online Price: $4.95
Step 5 for Young AdultsYoung People in Recovery Questions, examples, and personal stories guide young people through a Step of the Twelve Step program. Item: 5505
Online Price: $4.95
The Next HappyLet Go of the Life You Planned and Find a New Way Forward When the best option is to let go of the life you planned for yourself and find a new path, a world of possibilities can surprisingly open up. Learn whether it is time to let go, and if so, how to move through your grief and find your way forward in The Next Happy. Item: 7768
Price: Online Price: $4.99 |
The Language of Letting Go Audio CDDaily Meditations of Codependency This audio offers six guided imagery selections to help you visualize yourself relaxing and gaining strength in a peaceful setting. A guide to the quiet place within. Item: 7379
Price: Online Price: $4.99 |
Fourth Step Guide Journey Into GrowthThe exercises in this guide give clients the means to take Step Four in preparation for Step Five. Item: 7618
Price: Online Price: $5.35 |
Change the Sails Key Ring CharmFront features sailboat image, and back reads, "I can't control the wind, I can only adjust my sails." Item: 7255
Price: Online Price: $5.84 |
Serenity Key Ring CharmThe elegance of simplicity of this antiqued bronze charm says it all -- Serenity. Item: 8866
Price: Online Price: $5.84 |
One Day at a Time Key Ring CharmOur "One Day at a Time" key ring charm helps remind us to live for this day; the reverse side of the charm bears the famous simplicity of the Serenity Prayer. Item: 8865
Price: Online Price: $5.84 |
Women's IssuesA problem-solving, self-actualizing approach to thirteen common issues women face during early recovery. Item: 5498
Online Price: $5.95
Cocaine and CrackFormerly Titled Cocaine Prevention techniques to stop addiction before it develops. A description of the physical and psychological effects of cocaine and crack use. Item: 5486
Online Price: $5.95
Metamorphosis MugFill this 15 oz. mug with the hot beverage of your choice and watch the design transform from a cute caterpillar to a beautiful butterfly! Item: 9193
Price: Online Price: $5.99 |
App Apple A Day at a TimeFocus on your sobriety with thoughts, meditations, and prayers rooted in the spiritual foundation of Alcoholics Anonymous and drawn from the wisdom of the worldâs greatest poets, scholars, and philosophers. Item: AP7602
App Apple TouchstonesSpeaking straight to men who are striving to maintain emotionally and spiritually balanced lives. Item: AP5029
App Apple Day By DayInspirational messages augment and reinforce N.A. principles about coping with today's problems while staying chemically free. Item: AP1099
App Apple 24 Hours a DayA complete collection of thoughts, meditations, and prayers make it easy to focus on your sobriety anywhere, at any time. Practicing the Twelve Steps has never been more accessible! Item: AP1050
App Android Food for ThoughtOffers wise and comforting words for compulsive overeaters who seek to understand the role of food in their lives. To see all of our App offerings visit: hazelden.org/mobileapps. Item: AA1074
App Android A Day at a TimeFocus on your sobriety with thoughts, meditations, and prayers rooted in the spiritual foundation of Alcoholics Anonymous and drawn from the wisdom of the worlds greatest poets, scholars, and philosophers. To see all of our App offerings visit: hazelden.org/mobileapps. Item: AA7602
App Apple Food for ThoughtOffers wise and comforting words for compulsive overeaters who seek to understand the role of food in their lives. Item: AP1074
App Android TouchstonesSpeaking straight to men who are striving to maintain emotionally and spiritually balanced lives. Item: AA5029
App Android 24 Hours a DayA complete collection of thoughts, meditations, and prayers make it easy to focus on your sobriety anywhere, at any time. Practicing the Twelve Steps has never been more accessible! To see all of our App offerings visit: hazelden.org/mobileapps. Item: AA1050
The Golden Book of SponsorshipAnother Golden Book The Golden Books series is composed of fourteen booklets written by the late Father Ralph Pfau, known originally as Father "John Doe" who was an immensely popular lecturer and author. These treasured booklets offer thoughtful, positive advice on almost every human experience. Item: 7400
Price: Online Price: $6.25 |
The Golden Book of ResentmentsAnother Golden Book The Golden Books series is composed of fourteen booklets written by the late Father Ralph Pfau, known originally as Father "John Doe" who was an immensely popular lecturer and author. These treasured booklets offer thoughtful, positive advice on almost every human experience. Item: 7320
Price: Online Price: $6.25 |
The Golden Book of the Spiritual SideAnother Golden Book The Golden Books series is composed of fourteen booklets written by the late Father Ralph Pfau, known originally as Father "John Doe" who was an immensely popular lecturer and author. These treasured booklets offer thoughtful, positive advice on almost every human experience. Item: 7380
Price: Online Price: $6.25 |
The Golden Book of PrinciplesAnother Golden Book The Golden Books series is composed of fourteen booklets written by the late Father Ralph Pfau, known originally as Father "John Doe" who was an immensely popular lecturer and author. These treasured booklets offer thoughtful, positive advice on almost every human experience. Item: 7300
Price: Online Price: $6.25 |
The Golden Book of ToleranceAnother Golden Book (Formerly The Golden Book of Charity) The Golden Books series is composed of fourteen booklets written by the late Father Ralph Pfau, known originally as Father "John Doe" who was an immensely popular lecturer and author. These treasured booklets offer thoughtful, positive advice on almost every human experience. Item: 7420
Price: Online Price: $6.25 |
The Golden Book of AttitudesAnother Golden Book The Golden Books series is composed of fourteen booklets written by the late Father Ralph Pfau, known originally as Father "John Doe" who was an immensely popular lecturer and author. These treasured booklets offer thoughtful, positive advice on almost every human experience. Item: 7180
Price: Online Price: $6.25 |
The Golden Book of SanityAnother Golden Book The Golden Books series is composed of fourteen booklets written by the late Father Ralph Pfau, known originally as Father "John Doe" who was an immensely popular lecturer and author. These treasured booklets offer thoughtful, positive advice on almost every human experience. Item: 7360
Price: Online Price: $6.25 |
The Golden Book of PassionAnother Golden Book The Golden Books series is composed of fourteen booklets written by the late Father Ralph Pfau, known originally as Father "John Doe" who was an immensely popular lecturer and author. These treasured booklets offer thoughtful, positive advice on almost every human experience. Item: 7280
Price: Online Price: $6.25 |
The Golden Book of HappinessAnother Golden Book The Golden Books series is composed of fourteen booklets written by the late Father Ralph Pfau, known originally as Father "John Doe" who was an immensely popular lecturer and author. These treasured booklets offer thoughtful, positive advice on almost every human experience. Item: 7240
Price: Online Price: $6.25 |
The Golden Book of DecisionsAnother Golden Book The Golden Books series is composed of fourteen booklets written by the late Father Ralph Pfau, known originally as Father "John Doe" who was an immensely popular lecturer and author. These treasured booklets offer thoughtful, positive advice on almost every human experience. Item: 7200
Price: Online Price: $6.25 |
The Golden Book of ExcusesAnother Golden Book The Golden Books series is composed of fourteen booklets written by the late Father Ralph Pfau, known originally as Father "John Doe" who was an immensely popular lecturer and author. These treasured booklets offer thoughtful, positive advice on almost every human experience. Item: 7220
Price: Online Price: $6.25 |
The Golden Book of ActionAnother Golden Book The Golden Books series is composed of fourteen booklets written by the late Father Ralph Pfau, known originally as Father "John Doe" who was an immensely popular lecturer and author. These treasured booklets offer thoughtful, positive advice on almost every human experience. Item: 7160
Price: Online Price: $6.25 |
The Brown BottleAn excellent storybook for explaining alcoholism to young children, the Brown Bottle features Charlie, a fuzzy brown caterpillar who pursues the invigorating glow of life inside a discarded brown bottle. Item: 1162
Price: Online Price: $6.25 |
The Golden Book of LivingAnother Golden Book The Golden Books series is composed of fourteen booklets written by the late Father Ralph Pfau, known originally as Father "John Doe" who was an immensely popular lecturer and author. These treasured booklets offer thoughtful, positive advice on almost every human experience. Item: 7260
Price: Online Price: $6.25 |
The Golden Book of SanctityAnother Golden Book The Golden Books series is composed of fourteen booklets written by the late Father Ralph Pfau, known originally as Father "John Doe" who was an immensely popular lecturer and author. These treasured booklets offer thoughtful, positive advice on almost every human experience. Item: 7340
Price: Online Price: $6.25 |
Refusal Skills WorkbookRefusal Skills, one of the Personal Growth topics of Living Skills, gives clients the tools to establish and maintain strong personal boundaries. The Living Skills workbooks contain exercises to help participants revisit what they learned, while also diving deeper to apply the concepts to their own lives. Item: 7126
Online Price: $6.95
Interpersonal Skills WorkbookInterpersonal Skills, part of the Personal Growth segment of Living Skills, helps clients effectively manage and maintain relationships with others in a healthy, productive manner. The workbooks contain exercises to help participants revisit what they learned, while also diving deeper to apply the concepts to their own lives. Item: 7129
Online Price: $6.95
Managing Money WorkbookManaging Money, one of the Practical Guidance topics of Living Skills, helps clients who may have struggled with money in the past learn to manage money in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle and establish a foundation for the future. The Living Skills workbooks contain information to help individual participants revisit what they learned during the... Item: 7011
Online Price: $6.95
Setting and Attaining Goals WorkbookSetting and Attaining Goals, one of the Personal Growth topics of Living Skills, empowers clients to live proactive lives by setting clear, attainable, measurable goals that enhance personal growth and success. The Living Skills workbooks contain exercises to help participants revisit what they learned, while also diving deeper to apply the concepts... Item: 7147
Online Price: $6.95
Values and Responsibilities WorkbookValues and Responsibilities, one of the Personal Growth topics of Living Skills, helps clients better align their actions with ideals and ethics that contribute to a healthy lifestyle. The Living Skills workbooks contain exercises to help participants revisit what they learned, while also diving deeper to apply the concepts to their own lives. Item: 7087
Online Price: $6.95
Young Men's Work Teen WorkbookStopping Violence and Building Community This engaging workbook helps young men to see the social context in which violence occurs and to view ending violence against women and men as serving their interests--and the interests of their communities. Item: 1749
Online Price: $6.95
Parenting and Child Development WorkbookParenting and Child Development, one of the Personal Growth topics of Living Skills, educates clients on child development and parenting to help them raise confident, caring, and happy children. The Living Skills workbooks contain exercises to help participants revisit what they learned, while also diving deeper to apply the concepts to their own lives.... Item: 7132
Online Price: $6.95
Making Decisions WorkbookMaking Decisions, one of the Personal Growth topics of Living Skills, shows clients how to make wise decisions and carry through with them to maintain a healthy life. The Living Skills workbooks contain exercises to help participants revisit what they learned, while also diving deeper to apply the concepts to their own lives. Item: 7082
Online Price: $6.95
Looking for Work WorkbookLooking for Work, one of the Practical Guidance topics helps clients identify personally fulfilling career paths, gets them on track to attaining a job, and shows them skills needed to keep it. The Living Skills workbooks contain exercises that help participants revisit what they learned, while also diving deeper to apply the concepts to their own lives.... Item: 7015
Online Price: $6.95
Sexual Health WorkbookSexual Health, one of the Practical Guidance topics of Living Skills, helps clients navigate both the physical and emotional components of sexuality in order to promote positive sexual health. The Living Skills workbooks contain exercises to help participants revisit what they learned, while also diving deeper to apply the concepts to their own lives.... Item: 7065
Online Price: $6.95
Search for SerenityThis classic book describes some of the practical ways to replace misery with serenity and is a helpful guide for anyone seeking peace of mind. Item: 6620
Online Price: $6.95
Securing Housing WorkbookSecuring Housing, one of the Practical Guidance topics of Living Skills, gives clients the tools to establish secure housing--a necessity in establishing a basic sense of safety, and a crucial foundation in achieving further personal development. The Living Skills workbooks contain exercises to help participants revisit what they learned, while also... Item: 7041
Online Price: $6.95
Hygiene and Self Care WorkbookHygiene and Self-Care, part of the Practical Guidance segment of Living Skills, teaches clients important hygiene and self-care practices to help them maintain physical health, promote self-confidence, and make a positive impression on others. The workbooks contain exercises to help participants revisit what they learned, while also diving deeper to... Item: 7047
Online Price: $6.95
The Disease of Addiction Workbook Symptoms and PhasesHazelden Live - A Lecture Series Help clients understand addiction as a disease. Item: 1000
Online Price: $6.95
Education WorkbookEducation, one of the Practical Guidance topics of Living Skills, helps program participants become re-engaged in learning after potentially negative past experiences with education, and gives them the tools to set positive educational goals for the future. The Living Skills workbooks contain exercises to help participants revisit what they learned,... Item: 7054
Online Price: $6.95
Assertiveness WorkbookPractical Skills for Positive Communication Help clients learn the winning formula for effective communication. Covers the four basic communication styles with an emphasis on assertiveness. Item: 1164
Online Price: $6.95
Hierarchy of Recovery WorkbookFrom Abstinence to Self-Actualization A scholarly and engaging discussion of recovery from addiction, based on Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs and created by a leading treatment provider. Checklists and personal inventors help you measure and qualify individual client program Item: 1944
Online Price: $6.95
Alternate Routes Youth WorkbookAn Alcohol Diversion Program A key component of the Alternate Routes curriculum, this workbook teaches youth about the negative consequences of alcohol use. Item: 2003
Online Price: $6.95
Chemical Abuse Assessment WorkbookWorkbook For Adolescents A large-print workbook to help young people explore their use or abuse of alcohol and other drugs. Item: 1991
Online Price: $6.95
App Apple More Language of Letting GoAuthor Melody Beattie helps you take responsibility for their own pain and self-care providing encouragement to remember that each day is an opportunity for growth and renewal. Item: AP1976
Keep It Simple Working The 12 StepsEasy-to-read workbook for anyone who wants to learn what working the Twelve Steps means. Item: 5395
Price: Online Price: $7.15 |
The Twelve Steps and Dual Disorders WorkbookA Framework of Recovery for Those of Us with Addiction & Emotional or Psychiatric Illness A gentle, spiritual, and supportive approach to strengthening recovery from co-occurring disorders. Item: 1553
Price: Online Price: $7.15 |
A Journey Through GriefGentle, Specific Help to Get You Through the Most Difficult Stages of Grieving For those of us working through the heartbreak of grief, author Bozarth offers wise and comforting advice. Item: 7628
Price: Online Price: $7.15 |
Spanish Ending Our Resentments WorkbookA Hazelden Recovery Issues Workbook Workbook exercises in Spanish help clients identify and defuse resentments. Item: 5743
Price: Online Price: $7.15 |
From Anger To ForgivenessWith his typical humor and frankness, Earnie Larsen uncovers a proven strategy to identify resentment and anger, and move toward forgiveness. Item: 5179
Price: Online Price: $7.19 |
The 12 Steps to HappinessA Practical Handbook For Understanding And Working The Twelve Step Programs For Alcoholism, Codependency, Eating Disorders And Other Addictions Many of us working the Twelve Steps may sometimes wonder, "Am I really working my program to the fullest?" In this expanded edition of his classic handbook, author Joe Klaas breaks down the language of each Step and explains the resistance and misunderstandings that may arise. Item: 6244
Price: Online Price: $7.19 |
Keep It Simple Step 1Easy-to-read Step guidance for anyone who wants to learn what working a Step means. Item: 5380
Online Price: $7.95
Commitment to SobrietyA Relapse Prevention Guide for Adults in Recovery An important tool-filled guide for anyone who wants to stay in recovery. Item: 3226
Online Price: $7.95
Keep It Simple Step 2Easy-to-read Step guidance for anyone who wants to learn what working a Step means. Item: 5381
Online Price: $7.95
Keep it Simple Step 4Easy-to-read Step guidance for anyone who wants to learn what working a Step means. Item: 5383
Online Price: $7.95
Keep It Simple Step 3Easy-to-read Step guidance for anyone who wants to learn what working a Step means. Item: 5382
Online Price: $7.95
Ending Our Resentments WorkbookWorkbook exercises help clients identify and defuse resentments. Item: 5389
Online Price: $7.95
Abused Boys Wounded Men WorkbookWith Earnie Larsen This realistic and popular curriculum by nationally known author and lecturer Earnie Larsen helps male criminal offenders identify the root cause their behaviors and heal. Item: 1804
Online Price: $7.95
A Relapse Prevention Workbook for WomenA compact, stand-alone, self-use workbook for women in recovery. Clinicians can pull assignments from the workbook as a basis for discussion in group or individual counseling sessions. Item: 3227
Online Price: $7.95
My Spiritual Progress GuideThrough the exercises in this workbook, readers explore how spirituality is connected to feelings, attitudes, and support systems. Item: 5517
Online Price: $7.95
Keep It Simple Step 5Easy-to-read Step guidance for anyone who wants to learn what working a Step means. Item: 5384
Online Price: $7.95
Growing Up Male Identifying Violence in My LifeTaking a Stand Against Violence The Men's Work Workbook #1 A powerful workbook that allows clients to personalize how and why they have been violent and how they can become capable of controlling their anger. Identifying Violence in My Life helps men see how violence starts in life. Item: 5533
Online Price: $7.95
Anger Power Violence and Drugs Breaking the ConnectionTaking A Stand Against Violence The Men's Work Workbook #2 A powerful workbook that allows clients to personalize how and why they have been violent and how they can become capable of controlling their anger. Anger, Power, Violence, and Drugs includes 41 exercises to help break through the connections between the four topics. Item: 5534
Online Price: $7.95
Becoming Whole Learning Roles Making New ChoicesTaking a Stand Against Violence The Men's Work Workbook #3 A powerful workbook that allows clients to personalize how and why they have been violent and how they can become capable of controlling their anger. Becoming Whole encourages clients to reconstruct their lives and relationships. Item: 5535
Online Price: $7.95
Keep It Simple What is Chemical DependencyA workbook that explains chemical dependency is clear and simple language. Item: 5568
Online Price: $7.95
ASI-MV, BHI-MV, and CHAT Online AssessmentThe Addiction Severity Index, Multimedia Version ASI-MV (Addiction Severity Index-Multimedia Version) is the electronic version of the traditional paper- and pencil-administered ASI. Delivered via a secure website, ASI-MV does not require assistance by your staff for clients to complete. Item: SE7556
A Recovery JournalFor Exploring Who I Am This combined workbook and journal provides a gentle introduction to the healing power of journaling. Item: 8330
Price: Online Price: $8.05 |
Quitting Heroin Workbook RevisedYour Personal Recovery Plan An action-focused workbook that, when completed, provides clients with a personal plan for staying clean and enjoying life. Item: 2094
Online Price: $8.95
Quitting Alcohol WorkbookYour Personal Recovery Plan An insightful workbook to help individuals determine whether their lives have become unmanageable due to alcohol consumption. Item: 2613
Online Price: $8.95
Living with Your Higher PowerA Guide to the Big Book's Design for Living, A Workbook for Steps 1-3 The first of three practical and highly accessible workbooks for early recovery, this resource takes you through the foundation Steps as described in the Big Book, Alcoholics Anonymous. The exercises guide you to a personal understanding of the powerlessness of addiction and the necessity of a Higher Power to your recovery. Item: 5421
Price: Online Price: $8.95 |
Quitting Meth RevisionYour Personal Recovery Plan An action-focused workbook that, when completed, provides clients with a personal plan for staying clean and enjoying life. Item: 2093
Online Price: $8.95
Living SoberBasic, essential information from Alcoholics Anonymous on staying sober. Item: 2150
Online Price: $8.95
Living with YourselfA Guide to the Big Book's Design for Living, A Workbook for Steps 4-7 The second of three Hazelden workbooks that explore all Twelve Steps, Living with Yourself guides you to an understanding of yourself and the aspects of your beliefs and behavior that have caused chaos in your life and separated you from your Higher Power--and how the damage can be repaired and prevented from recurring. Item: 5422
Price: Online Price: $8.95 |
Anger Management WorkbookHazelden Youth Life Skills Program Help students make sense of anger and develop the skills to handle the challenges of day-to-day life with the Anger Management Workbook. Works hand-in-hand with the Anger Management Facilitator's Guide. Item: 1948
Online Price: $8.95
Quitting Marijuana Workbook RevisedYour Personal Recovery Plan An action-focused workbook that, when completed, provides clients with a personal plan for staying clean and enjoying life. Item: 2157
Online Price: $8.95
Living With OthersA Guide to the Big Book's Design for Living Steps 8-12 An excellent resource for exploring Steps Eight through Twelve, this workbook helps us fully understand the power of living with others in harmony and working a daily spiritual program. Item: 5423
Price: Online Price: $8.95 |
Quitting Cocaine RevisedYour Personal Recovery Plan An action-focused workbook that, when completed, provides clients with a personal plan for staying clean and enjoying life. Item: 7304
Online Price: $8.95
Came to BelieveMore than 75 AA members from all over the world describe the wide diversity of convictions implied in "God as we understand Him." Especially helpful to those who confuse "spiritual" with "religious." Item: 2140
Online Price: $8.95
Recovery NowA Basic Text for Today Recovery Now combines the most current research with the timeless wisdom of Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, and other established Twelve-Step program guides to offer an accessible basic text written in today's language for anyone recovering from addiction to alcohol and other drugs. Item: 4265
Price: Online Price: $8.95 |
Reduce Craving20 Quick Techniques This quick guide, you will learn twenty easy techniques, to help you control your cravings in five minutes or less. Item: 7699
Price: Online Price: $8.95 |
Conflict Resolution WorkbookHazelden Youth Life Skills Program Teach students how to de-escalate conflict and turn it to their advantage with the Conflict Resolution workbook,. Works hand-in-hand with the Conflict Resolution facilitator's guide. Item: 1952
Online Price: $8.95
Stress Management WorkbookHazelden Youth Life Skills Program Students learn to tell the difference between good and bad stress and how to respond to it with the Stress Management Workbook. Works hand-in-hand with the Stress Management Facilitator's Guide. Item: 1949
Online Price: $8.95
Communication WorkbookHazelden Youth Life Skills Program Teach students how to convey information, interpret signals and exchange thoughts and feelings with the Communication workbook. Works hand-in-hand with the Communication facilitator's guide. Item: 1950
Online Price: $8.95
Viviendo Sobrio (Living Sober Spanish)Viviendo sobrio es un libro práctico de 88 páginas que demuestra con ejemplos sencillos cómo los miembros de A.A. en el mundo viven y permanecen sobrios un día a la vez. Item: 2142
Online Price: $8.95
Decision Making WorkbookHazelden Youth Life Skills Program Teach students how to think things through, consider consequences, and understand risks with the Decision Making workbook. Works hand-in-hand with the Decision Making facilitator's guide. Item: 1951
Online Price: $8.95
The Hug Therapy BookKathleen Keating and Mimi Noland combine their talents to show how and why all kinds of hugs have positive results on IQ, aging, self-esteem, and stress. Item: 7631
Price: Online Price: $8.95 |
Llegamos a creer (Came to Believe Spanish)Llegamos a creer es la aventura espiritual de A.A. como fue experimentada por miembros individuales. Más de 75 miembros de A.A. de todo el mundo describen la amplia diversidad de convicciones implicadas en "Dios como lo entendemos a Él". Item: 2141
Online Price: $8.95
Finding a Home GroupA Guide to Choosing the Right Twelve Step Meeting for You For newcomers and experienced Twelve Steppers alike, this valuable guidebook will guide you in finding the right home group so you can make the most of your meetings. Item: 3858
Price: Online Price: $8.95 |
Gratitude Trinket DishThis hammered metal trinket dish measures 2-1/2 inches in diameter - perfect for holding your tiny treasures. Comes in a charming gift box. Item: 9122
Price: Online Price: $8.99 |
Relieve Stress20 Quick Techniques This quick guide, you will learn twenty easy techniques, to help you control your stresses in five minutes or less. Item: 7698
Price: Online Price: $9.85 |
SerenityInspirations by Karen Casey, author of Each Day a New Beginning Best-selling author Karen Casey helps readers unlock the secret to finding serenity in the midst of everyday annoyances and serious life challenges. Item: 2745
Price: Online Price: $9.85 |
Owning It WorkbookMy Ongoing Recovery Experience My Ongoing Recovery Experience (MORE) Workbook 2 helps clients make a daily habit of implementing practices and skills that support recovery. They'll learn to replace old routines with healthy habits and dig deeper into recovery skills. Topics include relapse prevention, utilizing peer support, improving relationships and communication skills, tips on... Item: 6115
Online Price: $9.95
The Basics WorkbookMy Ongoing Recovery Experience My Ongoing Recovery (MORE)Workbook 1 helps clients build a stable lifestyle to support recovery. Clients will learn about powerlessness as the foundation of Step One, relapse basics, the warning signs of relapse, how to create a relapse prevention plan, and how to deal with a relapse if it happens. Item: 6113
Online Price: $9.95
The New You WorkbookMy Ongoing Recovery Experience My Ongoing Recovery Experience (MORE)Workbook 3 - The New You Workbook, offers deeper guidance on putting recovery principles into action and seeing the work pay off. Clients should start to see growth and transformation in their life as they continue work in recovery principles, such as understanding the Twelve Steps, working Step Three, deepening their... Item: 6117
Online Price: $9.95
Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book Pocket EditionThe fourth edition of Alcoholics Anonymous, affectionately known as the Big Book, includes twenty-four new stories and continues to pass on AA's message of hope and recovery to millions. Item: 2052
Online Price: $9.95
Criminal and Addictive Thinking Workbook Second EditionA New Direction: A Cognitive - Behavioral Therapy Program Help clients identify the distorted thinking patterns at the root of substance use disorder and criminal behavior. Newly updated and revised, A New Direction is Hazelden's leading evidence-based treatment program for justice-involved clients. Item: 6703
Online Price: $9.95
Alcohol and Other Drug Education Workbook Second EditionA New Direction: A Cognitive - Behavioral Therapy Program Help clients understand that substance use disorder is a chronic disease, but lifelong change and recovery leads to freedom. Newly updated and revised, A New Direction is Hazelden's leading evidence-based treatment program for justice-involved clients. Item: 6702
Online Price: $9.95
Relapse Prevention Workbook Second EditionA New Direction: A Cognitive - Behavioral Therapy Program Learn what causes relapse, how to address triggers, and create a crisis management plan. Newly updated and revised, A New Direction is Hazelden's leading evidence-based treatment program for justice-involved clients. Item: 6705
Online Price: $9.95
Socialization Workbook Second EditionA New Direction: A Cognitive - Behavioral Therapy Program Clients improve communication skills and learn to build and maintain healthy, sober, and crime-free relationships. Newly updated and revised, A New Direction is Hazelden's leading evidence-based treatment program for justice-involved clients. Item: 6706
Online Price: $9.95
Introduction to Treatment Workbook Second EditionA New Direction: A Cognitive - Behavioral Therapy Program Introduce new clients to the treatment process and encourage commitment to recovery. Newly updated and revised, A New Direction is Hazelden's leading evidence-based treatment program for justice-involved clients. Item: 6704
Online Price: $9.95
Preparing for Release Workbook Second EditionA New Direction: A Cognitive - Behavioral Therapy Program Develop a recovery plan that includes a healthy environment, supervision, and social support. Set employment, financial, and other personal goals. Newly updated and revised, A New Direction is Hazelden's leading evidence-based treatment program for justice-involved clients. Item: 6707
Online Price: $9.95
Co-occurring Disorders Workbook Second EditionA New Direction: A Cognitive - Behavioral Therapy Program Understand the connections between substance use, mental health, and criminal thinking. Newly updated and revised, A New Direction is Hazelden's leading evidence-based treatment program for justice-involved clients. Item: 6701
Online Price: $9.95
Shame and Guilt WorkbookThe Mental and Emotional Health Series Not only does this workbook help clients differentiate between shame and guilt, but it also offer a variety of exercises that help people recognize and mitigate the effects of both in their lives. Whether participants are challenging shame-based thoughts, recognizing the pitfalls of perfectionism, or practicing forgiveness, the exercises in Shame and... Item: 3149
Online Price: $9.95
Grief WorkbookThe Mental and Emotional Health Series Grief helps clients address the complex emotions associated with the loss of a loved one, a missed opportunity, or a transition in life. Exercises in this workbook emphasize different types of grief and different ways to grieve, addressing the importance of mindfulness, acceptance, self-care, and finding support throughout the process. Item: 3150
Online Price: $9.95
Anxiety WorkbookThe Mental and Emotional Health Series Designed for clients with mild to moderate anxiety, this workbook addresses sources, symptoms, and effects of anxiety on clients' lives. Exercises emphasize meditative and deep-breathing practices as well as proactive measures clients can take to manage their stress. Item: 3132
Online Price: $9.95
Depression WorkbookThe Mental and Emotional Health Series Ideal for clients with mild to moderate depressive symptoms, this workbook helps participants recognize symptoms and challenge the thinking patterns that reinforce them. Also included are exercises designed to help clients stay present in the moment, maintain healthy routines, and recognize the importance of building support networks. Item: 3110
Online Price: $9.95
Self Esteem and Self Compassion WorkbookThe Mental and Emotional Health Series Ideal for clients who wrestle with feelings of low self-worth, this workbook helps participants understand that, while self-esteem is ever changing, there are practices that can nurture it. Exercises focus on the connection between thinking patterns, values, goals, habits, and relationships and their influence on self-esteem, in addition to offering... Item: 3134
Online Price: $9.95
Anger WorkbookThe Mental and Emotional Health Series Anger helps clients understand that anger is a universal emotion while developing skills to manage it in constructive ways. Exercises in the workbook focus on recognizing personal experiences of anger; identifying events that are within our control; grounding, visualization, and mindfulness; and building assertive communication skills. Item: 3105
Online Price: $9.95
Spanish Criminal and Addictive Thinking Workbook Second EditionA New Direction A Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Program Spanish - Help clients understand that substance use disorder is a chronic disease, but lifelong change and recovery leads to freedom. Newly updated and revised, A New Direction is Hazelden's leading evidence-based treatment program for justice-involved clients. Item: 6713
Online Price: $9.95
Trauma and PTSD WorkbookFor Clinically Diagnosed Clients, Part of the Mental and Emotional Health Program Examples and exercises help clients gain a practical and personal understanding of how mental health conditions affect different aspects of their lives, identifying healthy habits and coping strategies, clients learn techniques and practices for grounding, mindfulness and assertive communication. Item: 1323
Online Price: $9.95
Spanish Relapse Prevention Workbook Second EditionA New Direction A Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Program Spanish - Learn what causes relapse, how to address triggers, and create a crisis management plan. Newly updated and revised, A New Direction is Hazelden's leading evidence-based treatment program for justice-involved clients. Item: 6715
Online Price: $9.95
Spanish Alcohol and Other Drug Education Workbook Second EditionA New Direction A Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Program Spanish - Help clients understand that substance use disorder is a chronic disease, but lifelong change and recovery leads to freedom. Newly updated and revised, A New Direction is Hazelden's leading evidence-based treatment program for justice-involved clients. Item: 6712
Online Price: $9.95
Spanish Socialization Workbook Second EditionA New Direction A Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Program Spansih - Clients improve communication skills and learn to build and maintain healthy, sober, and crime-free relationships. Newly updated and revised, A New Direction is Hazelden's leading evidence-based treatment program for justice-involved clients. Item: 6716
Online Price: $9.95
Spanish Co-occurring Disorders Workbook Second EditionA New Direction A Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Program Spanish - Understand the connections between substance use, mental health, and criminal thinking. Newly updated and revised, A New Direction is Hazelden's leading evidence-based treatment program for justice-involved clients. Item: 6711
Online Price: $9.95
Anxiety Disorders WorkbookFor Clinically Diagnosed Clients, Part of the Mental and Emotional Health Program The Anxiety Disorders module explores the brain science behind common anxiety disorders and guides clients in grounding practices, mindfulness techniques and medication management. Workbook exercises encourage clients to examine and challenge unhelpful thought patterns and practice healthy habits. Item: 1321
Online Price: $9.95
Spanish Introduction to Treatment Workbook Second EditionA New Direction A Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Program Spanish - Introduce new clients to the treatment process and encourage commitment to recovery. Newly updated and revised, A New Direction is Hazelden's leading evidence-based treatment program for justice-involved clients. Item: 6714
Online Price: $9.95
Bipolar Disorder WorkbookFor Clinically Diagnosed Clients Designed to help clients with Bipolar Disorder Types I and II recognize and manage symptoms of mania, hypomania and depression. Worksheets on mood tracking and triggers encourage clients to reflect on past episodes and determine when to seek assistance. Item: 1328
Online Price: $9.95
ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder WorkbookFor Clinically Diagnosed Clients Designed for adults diagnosed with ADHD module helps clients understand the science behind their diagnosis and the role of medication in symptom management. Workbook exercises address time-management, substance use, stigma, emotional regulation, problem-solving strategies and healthy life skills. Item: 1325
Online Price: $9.95
Spanish Preparing for Release Workbook Second EditionA New Direction A Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Program Spanish - Develop a recovery plan that includes a healthy environment, supervision, and social support. Set employment, financial, and other personal goals. Newly updated and revised, A New Direction is Hazelden's leading evidence-based treatment program for justice-involved clients. Item: 6717
Online Price: $9.95
Depressive Disorders WorkbookThe Mental and Emotional Health Series for Clinically Diagnosed Clients Designed for clients with chronic or severe depression, the Depressive Disorders workbook focuses on the science of depression, the importance of treatment compliance and ways to incorporate wellness practices into daily living to better manage mental health. Item: 1322
Online Price: $9.95
Suicide WorkbookFor Clinically Diagnosed Clients Designed for clients who have attempted suicide or experience ideation, content and exercises in the Suicide workbook focus on building resilience, developing safety plans, maintaining support networks, managing medication plans and monitoring thoughts in order to reach out for help when necessary. Item: 1324
Online Price: $9.95
Spanish Shame and Guilt WorkbookFor Clients with Mild to Moderate Mental Health Issues, Part of the Mental and Emotional Health Series Disponible en español, este libro de trabajo ayuda a los clientes a diferenciar la vergüenza y la culpa, pero también ofrece ejercicios que ayudan a las personas a reconocer y mitigar los efectos de ambas en sus vidas gracias a la acción de desafiar los pensamientos basados en la vergüenza, reconocer las trampas del perfeccionismo o practicar el perdón.... Item: 1360
Online Price: $9.95
The Essence of Twelve Step RecoveryTake It to Heart Damian McElrath defines spirituality and the essence of Twelve Step living. Item: 7356
Online Price: $9.95
Spanish Anger WorkbookFor Clients with Mild to Moderate Mental Health Issues, Part of the Mental and Emotional Health Program Disponible en español, Ira ayuda a los clientes a entender que la ira es una emoción universal y, a la vez, a desarrollar habilidades para gestionarla. Los ejercicios se centran en el reconocimiento de las experiencias de ira; la identificación de los acontecimientos que están bajo nuestro control; la conexión a tierra, la visualización y la atención... Item: 1353
Online Price: $9.95
Spanish Self Esteem and Self Compassion WorkbookFor Clients with Mild to Moderate Mental Health Issues, Part of the Mental and Emotional Health Series Disponible en español, ideal para clientes que luchan con sentimientos de baja autoestima, este libro de trabajo y el video que lo acompaña ayudan a los participantes a entender que, aunque la autoestima es siempre cambiante, hay prácticas que pueden nutrirla. Item: 1359
Online Price: $9.95
Spanish Grief WorkbookFor Clients with Mild to Moderate Mental Health Issues, Part of the Mental and Emotional Health Series Disponible en español, Duelo ayuda a los clientes a abordar las emociones asociadas con la pérdida de un ser querido, una oportunidad desaprovechada o una transición en la vida. Los ejercicios hacen hincapié en los diferentes tipos de duelo y en las formas de vivirlo, y aborda la importancia de la atención plena, la aceptación, el autocuidado y la búsqueda... Item: 1361
Online Price: $9.95
Spanish Depression WorkbookFor Clients with Mild to Moderate Mental Health Issues, Part of the Mental and Emotional Health Program Disponible en español, este programa ayuda a los participantes a reconocer los síntomas y a desafiar los patrones de pensamiento que los refuerzan. Se incluyen ejercicios diseñados para ayudar a los clientes a estar presentes en el momento, mantener rutinas saludables y reconocer la importancia de crear redes de apoyo. Item: 1357
Online Price: $9.95
Spanish Anxiety WorkbookFor Clients with Mild to Moderate Mental Health Issues, Part of the Mental and Emotional Health Program Disponible en español, diseñado para clientes con ansiedad leve a moderada, este libro de trabajo aborda las causas, los síntomas y los efectos de la ansiedad en la vida de los clientes. Los ejercicios hacen hincapié en las prácticas de meditación y respiración profunda, así como en las medidas proactivas que los clientes pueden tomar para controlar... Item: 1358
Online Price: $9.95
Spanish Trauma & PTSD WorkbookFor Clients with Clinical Diagnoses Disponible en español, los ejemplos y ejercicios ayudan a los clientes a obtener una comprensión práctica y personal de cómo las condiciones de salud mental afectan aspectos de sus vidas, a identificar hábitos saludables y estrategias de afrontamiento, los clientes aprenden técnicas y prácticas para la conexión a tierra, la atención plena y la comunicación... Item: 1373
Online Price: $9.95
Spanish A Program For You Workbook Steps 1-3Viviendo Con Tu Poder Superior - Libro de Trabajo Pasos 1 al 3 These three workbooks reinforce important points in A Program for You, a celebration of the basic text of Twelve Step recovery. In Spanish. Item: 5740
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